I entered in the premises of his bedroom

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I entered in the premises of his bedroom. He was seated on his revolving chair, face away from me sipping on his branded wine.

"You don't listen..... Do you?" He said with an authoritative voice. That's what he does with me implements his authority as if I am his property. The sad truth is I am no one's property and I can never be. Who would want to own a used person like me? Who would want to let me walk by their side, only for people to throw stones at them?

"You don't own me Mr. Min." I informed him. As soon as those words left my mouth he threw the glass on the mirror on his side. The glass spreaded on the floor all shattered like me, like my non-existent pride.

I don't flinch at those roaring sounds, they don't scare me anymore. One thing this job has given me is a thick skin. "Oh now you dare to speak back, what's with this rebellious attitude? Answer that one after you tell me that why you booked a schedule with another man?"

He started to walk in my direction, but I held my ground because I did nothing worng, I was just doing my job. "Perhaps it's my job Mr. Min are you not aware?"

He kept moving until his chest was few inches away from touching mine

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He kept moving until his chest was few inches away from touching mine. If I was my old self my knees would've given up by now. Because the aura he hold is intimidating for a weak person like me.

"I am well aware but I forbade you didn't I? Did you not understand my words?" He roared, but I maintained the eye contact.

"Look Mr. Min, this is my job and I had to book my schedules for the one who offers me best. You know bellies gotta be filled." I smiled. For me smile is just a facade and a fake emotion that I give to let people know I am not fazed by their tactics.

"That's what you want? Money? Is it what you want?"

"Is there a rocket science in understanding that I sell my body for money Mr. Min?" I smirked.

"Right...." he started dialing someone, eyes still fixed on me.

"Ashley, I am booking Park Jimin for a month on double of what everyone is offering. I need his schedule clear." he said dismissing the call, his eyes never leaving mine.

I laughed, I laughed hard. So, hard that my tears start to leave the corner of my eyes. So, that's my price for him. Like the rest of them, he just wants to have me offering his money and not his heart. Who would give a heart to sex worker anyways?

As I laughed he furrowed his eye brows looking at me as if I had lost my mind. Yes, I have lost my mind along with every other thing I had.

"What after one month Mr. Min? Is that all you got? My body in change for your money for a whole month. Wow, I should be really impressed." I gave a round of applause mockingly.

"Shut the fuck up before I....." he raised his hand. Oh well, that's new.

"Why did you stop? Slap me? That's what I deserve right. Given that you've just bought me for a whole month, abuse me as you want." I smiled.

"You know this any of this is not true. What you perceive of my intentions with you is not true." he growled.

"I don't know truth anymore. The only truth I know is that my body is for sale. Today it's yours and tomorrow it's someone else's and so on."

"Don't you dare say this...." he roared.

"Why bother Mr. Min, no one make a prostitute their lover. So, stop getting jealous as if you are my lover."

I took is hand and placed it on my skin that was revealing through the open part of my shirt, "You have paid for it hmmm.... So don't waste a second of it."

He took back his hand as if it was burned touching my skin. Instead he gripped the hair at the back if my head, pulling them slightly. "The moments we spent were nothing to you than mere exchange of money for your body?"

"Were they nothing to you when you said I am not worthy of walking with you into elite societies? Were they nothing to you when you said you want me as your secret not someone claim infront of the world? Were they....." fuck Jimin you were not supposed to cry. A sob broke.

He let go of me and backed away. Turning his back on me. That's what he do. When I confront him instead of answering me he turns his back on me.

"You will be staying here for the month." he said without looking at me and picking up his coat.

"Where are you....."

"I'm leaving..." he declared moving towards the door.

"When will you comeback?" I asked tears still rolling down my eyes.

"When I feel the need of having you for your body." with this he left me standing in the middle of the room.

I let my knees fall on the floor, buring my face in my palms as I cried. I don't even know where it hurts but I know that it does. It hurts brutally. Also, the cure is the one who is hurting me.


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