Chapter 1 - For better for worse

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"Don't forget that we both need to be at Nell's ballet recital tonight." Mina said as she pulled on her blouse and tight black pencil skirt.

"Oh shit. What time is that again?." Jonte asked her.

"8 o'clock..

He raised his eyebrows. "I can't make it, I'm booked into a very important chair meeting this evening at The Crest..

"For Christ's sake Jonte.. you knew about this." Mina said to him annoyed. "She was looking forward to having both of her parents there.. I am getting sick and tired of picking up for this family. Working full time and looking after this damn house.. I need some help here Jonte." She said to him with expression.

He walked up to her and held her face in both of his hands. "I'm sorry.. I will do all that I can to get away, but you know my position and my responsibilities baby.. it's what keeps us in this house and in the lifestyle we live and it's what keeps our kids out of the hood."

"Excuse me?

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"Excuse me?.. so me working full time and earning a check doesn't equate to anything here.. it's all on you.. you keep us?." She said her voice rising as she spoke.

"I didn't mean that.. but you know my work is important and I get paid a hell of an amount of money to do it... I'm not putting you down baby don't ever think that.. you're smart, intelligent and sexy.. and you are my rock, if I didn't have you here, I would fall apart."

Mina looked into his eyes. He had a way of making her smile even when she didn't want to. They had been together 15 years since she was 17 and he was 24. They met at her friend's house party and had their first child Harley when Mina turned 18. They got married a year later and then both worked hard to save money and get a nice place.

The gods were against them then, because Jonte started to hang with some of the gang bangers from around the way to make money to move his family out and they were slowly being pulled under and into a world that Mina didn't want to be part of.

By the time Harley turned 3 he was joined by his baby sister Nell. Jonte had started to study at night school and he fought with everything that he had to get out of the hood, which two years later they did. He landed an executive position with a huge corporate operation in LA.

For the past nine years they had made it and they were happy. Living in a gated community, house backing on to the Californian coastline. The kids now 14 and 11 were both in private education and doing well. Jonte loved the bones of his wife, though he could be a little one sided over who got them out of the struggles they were in.

Mina poured herself a coffee, she also had a very busy day at the office and she needed her morning pick me up to get her brain functioning. "Mom, I need you to sign the form for the football try out weekend." Harley said to her as he ate his pancakes at the dining table.

" Harley said to her as he ate his pancakes at the dining table

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Mina took the form from him and grabbed a pen from her bag. She signed it and smiled at him. "My boy is gonna be a star player." She said.

"Yes he is." Jonte said as he walked into the kitchen and ruffled his son's head, kissed his daughters cheek and then passionately kissed his wife.

"Ewwww" Nell said. "It's breakfast time.. you eat food not each other."

Mina laughed at her 11 year old, full of sass.

"Listen sweetie, daddy can't make your recital tonight.. I'm sorry.. I've got a meeting I can't get out of.. but your mom is gonna record it all so that I can watch it." He said to her.

Nells smile had faded but she was used to it. "It's okay dad.. I didn't get my hopes up." She said and left the table to gather her school things.

Mina looked at Jonte, she knew he worked hard but his kids always came second although he didn't plan it that way. It always happened.
"I've gotta go." He said to her and kissed her again before taking his briefcase and car keys and heading out.

"I'm off now too mom." Harley said as his gang of friends waited outside the house for him.

"Okay baby.. I'll see you later." She smiled and watched her son leave. She then headed upstairs to see Nell. She knocked on her door.

"It's open." She said. Mina pushed the door and walked in. She was sitting on her bed with a glum face.

"I'm sorry baby.. he's just busy...

"I know.." she smiled. "But you'll be there so that's fine." She said and gave her mother a hug.

"Okay you need to get going, the school bus will be at the stop in 5 minutes." She told her and watched as she gathered her belongings and headed to the bus stop.

She sipped her coffee looking at the news on her cell and taking in the peace and quiet before her own hectic day began.


Jonte walked into his office, his PA Amanda walked in after him with her pen and pad poised, ready to take notes as she did every morning. "Ah Amanda.. I'm going to need you to send my wife flowers please..the most expensive array that you can.. send it to her work address for this morning." He told her.

Amanda smiled. "Oh dear is someone in the dog house?

He smirked back. "I'm missing Nells recital and yes I've upset them all."

"She's a beautiful woman Jonte, she will find a man who cares if you don't watch your step." She told him with a grin.

"I will keep that in mind Amanda" he laughed. He had known Amanda for years and the family did too, she was like a mother to him and he loved having her around. They settled down for the morning working rituals and his busy day ahead.

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