Chapter 36: Damn Them

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As the turmoil subsided and the last vestiges of chaos receded, the true extent of the city's devastation was laid bare. The verdant pastures that once graced the city had been besmirched by the detritus of pillage, and the odor of decaying sustenance wafted through the air. In the throes of the city's upheaval, the hapless denizens had scurried for safety, abandoning their meals to fester and spoil. And as the marauders descended upon the once-vibrant locales where merriment once reigned, they wrought destruction upon all that they touched, their unsavory manners tainting everything in their path. They stripped the land of all its bounty, leaving naught but emptiness in their wake. Only then did the Protocol arrive, commanding a host of intrepid SWAT operatives.

With the city finally under the protection of the military, Ranesk issued a call to the others to gather at the heart of the urban sprawl - the very spot where they had once convened to discuss their strategy for reclaiming the beleaguered metropolis.


Surveying the men and women under his command as they took a moment to rest and recover, Ranesk kept a watchful eye as they wandered about, seeking respite wherever they could find it. The government soldiers had arrived, providing sustenance and refreshment to the weary operatives. Ranesk, his helm clasped firmly in hand, felt a wave of relief wash over him - there had been no casualties amongst those he led, and for that he was filled with a sense of profound gratitude.

Lost in thought about the hard-won triumph he had achieved, Ranesk was interrupted by the approach of a diminutive soldier. "Do you need medical attention?" she inquired, her gaze meeting his from a lower vantage point. Despite her small stature, Ranesk could discern the steely determination behind her nervous facade, as she valiantly attempted to suppress any trepidation in the presence of the towering figure before her. And the constantly stern look he always showed certainly did not help.

"I have no need for medical attention," Ranesk replied, his tone firm and unyielding. The soldier before him quivered slightly at the forcefulness of his voice, scurrying off hastily to attend to the other operatives under Ranesk's command. Though they bore no obvious wounds themselves, she knew the importance of ensuring that the well-being of those in her charge was prioritized at all times, regardless of whether they believed they needed it or not.

"Ranesk!" The sound of Breach's voice broke through the quiet hum of activity, drawing Ranesk's attention to the Swedish warrior and his bow-wielding Russian compatriot.

"None of you suffered any losses!" Breach exclaimed, his metal arm glinting in the flickering light of the surrounding derbris. "We lost none as well, though one of ours lost his arm after an encounter with a chainsaw-wielding criminal."

Sova interjected, "It was unfortunate, but he's expected to make a full recovery. The perpetrator was dispatched by multiple members of our squad."

Ranesk regarded his comrades in arms, a moment of silence passing between them before he spoke with measured composure. "Good. Tell your men to rest. We are done here, we must only wait for the other three."

The two Valorant agents nodded in assent, barking orders to their respective troops to stand down and rest. However, to the surprise of Breach and Sova's men, those under Ranesk's command remained largely unresponsive, their eyes were mostly bloodshot, their faces twisted with irritation and exhaustion at any attempts to engage them in conversation.

Seething with a deep-seated fury that had little to do with grief or loss, the operatives under Ranesk's command demanded more. More blood, more corpses, and more vengeance upon the damned criminals who had wrought this havoc upon their city.

Breach's whisper carried the weight of disbelief, "the hell happened to them?" Sova had his gaze fixated upon the enraged operatives before him. He pondered what horrors could have brought about such a state of fury. Or perhaps it was the bitterness of unfulfilled expectations that fueled their wrath?

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