[142] Derailed

17 1 0

Alternative title : 出轨
Author :桃桃
Tags : Marriage, divorce, betrayal, mpreg, ABO, HE
Status : not translated
Chapter : completed
Link :

Description :

When her husband cheated, he was making chicken soup for her husband in exchange for Wen He Linchuan✖Shen Nian retired special forces mixed-race loyal dog alpha Gong✖Qing Leng Doctor Omega Shou is not a perfect character design, extremely bloody Fei Shuangjie has a child in the later stage "My wife destroys your family, but I wouldn't have met you if it wasn't for that"


For short ...

So Alpha gong have male beta wife, although alpha gong really love his wife, but his wife always  feels alpha gong was not enough (because he beta and male, so he couldn't give alpha gong a child and never have bond with alpha gong like omegaxalpha), so he start cheating to married alpha.

One of his victim wife is omega shou.

They meet when they officially divorced from theirs own spouses.

From here is like healing story, two people with broken hearts and traumas meet, fall in love, and build trust able family. The shou or gong never give out revenge, but their ex just get karma and its very sweet.

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