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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉* * *

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March 1979

Juliet was in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The morning sickness, the nausea, the swollen breast, and overall pain started to get better. It was as though her body had gotten used to the pregnancy.

The bump that was starting to show was definitely visible now, though far from huge. She was sad because she could no longer fit in her jeans and would just walk around with her shorts and huge sweaters.

The boys were starting to breathe, too. Her being less sick, hence less grumpy, resulted in her no longer using her weapon of choice frequently.

Sirius, who had come to fear her presence, was still wary. She had sprayed him in his sleep because she could hear him snore from her room. He couldn't understand how, considering his room was on the other side of the hallway. But he didn't dare say a word. He would just hide behind Remus, who sadly, also could not escape her.

Juliet had sprayed him every time she felt sick because she would get angry that he got her pregnant.

Regulus kept counting how many times everyone had gotten sprayed within a day. So far, surprisingly, James had the lowest score. Regulus said he cheated because he would bring her tea in the morning and pickles in the middle of the night.

"Where's my peanut butter jar?" Juliet asked, staring at the empty space in the cabinet where her jar was supposed to be.

"It was empty, so I..." Regulus paused once he saw her slowly turn to him with a glare.

"Oh no." James muttered.

"What have you done?" Sirius whispered, ready to hide behind the counter.

"I, uh." Regulus pursed his lips, defeated, watching as she held on her spraying bottle and aimed at him menacingly. "I'm sorry."


"I would laugh if I wasn't scared to be next." Sirius muttered, cowering behind James.

"I want peanut butter!" Juliet slapped her hands on the counter angrily.

James handed a tissue to Regulus, who had water droplets running down his face, then noticed it was him the girl was staring at. "Me? I go get it?"

"No, you oaf, I'm clearly staring at Salazar fucking Slytherin." She sarcastically stated.

"Oh, okay."

The youngest of the House of Black smacked his back. "She's being sarcastic."

"I don't talk sarcasm. That's you two's language." James defended.

"No, you speak idiot like the bloody bitch hiding behind your lanky ass." Juliet bitterly bit on a bacon she stole from Sirius' plate.

"What's going on?" Remus walked down the stairs.

"Please save us and take your girlfriend grocery shopping." Sirius begged.


"Why am I coming?" Juliet complained, walking towards the store, following behind her boyfriend.

"Because you might see other stuff you'll want to get." Remus answered simply, knowing that their little trip would allow her to satisfy her cravings.

"Then why are we in a Muggle store?"

"Why not?" The scarred boy shrugged, getting a cart.

Juliet dragged her feet, walked down the aisles with him, and eventually put a thing or two in.

"Did you get it?"

"Yeah, but I'm hesitating between those two brands."

"Why are you even hesitating? We always get that one."

Juliet looked over, seeing a couple with their child nonchalantly sitting in the cart. She couldn't help but stare. They were so normal. She let her eyes scan the area, her stare lingering again on every family she saw.

It's not fair. They didn't have to worry about their babies being killed because of a war.

"Love, are you okay?" Remus' voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"They're all living so simply. Why can't we have that?"

He seemed surprised by her envy. Out of everyone, he never expected his girlfriend to feel like that. "You realize Muggles wish they had magic wands they could swing around and have everything done for them?"

She snorted. "That's ridiculous."

He stared at her as they continued to walk down the aisle, deciding to cheer her up. "Hey, maybe we should elope."

"Elope? Since when have we been engaged?" She smirked at him, amused.

"Since I told you on our first date that I wanted to marry you."

"You said it wasn't a proposal!" Juliet pointed at him, accusingly.

"Yet you said yes." He gave her his infamous smirk and watched her roll her eyes. "Come on. It'll be fun. We'll get married, have our baby, live like these ordinary people, and gossip with our neighbours."

"Don't tempt me, Lupin."

"Why not? We could have it all, just say the word, and we'll be on our way by nightfall."

"You'd do that for me?" She stopped in her tracks, looking up at him.

"Anything you'll ask shall be done." He smiled down at her.

She knew he was joking around, but the sincerity in his voice made her feel so loved. Even if she actually did want to do that, run away and live like muggles, he would do it. He would do it all.

"I love you." She stated, then she paused. "But it's not happening. I refuse to look fat in my wedding dress."

"You don't look fat."

She looked at him with a blank expression, then stared down at her showing belly.

"You're not fat." He stood his ground, giving her an annoyed look. "You're growing our baby. That's a beautiful thing."

"Whatever you say." She grabbed a few packs of Maltesers while he grabbed little muffins he knew James would love.

"Maybe we should start thinking about a name?" Juliet suggested. "I don't want our baby to be called Bean Lupin."

"Why not? It's original." He shrugged.

"You do realize you say that every time you think something's weird?"

The werewolf paused, raising an eyebrow, pondering. "Do I?"

"Mh. Let's call the kid Marmite." Juliet said as she grabbed the jar and stared at it, trying to see what was in it.

"Not happening." He took the jar out of her hands and put it back.

"Do we have to follow that wizarding tradition of giving our names to it? I mean, my middle name is my mum's."

"I'm not named after my dad." Remus pointed out.

"Your name basically means wolf John wolf." She laughed at him.

The werewolf scoffed. "Yeah, you'd think they foreshadowed the bite."

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guys, please stop asking for a new update the second I post. I appreciate that you guys are hooked and want to read more, but I can't write 24/7 <33

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