Chapter 40: Beneath The Surface

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'A fortress is built with blood and toil. Only by blood and toil may it be taken.'

Leman Russ


Once more, the resonant symphony of distant gunfire reverberated across the city, its cacophony intertwining with the trembling earth beneath, instilling a sense of unrest in every soul present within the city. Yet, nary a spectacle of war graced the surface, devoid of explosive eruptions or martial strife. Instead, an eerie emptiness pervaded the metropolis, where naught but avian denizens soared above and gallant soldiers scurried towards subterranean tunnels. For it was within the depths that the true conflict unfurled, though to dignify it as a battle would be an injustice of language.

Jett and Phoenix sprinted towards their allocated tunnel. Each armed with a radio, a conduit to the tumultuous symphony of screams and pandemonium that engulfed the airwaves. Anguish tugged at their hearts, for they were forced to endure the haunting pleas of their brethren, while compelled to press onward towards the very site where their comrades perished.

Jett used her wind defying radiant powers, soaring through the air above the buildings with agility. Meanwhile, Phoenix, harnessing the scorching might of his inferno powers, surged forward, the blistering winds of his flames propelling him several meters in an instant. As they neared their destination, the cacophony of chaos transmitted through their radios gradually subsided, its discordant notes fading into a disquieting hush.

They could only hope that it was because of their radios that the pleas of help began to quiet.


Emerging at their designated tunnel, both agents stood exhausted, their labored breaths intermingling with beads of perspiration that adorned their brows. Sweat-drenched and disheveled, they gazed at the tunnel entrance, their words stolen by the sheer weight of suffering that had permeated their radios. Moments passed in wordless communion as their eyes locked, understanding flickering between them. Jett's resolute nod found its mirrored response in Phoenix's determined affirmation. Without uttering a single syllable, they stepped forward into the inky darkness that awaited them.

With deliberate slowness, they advanced forth, their weapons held aloft, poised for any threat that may lurk within the confines of the tunnel. Though it appeared deceptively mundane, mere stone and steel, reports had circulated of the enemy possessing an ability to phase through solid walls, rendering conventional vigilance futile. This unsettling power had proven disastrous for the soldiers who were ordered to venture deep into the labyrinthine tunnels. Thus, Jett and Phoenix remained alert, their senses attuned to the ever-shifting shadows, prepared for an enemy whose elusiveness was as chilling as the encroaching gloom.

As they proceeded cautiously, the tunnel revealed the gruesome aftermath. Burned and mangled vehicles littered the path, contorted masses of metal as fragile as crumpled paper. Yet, the tunnel walls themselves stood unscathed, seemingly untouched by the chaos that had befallen the vehicles. Pondering the extraordinary force required to inflict such devastation, Jett and Phoenix pressed on, their steps growing more deliberate. The waning light from the tunnel entrance compelled them to activate the flashlights attached to their weapons, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the horrors lying in wait.

The fallen bodies of the soldiers sprawled grotesquely, their forms now reduced to twisted remnants of flesh and bone. Heads flattened, bodies rent asunder, with entrails strewn across the desecrated landscape—such was the grim tapestry that painted the walls and road. "What the hell happened here?" Phoenix's voice pierced the silence, laden with disbelief. Jett offered no response, her unwavering gaze surveying their grim surroundings. In the absence of words, their shared resolve echoed. Shoulder to shoulder, they continued their relentless advance, each step leading them further into the abyss, the haunting presence of fallen soldiers bearing witness to the horrors that had unfolded.

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