Chapter 7: Radianite Warehouse Purge

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Ranesk awoke with an unmistakable sense of anticipation coursing through his veins. The tedious lull of peace had worn on him, and the absence of the cacophony of battle had grown tiresome.His bolter and chainsword, which had been dormant, yearned for the taste of blood once more. The prospect of imminent conflict was invigorating.


Ranesk readied his weapons and checked his gear, including the unsightly yet functional utility belt fashioned by the esteemed Kingdom. Despite its lack of aesthetic appeal, he could not deny its usefulness in the heat of battle. Initially, he had adamantly insisted on a solitary mission.

However, upon perusing the mission details, it had become apparent that the three operatives must accompany him. Such was the burden of duty he bore, regardless of his disdain for it.

With a solemn reverence, he offered a prayer to the machine spirit before donning his battle-worn armour. Resolved and focused, he departed his quarters and made way for the briefing room.


Briefing room. Valorant HQ

The atmosphere in the room was emotionless and pale, compared to the usual feeling of eagerness and joy agents had during briefings. But today was different. They had a new gigantic super human "agent" with them that hated their own presence. Most chose to avoid him, like Omen and Jett had. But others had tried to reason with him and were kindly met with either him shunning them or him outright insulting them.

He was like what Reyna would be if Reyna's views were completely reversed.

"As you all know. The big guy will accompany the three on this mission, which is Killjoy, Neon and Reyna. I was originally planning on putting him on a completely separate one. But I got a call from kingdom, saying they wanted to see him in action." Brimstone said.

The other agents were honestly surprised at how much Ranesk was getting attention from Kingdom. Some of them got suspicious thinking Ranesk was sent here on purpose so he could tear the protocol apart from the inside.

"About the big guy, where on earth is he?" Neon added while loading bullets into her frenzy sidearm.

"He's....praying" Brimstone said in an almost sarcastic voice.

"Praying?" Killjoy asked


"Praying..." Sage muttered under her breath. A man like him had a religion? To think a man that was bred for war and death had a religion.

The other agents simultaneously thought it must have been a screwed up religion if they allowed people like him in there.


As Ranesk walked through the hallways, he kept thinking of how bloody the battle would be. Seeing as the only enemies he will be facing were essentially just less powerful guardsmen wielding weapons that could not even break his armor.

He had reached the briefing room, a loud hiss echoed as the mechanical doors hissed and automatically opened for him. The agents inside looked at the door and saw the massive armor and stature of Ranesk, Ranesk looked at all the agents for a brief moment before going inside and walking to the side crossing his arms. Waiting for the green light for the mission.

"Alright...He's here now. Let's start the actual briefing."


Omega Earth, Lisbon, Portugal. 0300

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