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" Wish somebody would give me a free wig?" Disheka stated, looking at her nails.

"You want everything free bitch." I laughed at her

"And do. Ion mind no hand outs at all. Give me whatever... besides std ion need that." she laughed shaking her head.

Disheka and I were currently chilling in her apartment, On the other side of town, we had been out shopping; her treat and we had a late lunch.

I was tired and just wanted to take a much needed nap. But she had other plans for us.

"So what time you wanna go out ?"

"Ughhh.." I sighed rolling over on her bed. "Do we have to go out this particular night."

"Yass bitch now come on. It's already going on 6.. pick out one of them new outfits and go take a shower I'm tryna leave by 9."

"I hate your big forehead ass." I laughed.

"Hush before I call ol Dude and have him drag your ass out the party tonight. He gone shame you."

"He can't do shit. Plus, we haven't talked in a few day he still in his feelings."

"Wait, I thought he was the crib a few nights ago."

"He was. He was gone by the time I woke up. I haven't heard from him since."

"Really." She stale faced me.

"What? I'm serious. Girl fuck him and his bipolar ass attitude I'm not on that type of time with him anyway." I played with my nails

"What you mean?"

"Well, since you trust me enough to tell me about your daddies I guess I can tell you the real scoop."

"Bitch what's tea!"her eyes lit up and she sat on her bed smiling at me.

"We're on a contract.." I said slowly.

"What you mean?" She asked looking for me to elaborate.

"Meaning.. we both signed to a contract agreement. He paid me to be his girlfriend." I looked down saying that last part.

"Biiitttchh you lying." Her eyes widened and she put her clothes down beside us.

"I wish I was but nope it's the truth and don't nobody know besides me and him and his lawyer and now you.." I told her biting my lip a lil.

"Girl, wow, I would have never guessed that shit... how much?" She smirked.

"400000. He's trying to get some company his dad has to be a big time billionaire and they didn't want to give it to him because of his image. You know drug dealing. Whoring ways, so that's where I came along to paint the picture like were a couple.... but the only thing is we really haven't been doing anything the contract says."

"What you mean?"

"We only pose to link on special occasions and stuff. Not like we've been doing and it's crazy because I've actually caught feelings for him." I told her sighing.

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