"It's just a piece of paper." I shrugged.

"Oh so you're rich-rich, got it." He pointed his finger at me.

"I'm not..." I didn't finish as I was interrupted by a table somewhere behind me.

I turned around only to find the waitress at the table with her boyfriend and friends smiling from ear to ear.

And when I say that this day just got a little better, I'm not lying. She's a goddamn sunshine.

What is happening to me? I don't even know her. She doesn't even know my name.

And she even changed tables just so she wouldn't see me.

That's a pretty big sign that she's not interested.

Obviously, Finn, she has a whole-ass boyfriend!

"So, I already met your sister. Any other siblings?"

"Three brothers." I simply said.

I am the second youngest. Killian, Kai, Sebastian, me, and Val.

"Big family huh?"

"It's just us."

Zack nodded as if he knew what I meant.

I meant it was really just us. No parents and no permanent partners.

That is if I don't count Lyssa and Lucy, her adopted daughter. And also Val's boyfriend. And also Luna and Theo.

Okay, maybe there are more of us than "just us".

"So no girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No." I drank straight from the bottle and didn't bother to pour it into my glass.

"Then maybe try it with the blonde cutie who can't stop looking at you." He nodded his head somewhere behind me and I turned to the table where she was still standing but looking at me. When she noticed that I was looking at her, she looked away back to her boyfriend.

"She has a boyfriend." I turned back to Zack.

"Boyfriend is not a disease." He laughed.

"Oh, God." I rolled my eyes, hoping I'd evaporate if I wished hard enough.

Zack continued to ask me questions that I didn't really want to answer even as they brought our food.

He doesn't seem like bad company, but he says too much for me. I have a feeling he could talk himself to death.

"You know, one of them has to be gay." He put his hand under his chin and looked behind me again. "There are five of them."

"Just don't..." I didn't even have time to finish and Zack was already getting up from the table. "Sure, that's what I was going to say," I said to myself.

I looked where he was going and surprisingly it wasn't to that table, but to the counter where my waitress was standing.

He said something to her that caught her attention and he continued talking. She even laughed at something and then pointed her finger at the table and said something.

Before long, Zack came back to the table with a smile on his face. "She's really nice". He nodded his head towards the counter before sitting down.

"Did you get a date? Can I leave now?"

"Yes and no. Yes, one of them has a better taste." He pointed to himself. "His name is Luca, and he's too uptight, so that'll have to change. He comes here a lot, so I'll catch him sometimes. And no, you're not going anywhere."

His challenge #3Where stories live. Discover now