Head Canon 2

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HCPilot Two

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Pilot Two

° He introduces you to all his Spider friends.

° Miguel got mad at him because he took you once to the Spider Society HQ but his excuse was: " Spider business, my business. My business is also her business. I also don't believe in secrecy."

° You hang out with Gwen and Gayatri while the Homies hang out.

° Pavi helps you prank Hobie 24/7. He's your partner in crime.

° Pavi helped Hobie plan how to propose.

° Pavi used to be the 3rd wheeler ( he still is). He didn't mind because he was the child, you guys would buy him everything.

° Hobie likes to listen to you rant about your day.

° Michi is your child.

° You once scolded Hobie just because he didn't want to cuddle with Michi. It was child neglecting and you saw it as a crime.

° Let's be honest; Hobie does not know how to cook.

° Hobie fears you once you start your monthly menstrual cycle.

° He will buy you all you desire just so you can endure his company during your cramps.

° You have five band tee and three hoodies. They're not yours ( they are) , they're Hobie's. He doesn't know you borrowed them because you give them back just so they can get his scent again.

° You have therapy sections with Michi. Hobie just stays there watching how you talk about taxes to Michi.

° Hobie hugs your pillow when you're not there because he now gets anxiety separation.

° You play video games frequently and you manage to cheat everytime he tries to win.

° He brings you flowers every Wednesday because that was the day he met you.

° On your anniversary he takes you on a mini vacation to anywhere you'd like. You make him art gifts or you buy him pins and a plectrum with a cool design.

° Peter drops off Mayday every two weeks.

° Hobie taught her how to do a British accent and the whole swear words in the book when you weren't around.

° She forces Hobie to sign her to sleep.

° You are addicted to watching her favorite cartoons with her.

° You teach her about plants and arts. She later drew on Hobie's face and made a cute drawing on the living room.

° Mayday calls you " My auntie!" and Hobie " Uncle".

° She plays with Michi and falls asleep with him on your bed.

° Hobie models.

° He signs in the shower.

° You draw mustaches on him while he sleeps and you take lots of pictures to send it to his friends.

° You drew a small doodle on the back of Hobie's guitar and he has yet to find it.

° You hide small plastic animals around the apartment. It's hilarious how he just comes up to you holding a plastic duck with a deadpan face. ( You are careful so Michi doesn't eat one and choke bc's your a very good cat parent)

° You bought a ferret because it reminded you of Hobie and her name is Punky Girl Jr. Just Punky for short.

° Hobie breath heavily when he saw Punky and made a mental note to call you everytime he got Spider senses about you.

° He loves to kiss your jaw and temple as a goodnight kiss.

Thank you for reading!
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Love Story PT.3 next followed up by Hobie's playlist. Not the best HC but let's go!!

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