*Extra 18: End of Text

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PartI. Crystal Man

  White walls, white beds, and the unpleasant smell of disinfectant like white pollution.

  Di-, di-, di-

  ECG monitoring machine issued a monotonous sound.

  Chu Feng on the hospital bed opened his eyes absently, staring at the blank ceiling.

  When he was in elementary school, he hated white, the empty, boring color.

  At that time, he had a very strange dream, which is still impressive until now at the age of twenty-seven. He dreamed that he was a hollowed out crystal man, standing in an empty box with snow on all sides, his head, chest, stomach It's all been hollowed out.

  But everyone envies him as the most shining crystal man.

  His parents didn't think it was enough, so they threw many small light bulbs into the hollow of his head, like throwing coins into a piggy bank. The light bulbs accumulated in his stomach, and the crystal kept refracting the light, and the light became more and more Dazzling, piercing the eyes of others.

  They exclaimed louder, but looked at him more indifferently.

  In the dream, the crystal man Chu Feng was walking, walking, hesitantly looking around in the blank space on all sides, and could never get out. Finally -

  he fell down, smashing himself on the ground, pinging, bang, bang!

  He was shattered, his hands and feet made of crystal were shattered into several pieces, small flashing light bulbs flowed out from the opening in the crystal belly, his parents covered their faces and screamed, and the people around were whispering and hiding like cockroaches. There were rustlings behind him, and the little crystal man Chu Feng fell to the ground in pieces, laughing wildly.

  Later, he had a similar dream several times, but every time he threw himself on the ground, the cold white floor tiles suddenly turned into a cashmere carpet, like a large ball of milky white cotton candy, soft and soft like clouds held him up.

  Many people watching his parents and watching him, who couldn't see his face clearly, also disappeared. The little crystal figure Chu Feng threw himself there angrily at the beginning, except for being slightly sunken and experiencing the softness like cotton candy, there was no harm.

  Later, when he was tired from the fall, he simply lay down on the cloud and fell into a deep sleep

  . When he woke up again, it was time to go to class. Xie Shiyu would help him eat the unpalatable boiled eggs, and exchange them with delicious soft-boiled eggs.

  Chu Feng, who grew up gradually, never had that kind of crystal man's dream again.

  The drips from the hanging bottle entered the thin body drop by drop. Chu Feng turned his head sideways and saw the cabinet next to the hospital bed. His Dreaming City hood was lying there quietly, like a white corpse.

  It contained the ruins of a city.

  Chu Feng's ears seemed to be buzzing with the sound of the big bang. The sound was so loud that it sounded like a muffler that had already shattered the eardrums.

  --The cold and hard white floor tiles will not become as soft as cotton candy for no reason.

  In his past life, every time he fell, it was Xie Shiyu who carefully supported him.

  Even if it turned into a piece of program data, at the end, it still caught him, preventing him from being smashed to pieces.

  For the first time, Chu Feng clearly realized intellectually:

  Xie Shiyu is really gone.

  From now on in his life, no one will follow him, he will either continue himself, or fall to pieces.


  On the second day, Chu Feng, who had just returned from the life-and-death struggle, got out of the hospital bed and asked someone to monitor his parents' mobile phones 24 hours a day. Whenever there was a call, all the calls were transferred to him.   "Chu Feng's mother, how did you think about what you

  said last time?


Okay, hospitalized?"

  Chu Feng smiled, his face was as pale as paper, but his disguised voice was full of air: "It's nothing, where did President Li hear that I was hospitalized?

  " , hung up the phone.

  Without Xie Shiyu, the huge company is like a piece of fat thrown in the wild, and every vulture wants to come and take a bite.

  According to the law, all of Xie Shiyu's property will be inherited by him, but he knows that he has struggled back from life and death. If he has not woken up, Xie Shiyu's property can be fulfilled by his parents according to the inability of the spouse to perform the legal obligations.

  His parents were incapable and unwilling to manage a company as big as Xie Shiyu, so whatever price the other party offered, he had to sell it.

  Chu Feng sat up from the hospital bed, and made phone calls one by one while hanging the bottle to confirm the company's personnel transfer and who could still use it. At the same time, he turned on his laptop, logged into the company's intranet, checked all the work information, and arranged for the next counterattack. .

  He had already lost Xie Shiyu, how could he let those garbage people swallow their marital property like this.

  Chu Feng kept busy until late at night, during which time the nurse came to change the medicine bottle for him three times, and fed him liquid food - he hadn't eaten for too long, so he couldn't eat at the beginning.

  After finishing all the work, Chu Feng looked at the laptop after it was turned off. The black screen reflected his current appearance. The whole person was thinner and more exaggerated than in the game. skin.

  Tomorrow he will hold a shareholder video meeting, and he must not attend it like this.

  Chu Feng immediately called and booked a makeup artist with a lot of money. The request is not much, as long as: make people look more energetic.

  The make-up artist agreed wholeheartedly, thinking that he had recently had a lucky day and received such a simple job with so much money.

  When the other party saw Chu Feng with a full set of makeup tools, they were all stunned.

  It took a total of five hours to make up, change clothes, and change into a magnificent villa room. When Chu Feng went online for a video conference, all the shareholders saw that President Chu, who had just been widowed, was dressed in a high-quality suit, and his face was full of spring breeze. He showed his face, with an inevitable smile on the corner of his mouth.

  There was no trace of sadness and fragility, and the shareholders present were surprised when they saw it. Why didn't this person even act?

  --The rumors of being distraught and hospitalized with a serious illness were dispelled. This group of shareholders murmured in their hearts that Mr. Chu might also be an old fox. He had been married to Mr. Xie for so many years, and he might have experienced the seven-year itch.

  The so-called bereavement, physical collapse, and medical treatment in country M are all fake dramas intentionally released. Mr. Chu may be happily vacationing in Hawaii.

  In this way, it can cope with media reports, and secondly, it can also test how many disobedient tricks appeared in the company during the "falling ill", and it can be cleaned up in a legitimate way when it comes back. I,

  the emperor and the courtiers, all the people present were a little restless. This President Chu was usually cold-tempered, and they had no way of understanding him.


  Chu Feng put in high-intensity work non-stop, sometimes working overtime until the dead of night, he would open the drawer in the office and take a look at the white game headgear inside.

  But he just looked at it and didn't put it on.

  "President Chu, your coffee."

  The secretary knocked on the door and came in. Chu Feng nodded, and he closed the drawer again, locking the ruins of the city in a dark corner.


  The condition of the patient Train is getting better and better.

  Few patients struggled back from the death line. The first word they spoke was Train. The doctors thought it was very interesting and renamed sample No. 8873 as sample Train.

  Train is currently the best drug sample for recovery. Nurses monitored him frequently and closely, recording precious data.

  On this day, Xie Shiyu saw this short brown-haired nurse again, wearing a hood.

  He had seen this headgear before. When he woke up that day, he saw the doctor take it off his head. It seemed like a game.

  His data is only recorded once an hour. In the middle of the hour, the nurse will secretly put on a hood and go to work to fish and play games.

  Today, the nurse also started fishing. After forty-five minutes, she took off her headgear as usual and cursed FUCK!

  It seems that he encountered a difficulty in the game and couldn't pass it for several days in a row.

  Xie Shiyu stretched out his hand: "Can Itry?"

  The little nurse was taken aback. In her eyes, a seriously ill patient covered in bandages was asking her to play a game. She felt a little horrified and shook her head.

  Xie Shiyu said in English: "It only takes ten seconds."

  Ten seconds? The little nurse showed an expression of "you are bragging". After playing for two weeks, she couldn't pick the colorful forest flowers.

  Every player has one of these flowers in their dream city. It only blooms this month and is guarded by various monsters. It will be out of print after the season. It is definitely a must-see item. There are also chicken thief players who intentionally add other people's friends and go to other people's homes to steal flowers.

  She has been struggling with this flower for half a month, and tried everything, but she couldn't pick it up. A bunch of people in the player forum scolded the game company for not being a human being, and coming out with such a difficult thing! How dare this seriously ill man with bandages boast for ten seconds?

  Xie Shiyu continued: "I can use my own headgear. Just ten seconds."

  The little nurse hesitated for a while, and finally took out the headgear from the last brainwave treatment, and handed it to Xie Shiyu:

  "Just ten seconds, I invite you to come to my headgear." Dream City."


  Shiyu officially entered this holographic game for the first time:



  Soon, Xie Shiyu entered the scene, he tried to run and jump, and his movements were very sensitive.

  There is no equipment on his game character, and the ID is empty: to be filled.

  "It's the forest over there." The little nurse took out a sheepskin illustrated book and pointed it to Xie Shiyu:

  "There are two monsters guarding the forest, and four slugs. Be careful of piranhas at any time... It's not like I said, you don't have any equipment, and you don't have any money. Is it really possible?" the nurse said

  . Suddenly, there was a lot of English, with an Irish accent. Xie Shiyu didn't understand it very well. Out of confidence, he gestured:


  Then he rushed into the forest.

  The little nurse looked at his back and laughed in her heart. It is true that a newborn is not afraid of death, so he just rushed in and waited to be beaten and kicked out by the monster.

  Nine seconds later, Ding Dong-

  a reminder from the Dream City system popped up in front of my eyes:

  [Friendly reminder, your forest colorful flowers have been picked]

  Little nurse:? ! !

  After two or three seconds, I saw the newcomer with Kongkong ID Kongkong walking out of the forest calmly, holding her colorful flowers in her hand, surrounded by rainbow light.

  "Ohmygod!!" The little nurse exclaimed, "You are too strong! How did you do it..." Before

  she could finish speaking, she heard another prompt:

  [Your forest colorful flowers have been blocked by ID: Fill it out and put it in the game backpack]

  Little Nurse:?

  Wait what's the situation? Putting it in the game backpack means taking it for herself. Is she... robbed?

  In the next second, she saw this new patient and reached out to her:


  The little nurse: "..."


  Shiyu earned his first money when he woke up.

  It wasn't much money, and the little nurse didn't mind, and gave him a lot of popular science about Dream City. After listening to it for a long time, Xie Shiyu gradually became able to understand the other party's English with an Irish accent.

  From his intuition, Dream City is a game with high commercial value.

  When the drug trial is over, the medical institution will no longer keep him for free and will send him out. Since he has no relatives or friends, he has to find a way to survive by himself.

  This drug only saved his life. He had to treat his burns, disfigurement, disabled legs, and possible sequelae by himself.

  And, the common language here is French, English... It depends on whether the other party can speak it. He has to overcome the language barrier by himself, and he has no identity certificate. He needs to find a way to get a temporary residence permit in this Pacific island country. After he goes out, he has to find a way to find accommodation... Xie Shiyu lay on the hospital bed, planning his future

  . In addition to getting injections, taking medicine, and undergoing surgery every day, he just lies on the hospital bed, puts on the game headgear, and studies Dream City.

  This is the most suitable way to make money that he has found so far.


  "Well... you are recovering quite well." The blond doctor looked at Xie Shiyu's various data in the past week, "I can't even say that your recovery is so good. It is because of the effect of our medicine or your own strong will." Ordinary patients

  , Amnesia, no relatives and no reason, or disabled legs that cannot walk, or burns all over the body, or disfigurement of the face, any one of them is a fatal blow.

  Many patients have been committing suicide after waking up, or have psychological problems, and feel that they cannot live, especially when they see their own burn scars after undoing the bandages. scream.

  But this Train never lost control of his emotions, nor did he tend to commit suicide. No relatives, friends, or family members came to visit him, nor was he sad or crying. A needle as thick as a child's arm was injected into his body, and other patients cried out in pain. Train said nothing.

  The doctor felt very strange about such an abnormality. She asked Train if there was any belief supporting him?

  Xie Shiyu didn't nod or shake his head. He didn't know it himself, but there was always a thought in his mind:

  Must be alive.

  To live is to have hope. There is nothing left after death.   One month later

  ,   Xie Shiyu, who was covered in bandages, sat on the hospital bed, borrowed a small notebook from the nurse, and logged in to the Dream City player forum.   Login-Forum-Bind Dream City account--   [Account ID is not allowed to be empty]   Xie Shiyu paused.   He has been playing for a month, but the game account ID is still empty to be filled.   He returned to the previous level, the cursor flickered in the account ID column, Xie Shiyu looked down at the keyboard, and 26 letters appeared in front of his eyes... Among them, a   certain letter suddenly made him feel a little familiar, Xie Shiyu thought for a while, in the ID column It read:   Soon, an account named X sent a post: [Newbie's Guide]   Since then, Dream City Games has ushered in the era of the most powerful God X.   ,   "Dear passengers, the train is arriving at the station ahead: City H."   "Passengers who want to get off the train, please prepare in advance. The stop time of the train is very short..." The   familiar scenery passed through the window, and he went home.   Chu Feng, who returned from City S, picked up his luggage and got out of the car following the crowd.   After leaving the air conditioner and getting out of the car, hot and dry air rushed towards us, and dense crowds were surging, squeezing at the entrance of the escalator. Chu Feng carried a small amount of luggage and walked up the stairs next to him.   Walk up a slope, go to the south exit as usual, check the ID card, exit the gate...   As soon as Chu Feng came out, he saw a tall figure.   Wearing a black T-shirt, shorts, and sandals, he is very ordinary and ordinary, but he also wears sunglasses, a peaked cap, and a mask, so that his face is completely blocked, and he looks like a sneaky and suspicious person.

  The security guard next to the exit gate glanced at this guy, Chu Feng walked over with a smile, and grabbed the suspicious person:

  "Why are you here? Didn't you say you would wait for me at home?"

  Xie Shiyu snorted like a fluffy Big Bear, holding his wife back home.

  He has been getting too much attention from the media recently, so he has to dress like a criminal when he goes out. Xie Shiyu buried his head in Chu Feng's neck and rubbed gently,

  "...I miss you."

  It has been ten years since same-sex marriage was legal, and the people around him walked on their own way, without giving them any extra glances.

  "Is the meat numb?" Chu Feng poked Xie Shiyu's left shoulder with a smile, "Let go first, I'm hungry, hurry home and eat." Xie Shiyu let go,

  helped Chu Feng carry the luggage, and walked Leaning over, he asked with a smirk in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "

  Which mouth is hungry?"

  Chu Feng rolled his eyes at him, then leaned over, held Xie Shiyu's arm, and answered very lightly. :

  "They're all hungry."


  In the evening rush hour, the whole city was stuck in a traffic jam. Xie Shiyu and Chu Feng walked into the subway station. When the train arrived, the door opened with a tinkling sound.

  Xie Shiyu quickly hooked an iron rod as a fixed point, and grabbed Chu Feng with his arms, and stood firm. The train left, and it was so crowded that it was impossible to move.

  Even the air conditioner couldn't cover up the scorching carbon dioxide. Xie Shiyu, who was wearing a mask, was sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to take off the mask for fear of being recognized by others.

  Chu Feng leaned against his arms, and they braked as the subway moved forward, shaking slightly.

  Compared to Xie Shiyu under the spotlight, wearing a high-end suit, speaking elegantly, and exuding nobleness all over his body, Chu Feng prefers him now, squeezed in an ordinary subway, wearing ordinary T-shirts and shorts, hot sweating. But they can take advantage of the crowding of the subway, hugging, body temperature next to body temperature.

  The train was rattling, rattling. The perfect President Xie can be seen just by turning on the video, but this Xie Shiyu belongs to him only.

  Leaning on Xie Shiyu's chest, Chu Feng secretly put his arms around him where no one else could see.

  "What's the matter?" Xie Shiyu lowered his head and asked him, "Let me sleep for a while? You have to sit for forty minutes before you get home."

  Chu Feng responded with a voice as soft as a kitten. Xie Shiyu reached out and stroked Chu Feng On the forehead:

  "Are you too tired? I feel that your complexion is not very good."

  "It's okay." Chu Feng leaned against Xie Shiyu, paused, and said,

  "I had a nightmare on the train."

  "You were on the train Asleep?" Xie Shiyu hugged Chu Feng tightly: "What nightmare?"

  Chu Feng: "I dreamed that I fell from a very high place." Falling from high altitudes

  is a common nightmare, and Xie Shiyu had read some Zhou Gong's Dream Interpretation website before, which seemed to be a sign The man was feeling uneasy, anxious and helpless, and he was about to ask Chu Feng if he had any pressure recently...

  Chu Feng in his arms moved, as if he was a little embarrassed, and his voice was pressed against his chest, a little muffled Cute:

  "However, you caught me." Once upon a time


  there was a crystal man who always wanted to smash himself into pieces.

  Later, he met a big soft cloud, and they went home together.

  --Part.ⅡEighteen years old--

  On Christmas Eve, Xie Shiyu came to Chu Feng's house to do homework.

  The two were walking on the way from school, and there was a tall Christmas tree standing at the entrance of the department store not far away, with stars, the moon, beautiful small light bulbs, and wish paper made by different people on it.

  There is no snow in winter in the south, but every trace of air is bitingly frozen, as if tiny ice crystals penetrate into the body along with the breath, and freeze in the lungs, making the frozen person tremble all over.

  Chu Feng's face was wrapped in a woolen scarf, and Xie Shiyu held his hand and put it in the school uniform pocket. He pulled the scarf, wishing his whole body would collapse into the warm cashmere.

  "Is it that cold?" Xie Shiyu let out a breath of white air, and smiled as he watched Chu Feng look like a small animal emerging from the hole, so cold that it wanted to crawl back into its warm nest.

  Chu Feng, who had just passed his eighteenth birthday two weeks ago, said nothing. After a while, he looked at the couple hugging each other openly under the Christmas tree, and his hand moved in Xie Shiyu's palm.

  Xie Shiyu: "What's the matter?"

  He felt Chu Feng's delicate and cool fingertips rub against him, like a kitten licking his palm.

  "Tonight... my parents are not at home." Chu Feng said softly.

  Xie Shiyu nodded and hummed. Of course he knew that Chu Feng's parents were not at home. If they were at home, how could he go to Chu Feng's house to do homework.

  Swish, swish, they went on as usual.

  Chu Feng was silent and did not speak. Suddenly he pulled his hand away, broke free from Xie Shiyu's grip, and put it back into his school uniform pocket.

  There was a quiet silence. Eighteen-year-old Xie Shiyu looked back at Chu Feng's words just now, and suddenly understood. He leaned over with a smile on his face and said, "Chu Feng, were you

  hinting at me just now?"

  " No!" Chu Feng tucked his small face into the woolen scarf, and urged Xie Shiyu, "Go quickly, go back to do your homework.",



  When Chu Feng opened the combination lock of the house, Xie Shiyu leaned behind him, The scorching body temperature came through the school uniform, Chu Feng paused, and picked up the topic that was cut off on the road again:

  "My parents... will not come back until the day after tomorrow."

  "So, the homework can actually be done tomorrow?"

  Eighteen-year-old Xie Shiyu Stretching out his hands to fiddle with Chu Feng's soft and black hair, like a wolf catching a lamb:

  "Shall we do something else tonight?"

  The icy winter wind passed through the hall, stimulating people to chase after the scorching temperature. The lamb Chu Feng huddled in the thick scarf, and responded softly: "...um.",




  door closed immediately, and Chu Feng was grabbed by Xie Shiyu. He dragged her into the room, leaned against the door panel, clasped his wrists not to struggle, and kissed delicately.

  The scarf falls, the coat unbuttoned.


  The shape of a hand bulged out of the sweater. Chu Feng shrank his shoulders, Xie Shiyu hugged him and asked in a low voice:

  "Why are you so cold?"

  Chu Feng shook his head and said he didn't know, and he got into Xie Shiyu's arms. After a while, he asked,

  "You...will you Is it?"

  Xie Shiyu smiled: "I know the principle."

  The thick clothes are like trees that have been in winter, shedding branches and leaves all the way, meandering into the room, and the two body temperatures are like vines in spring, tightly hugging each other.

  When passing by the dressing room, Xie Shiyu suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something missing, Chu Feng randomly took a can of white moisturizing cream from the shelf, and stuffed it into Xie Shiyu's hands with red ears: "Use... use this." Xie Shiyu bowed


  head After kissing Chu Feng, he hugged Chu Feng with one hand, unscrewed the bedroom door, opened the warm eiderdown quilt, and wrapped up Chu Feng, who was afraid of the cold, to save him from catching a cold.

  Chu Feng lay in the bedroom, opened a corner of the quilt, and let Xie Shiyu get in.

  Night fell outside the window, and the outside world was very noisy. Dingling bells rang everywhere and sang: MerryChristmas... They were stuck together and covered with a quilt. Chu Feng couldn't see the next movement, and his hands tightly clenched the soft pillow under his body.

  "A little scared?"

  Xie Shiyu gently kissed his eyelashes and asked him softly.

  Chu Feng was a little afraid of pain, but it's hard to talk about it now, he shook his head, stretched out his hand to grab Xie Shiyu's shoulder, didn't look at anything, didn't think about anything, just said he wasn't afraid.

  Soon, Chu Feng felt like a melting snowman, hugged by the warm spring breeze, and turned into a pool of clear snow water... Xie Shiyu

  gently kissed the treasure in his arms, and he felt that Chu Feng's whole body was buried in him In his arms, he trusted him with all his heart, and made a small sound, like a thin kitten.

  The dark desire in his heart was growing crazily, and Xie Shiyu used 120,000 points of restraint to not show it. After a long time, he gently kissed Chu Feng's forehead:

  "Is it alright?"

  Chu Feng nodded. He was a little bit hot even though he was afraid of the cold, and the little snowman melted twice in a row, turning into a spring river plumbing and a warm east wind. Lingering together.


  the moisturizer that has been used many times rolled to the floor, the tank was almost empty, it whirled and rolled into the bottom of the bed.

  None of them is free. In the end, Chu Feng lay on the pillow, sweating slightly on his forehead. This was the first time he was so hot in winter that he wanted to kick the quilt.

  Xie Shiyu lay beside him, but didn't sweat much. Looking at his expression, Chu Feng felt that Xie Shiyu seemed to be enduring something.

  "What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

  Xie Shiyu didn't intend to say it at first, but after hearing this question, he couldn't hold back the itch in his heart:

  "Chu Feng, have you... got used to it a little?"

  Chu Feng: ?

  Xie Shiyu: "Can I... enter the second half?"

  Chu Feng:? ?

  The bulging quilt pushed up a bit.

  Xie Shiyu: "This is all."

  Chu Feng screamed, and immediately covered his mouth. The warm spring breeze tore off the disguise and turned into a violent storm. The little snowman was blown into the wind, violently bobbing up and down.

  He was like a lamb being hunted down by wolves, he got into the sheepfold and hid, even though he kept crying and screaming to get out, get out! The ferocious wolf still broke through all the protective circles step by step, took out the lamb and ate it.

  In the early morning, at 03:48,

  the wolf licked his paws contentedly, and let go of the lamb.

  Chu Feng's cheeks, neck, and ears were all red, and even his eyes were red from crying. Xie Shiyu kissed his neck pitifully:

  "Are you okay?"

  Chu Feng rolled his eyes at him, not wanting to speak. Xie Shiyu laughed a few times, picked up Chu Feng with both hands, and went to take a hot bath.

  The sound of water splashing...

  While taking a bath, Chu Feng took the opportunity to bite Xie Shiyu hard, but he was so weak that he only left a small tooth mark on Xie Elang's neck, causing Xie Shiyu to yell twice. laugh.

  Chu Feng's voice was completely hoarse, and he couldn't scold anyone, so he wrote on Xie Shiyu's arm with his hands, scolding him: pervert, pervert, not human... It took a long time to write a single sentence, and Xie Shiyu bowed his head and kissed him once:

  "Okay, don't be angry anymore. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat supper?"

  Chu Feng continued to write: What else to eat! It's time for breakfast!

  The white fingertips scratched across the skin stroke by stroke, a little itchy, like a kitten's paw gently scratching, Xie Shiyu leaned over and smiled maliciously: "Honey, you continue to write, and you

  will wake up later." Maybe just have lunch."

  Chu Feng immediately retracted his hands, and looked at Xie Shiyu in disbelief: You can still come?

  --Really not human!

  Xie Shiyu smiled but did not answer. He walked out of the bathroom with Chu Feng in his arms, turned his head and glanced at the clock in the living room: 04:13, and his tone was somewhat apologetic: "I'm sorry today, are you tired?"


  Feng turned his face into Xie Shiyu's. In his arms, against his chest, ignoring him.

  Xie Shiyu carefully carried Chu Feng back to the bedroom, wrapped him in the eiderdown quilt, poured another glass of water, and carefully fed Chu Feng. After feeding, Xie Shiyu turned around and wanted to tidy up, when suddenly his body felt warm -

  Chu Feng put his arms around Xie Shiyu's waist, and said in a hoarse voice:

  "First... go to sleep."

  -Clean up after waking up.

  Xie Shiyu knew that Chu Feng felt sorry for him, so he smiled and got into the warm bed, hugging Chu Feng tightly.

  The world outside the window is very quiet, and the Christmas tree full of wishes stands far away on the street.

  --Two months ago, my mother passed away from stomach cancer.

  Xie Shiyu closed his eyes, and between his arms, he hugged the only remaining person in the world who was closest to him, breathed each other's breath, and fell into a deep sleep... 15 minutes later, when


  Feng was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt his body Be aside!

  Xie Shiyu suddenly sat up "dying ill", jumped out of bed, and turned on the light.

  With a bang, the night dissipated, bright white light filled the bedroom, and the sleepy Chu Feng protested:

  "Xie Shiyu...what are you doing..."

  "Chu Feng, Chu Feng! Do you remember that you stuffed me with a white jar? You Do you know what that is painted on?"

  "I don't know..." The sleepy Chu Feng answered in a daze, completely unable to understand why Xie Shiyu was so obsessed with it all of a sudden: "I just took it casually... Anyway, it's moisturizing." Xie

  Shiyu The voice was a little anxious: "Then do you remember what was written on it?"

  Chu Feng was speechless: "I don't remember, does it matter? It seems to be... what Lam... b, sheep oil... moisturizing cream." "

  You Are you sure...it's Lamb?" Xie Shiyu's expression paused, and he had a worse premonition in his heart.

  Chu Feng also gradually became sober. He felt that something might be wrong, otherwise Xie Shiyu wouldn't be like this.

  After a while, Xie Shiyu found the small white jar from under the bed: it had been almost hollowed out by him.

  Xie Shiyu immediately turned on his phone, searched the treasure app, took photos and searched...

  Chu Feng also leaned over to look, and soon, the same product was found on the screen:

  LAMER Sea Blue Mystery Essence Cream 100ml

  Price: 4250 yuan

  Chu Feng: " ..."

  Xie Shiyu: "..."

  Many years later, they can still clearly recall how luxurious the Christmas Eve they spent together when they were eighteen years old.

  --Part.ⅢThe melancholy of ten-year-old Xiaoxie--

  "Students, be quiet, pay attention, this time there is an essay recitation competition in the city... Be quiet! Be quiet!! If you don't speak, you will die!!

  " The female teacher suddenly raised her voice by an octave, and the elementary school students below fell silent.

  "Everyone is really a bitch! If you can't listen to your speech, you will have to be scolded!"

  The whole class was quiet for a while, and the third grade teacher, Teacher Meng, put on a soft female voice again:

  "Okay, I will let the Chinese class later. The representative copied the request for essays on the blackboard, and each of you has to write one when you go home, understand? It's handed in next Monday. Now the class starts, and the Chinese papers are turned to..." 、Dingling-Dingling-Class


  over The bell rang.

  "Students, after class, don't run around. The next class is still Chinese class." Teacher Meng: "By the way, Chu Feng, and class representatives, come here, this time there is a poetry competition..." Sitting at the

  end Xiao Yu, who was sitting in the row, was playing with pencils boredly, watching Xiao Chu Feng who was sitting in the middle standing up, and went to the office with the head teacher.

  Ever since Chu Feng's parents found them sitting at the same table in the second grade, Teacher Meng transferred Xie Shiyu to the last row, leaving Chu Feng in the middle.

  "Impressive relatives..."

  Xiao Yu lay down on the table bored, staring at the essay request on the blackboard: Mom and Dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters, relatives are the people we have been with the longest in growing up, and they have left for you Under what impression? Please choose a relative to write, the topic is self-made, and it is enough to reflect the profound theme.

  Xiao Yu yawned, he was not interested, and then he would make up a younger brother based on Chu Feng's prototype and hand it in.

  "This competition will select the Composition Gold Star Award, Silver Star Award, and Composition Rising Star Award. Students who win the Star Medal can advance to participate in the provincial essay recitation competition, and will be given a one-day trip to Disneyland in S City, and three Three days and three nights..."


  The children around read the [Reward for Essay Call] on the blackboard and exclaimed.

  "But this kind of thing is too difficult, it's not our turn, don't think about it, just go back and write casually." The surrounding students hooked their shoulders and went to the corridor to play, "By the way, where are you going for the practical class next week..." They

  joked Walking away, Xiao Yu sat alone on the seat and raised his head: free amusement parks, luxury hotels... He has never been to it.

  With Chu Feng's level...this kind of competition should be for the Gold Star Award, if...if he can also get it...the last Composition Rising Star Award will be fine, as long as he can get it, he can go with Chu Feng Playing...

  Since they were transferred, they can no longer be at the same table, and the time to play together is getting less and less. Recently Chu Feng was busy with the competition, and was called to the office by the teacher after class.

  After finally coming home from school, Chu Feng's parents will come to pick him up soon. Xiao Yu counted on his fingers, and it has been 10 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes, 38 seconds...39 seconds, and he has not played with Chu Feng.

  If this continues, will Chu Feng slowly... alienate him? And then... stop playing with him, stop talking to him.

  Xiao Yu felt a burst of uncontrollable anxiety.

  Even if he is only ten years old, he understands the truth of life. It is normal for friends who played well when they were young to grow up and get separated. Moreover, as early as in kindergarten, he was used to no one playing with him, so it didn't matter if Chu Feng ignored him.

  -He shouldn't be so upset.

  With a face of "Yes, I don't care", and "I don't care if Chu Feng ignores me", Xiao Yu lay on the table, sickly, like a grass that has been sunburned.


  [My younger brother: Xie Mufeng]

  Xie Shiyu in class 1 of the third year

  Teacher Meng smiled: "You made this up."

  Xiao Yu was a little embarrassed.

  Teacher Meng sighed. Anyway, she didn't expect a student like Xie Shiyu to write any award-winning essays. She waved her hand casually: "It's alright, alright, you can go back." The child in front of her didn't move


  Teacher Meng frowned: "Why are you still standing here?"

  It was the first time for Xiaoyu to stay in the teacher's office like this, and he felt a little cramped: "Mr. Meng... Could you help me to correct my composition?"

  Teacher Meng I'm tired, she's still busy, last time the old leader asked her to organize an event, this time it's anti-drug propaganda, and it has to be linked to the quarterly assessment, she is so bored, how can she have time to help such poor students correct their essays. Just as she was about to refuse, she heard the child who was at the bottom of her studies brazenly say:

  "I want to be a new star in composition."



  Teacher Meng laughed outright, and soon put on a straight face: "Xie Shiyu, writing should be based on facts, and a good composition is one with real feelings. You make up things like you and deal with it, and you want to give it to me." Change? Not to mention winning, I can't even give your composition a pass! Go back and rewrite it!"


  "100 Compositions for Primary School Students with Full Scores"

  Ten-year-old Xiao Yu borrowed a composition book, and studied it carefully in mathematics, English and Chinese classes. After his observation of the award-winning composition, he decided to write: "My Mom", praising maternal love.

  "Xie Shiyu, thank you Shiyu!! Stand up and repeat what I just said!"

  Xiaoyu: "..."

  Teacher Meng on the podium waved his hand: "Go out and stand for punishment."

  Xiaoyu's lips twitched, trying to explain something , and finally swallowed the words back, he silently packed his books and walked out through the back door.

  The classmates around him laughed. Bang-

  Mr. Meng slapped the podium hard: "Who is laughing? Who is laughing! I warn you, whoever distracts me in class will get out with him!" "Now I will repeat it again, next week's practical

  class , we will go to the military industrial base to visit the helicopter..."

  The children in the class made a wow sound! Xie Shiyu in the corridor was also a little stunned. Usually, practical classes are spent playing with mud, observing bugs, and visiting helicopters? I have never heard of this kind of practical class...

  Mr. Meng: "This opportunity was won by Chu Feng's father for us. Everyone must cherish it. Don't embarrass the class..." The

  students in the class cast their longing eyes on Chu Feng seat.

  The little seats were empty.

  "Everyone knows that there have been many competitions these past few months. Chu Feng is now representing our school in the Primary School Mathematical Olympiad... Everyone should learn from him! Classes start now..." 10-year-old little


  Feng has been in the past three months Crazy busy racing.

  The third grade will go through a very critical node: class division.

  If he failed to win the first place in all the competitions, his parents would use their relationship to drive Xie Shiyu to another class when he was divided into classes.

  Faced with this unreasonable request, the young Chu Feng thought of a way to retreat and advance. He asked his parents, if he won the first place in all the competitions, then Xie Shiyu and him should both Get into the best class.

  His parents agreed, but they didn't quite believe that little Chu Feng could really achieve first place in all of them. After all, competitions are different from ordinary exams.

  Little Chu Feng was sitting at the desk, constantly reciting. Today just finished the Mathematical Olympiad competition, and there will be poetry competition, English speech competition, essay recitation competition... He is like a small spinning top, constantly spinning , I just hope not to be separated from his good friend.

  --It's been a long time since I played with Xie Shiyu.

  Parents seem to be very free recently, and they always come to pick him up after school, so he can't walk with Xie Shiyu, and can't sneak to Xie Shiyu's house to play...

  Little Chu Feng shook his head, getting rid of these thoughts that interfered with his studies, Concentrate on preparing for the next competition...


  My Mother"

  Mr. Meng looked at the rewritten composition submitted by Xiao Yu and sighed deeply.

  In the composition, the structure taught in class is not used, and there are no excellent words and sentences, and the rhetoric of comparing people and metaphors is not used.

  She shook her head: "No, it's okay if you have to hand in your homework, but this... definitely won't win an award. It's true to write about mothers, but the theme of maternal love is too overflowing. At least 70 of the 100 essays are about maternal love. , It is very difficult to write brilliantly and attract people's attention..."

  Xiao Yu pursed his lips, looking a little confused.

  Teacher Meng suddenly remembered the task she was assigned: anti-drug propaganda.

  The child in front of her is...

  She changed the subject and said softly: "Actually, Xie Shiyu, the teacher knows that you are very smart, and you will definitely improve if you write more. However, you must choose the right starting point for this writing." Xiao Yu

  felt It seemed that the teacher meant something, but he didn't make it clear.

  Teacher Meng was afraid that he would not understand, so he continued: "Look more, is there any entry point that is unique to you? In fact, you have many unique points that other students do not have." At first it sounds like a compliment, but

  smart Xiao Yu followed the teacher's gaze and saw the anti-drug slogan outside the corridor:

  Cherish life, stay away from drugs.

  Xiao Yu's body froze for a moment.

  Teacher Meng: "Actually, your father is a good entry point, and he is also very real. Compared with writing about bad mother love, this can catch the judges' attention immediately. Don't you want to be a new composition star?

  " It closed its mouth like a clam.

  This kind of silence made Teacher Meng a little unhappy: "Go back and think about it carefully. If you still want to submit an essay, remember to bring it to me to correct it early. The deadline will be in a few days..." , Practical



  At the military industrial base, a huge helicopter is displayed in front of you.

  The classmates looked around quietly, and there were endless praises. Surrounded by the children, Chu Feng became the most popular child. His father stood aside in a suit and leather shoes, wearing glasses in a gentle manner. He is a gentle, socially successful person.

  Xiao Yu couldn't squeeze into the encirclement, he was excluded silently, wandering around by himself.

  The helicopter spread its army-green wings, lying in the empty Nuoda exhibition hall, like a trapped eagle.

  Twenty minutes later,

  the encircling circle around Xiao Chufeng finally dissipated.

  The children gradually dispersed, and no one blocked their sight anymore. When Chu Feng raised his head, he saw Xie Shiyu standing not far away.

  They haven't spoken for a long time.

  The two looked at each other, and Xiao Yu was the first to smile. He waved to Chu Feng, and was about to walk towards him...

  But Xiao Chu Feng saw an adult standing behind Xiao Yu.

  Chu Feng's father had a serious face, and when he saw that the drug-addicted child seemed to be walking towards his son, he immediately frowned.

  In the next moment, Xiao Yu saw Xiao Chu Feng turning his face away as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't seen him at all, he turned his head to talk and laugh with other children, they turned around and walked away.

  The forward steps froze in place.

  Xiao Yu stood still, the restless irritability tearing at him even more violently.

  Obviously when he was a child, he encountered countless times difficult things, even life-threatening things, but he was not so anxious, but more patient than those adults.


  Xiao Yu couldn't figure it out. Manic depression held in her small chest.

  If he got a new composition star and went to the amusement park with Chu Feng, would their relationship be back to normal?   "Chu Feng, Chu Feng! Piano practice."

  "   Oh."   Little Chu Feng was lying on the desk writing his speech in English. The poetry competition and Mathematical Olympiad competition were over, and he felt that he did well in the exam. Next is the English speech contest, the essay recitation contest, and the daily piano, as well as the normal academic exams...   His study schedule is placed in the corner of the desk, which is full of it.   Last time... I don't know if Xie Shiyu will be angry.   They are seated far apart now, if they went to talk to Xie Shiyu on purpose, they would probably report to their parents if they were seen by the teacher.   If...telling Xie Shiyu the truth...   the tip of the pen paused.   Little Chu Feng showed a troubled expression. He didn't know what to say, so he told Xie Shiyu directly: My parents won't let me play with you?

  -Why? -Because your family takes drugs and is poor at school, my parents are afraid that you will spoil me, and they also said that if I don't get the first place in the competition, my family will use my relationship to let you be assigned to the worst class. So I don't have time to come and play with you recently, sorry.

  Boom, little Chu Feng was lying on the desk with his small head in his arms. If he said such words, Xie Shiyu would probably break up with him immediately.

  "Chu Feng, Chu Feng! What are you still dawdling about? Playing the piano-"

  Little Chu Feng put down his pen and drove away the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind. If they are divided into one class, they can stay in the same class until the sixth grade!


  Now let me announce the shortlist for the last essay recitation competition, Gold Star Award: Chu Feng, ..., ..., Silver Star Award: ..., and Composition Rising Star Award: ..., ..., and, Classmate Xie Shiyu."


  The whole class was in an uproar and exclaimed: "What's the situation?!"

  "Xie Shiyu can also win the award?"

  "Quiet!" Teacher Meng knocked on the table, "Xie Shiyu's composition this time is very special. Serious, very profound theme, the entry point is also very novel, and he ran to the office several times to ask me to help him correct his composition, he is very studious, everyone should learn like him..." Some children in the class murmured dissatisfied


  I usually hear the teacher praise class leaders like Chu Feng, and say that they want to learn from him, and the classmates don't have any opinions. After all, a person who has always been better than himself has achieved achievements and praise, and everyone is very convinced.

  However, a person who has always been inferior to himself suddenly achieved success, but he did not achieve it, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

  "Hey, tell me the truth."

  The boy sitting at the front table turned around and asked Xie Shiyu meanly, "Did you copy some model essay?" The

  children around were also giggling.

  Xie Shiyu didn't speak, too lazy to answer.

  Teacher Meng: "This list is to be recorded, because it is an essay recitation competition. Next, everyone needs to read their own compositions aloud. The students who won the Gold Star Award will go to the ... Baihua Auditorium in the urban area to participate in the recitation selection, and the students who will receive the Silver Star Award will be in our Selection by the school.

  "You can just read aloud to the class for new composition stars. A video will be recorded and uploaded to the organizing committee at that time. Classmates will also participate in the evaluation. The evaluation results will refer to the students' evaluation. The admission ratio is about 1:2, that is, two students." Individuals are selected to be eliminated, so the award-winning students have to prepare to recite well..." "

  Chu Feng, come up and hand out the award certificate. "

  "Teacher, Chu Feng is going to participate in the English competition. " "

  "Oh, I forgot, all right, class representative, come up and get it. " Okay, now open the textbook..."



  Xiao Yu lay on the desk with his face turned sideways, looking at the scenery outside the window.

  He didn't want to read his composition aloud. He

  finally got selected for the competition, but...he didn't want to read aloud.

  This idea is held in my heart, and there is no one to tell.

  There are even numbers in pairs, front, back, left, and right. Only Xie Shiyu sits at the end of the class, a lonely odd number.

  --No one is at the same table. The entire seat can be occupied by him, but He doesn't have anything to put, the table is empty, unlike the table when he used to be at the same table, where there can be a lot of excitement for two people.,


  Okay, class is over! By the way, Xie Shiyu, come to my office. "

  Different from the previous two times when I came to correct the composition, this time, Xiaoyu felt that Teacher Meng was very happy, and looked at him with kindness:

  "Xie Shiyu, the teacher knows that you are very smart. Look, you won the prize as soon as you wrote the composition this time. The classmates in the class may not be mature enough. They saw that you have achieved such good grades. , I actually envy you. Of course, you should not be complacent, you must continue to work hard for the next recitation, the school also attaches great importance to this competition, and the principal and secretary will come to our class to listen..." Xiao Yu lowered his

  head , did not speak, and after a while, he asked in a low voice:

  "Can... can't you read aloud?"

  "Not read aloud? What do you mean!" Teacher Meng raised her eyebrows and raised her voice an octave, "This is the competition process, how can I not read aloud?" What about reading aloud? Do you want to hand over the Rising Star Award to

  someone else?" Teacher Meng actually didn't care about Xiao Yu's Rising Star Award. Under the guidance, he wrote such a profound article, and he also won the Rising Star Award in the essay contest. What an inspirational educational chicken soup at this time, and the school leaders also attach great importance to it. At this juncture, this child doesn't even go to read it aloud?

  Teacher Meng thought for a while and then softened his voice a little: "Look, if you get the Rising Star Award, you will have the opportunity to go to City S. Chu Feng should also go. Didn't you have a good time with him?" Xiao Yu frowned

  . The mouth does not speak.

  --Yes, he wants to go to the amusement park with Chu Feng, maybe, they can go to the amusement park as before... they

  have reached this point.

  Xiao Yu: "Classmates' grades..."

  "It's okay." Teacher Meng smiled. Now, in order to show democracy, students' grades/votes are set up, but in fact, the reference point is not very meaningful. Of course, it is their teachers who make the real decisions.

  "Don't worry, this composition is very well written, don't think about it, go back and prepare for the recitation."


  the day of the recitation, the school leader really came, sat in a row behind the class, and hung a banner behind: Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

  The first two rising composition stars finished reciting "My Teacher Grandpa" and "My Architect Uncle" with great emotion, and finally it was Xie Shiyu's turn.

  The students in the class sat on their seats with their heads poking around. While they were dissatisfied, they were also very curious. What kind of composition did Xie Shiyu write to be rated as a new composition star?


  Ten-year-old Xiao Yu pulled up his seat, and he had already memorized the manuscript in advance.

  As a poor student, he had the opportunity to speak on the podium for the first time. After standing up, Xiao Yu found that the angle of view here was quite different from that of sitting below. He first looked at the familiar seat, and it was empty.

  At this time, Chu Feng should participate in the recitation selection for the Gold Star Award in the downtown auditorium.

  The sound of a needle falling could be heard quietly in the class. Teacher Meng was afraid that Xie Shiyu would be stage fright. She stood beside the school leader and signaled with a sweet female voice: "Student Xie Shiyu, you can start." There are more than 50 people



  class Both eyes were staring at Xiao Yu with black holes.

  Finally, under such gaze, Xie Shiyu recited the composition carefully revised by the teacher:

  "My Drug-Addicting Father",

  Class 3 (1), Xie Shiyu, instructor: Meng Xinhua

  "My father is a drug addict..."


  Shua, the whole class was in an uproar.

  Although some students in the class knew the situation of Xie Shiyu's family, it was the first time they heard it read like this publicly. They found it very strange, and a few students secretly covered their mouths and giggled softly.

  Kacha, Kacha

  The photographer in the back row took a group photo of the leading teacher, the students and the slogan.


  After the teacher and the school leader left, the class was in a mess, and the students looked at Xiao Yu with strange smiles.

  "No wonder, let me tell you, how could you win an award with your composition level. Hahaha!"

  Xiao Yu pretended not to hear anything, and fell asleep on the table with his hands under his head.

  In fact, he couldn't sleep at all.

  But it doesn't matter, if... if you can go with Chu Feng smoothly in the end, everything will be worth it.


  A few days later, Xie Shiyu was called to the teacher's office again.

  Teacher Meng took a list and said with a smile:

  "Congratulations, you have been selected. You are a rising star in composition. Here is your certificate."

  Xiao Yu held the only red certificate in his student days:

  Congratulations for three years (1) Classmate Xie Shiyu:

  Your composition "My Drug-Addicting Father" won the Rising Star Award in the 12th Elementary and Middle School Themed Essay Competition


  Xiao Yu quickly rolled up the award certificate casually, and he asked:

  "Then, teacher, when will the prizes be distributed?"

  - According to the solicitation, there will be a free one-day trip to Disneyland in S city and luxury five-star hotels .

  "I was just going to tell you about this." Teacher Meng said slowly, "That's right, the one-day tour and the hotel are indeed free, but we are going in groups for this composition, so we need to submit to the group Fees, including travel expenses to S City, meals for three meals a day, and when the time comes to go to Disneyland, you will need a tour guide and a car for other attractions, right? It's about 2,580 yuan." More than two thousand...


  is For Xie Shiyu's family, it was a huge sum of money.

  "But..." Ten-year-old Xiaoyu stood there aggrieved, "Didn't you say it was free?"

  "Yes, so the teacher said that one-day tours and hotels are free, but if you want to go, you must go with a group, and other expenses will have to be paid. Let me clarify first, this money is not given to me, but to me. For the competition organizing committee, this is also the organizing committee's regulations.

  " Look, the last item of the essay request is still written, and all interpretation rights belong to the organizing committee. For the Rising Star Award, you need to pay a participation fee of 2580 to get it Go to S City to participate in the promotion competition. Gold Star and Silver Star Awards are free of charge. "

  "Do you want to sign up? " If you want, I'll help you put your name up here. In fact, more than 2,000 yuan is not much, so you should just go to S city for tourism. You think, if you usually want to go to S city to visit Disney and stay in a five-star hotel, then it is more than 2,000 yuan, let alone this time It is also a rare opportunity for you to exercise..."

  "I won't go. "

  Xiao Yu's hands were squeezed tightly, and the rolled up certificate was instantly squeezed flat:

  "It's boring. "


  "Hey! You child...! "

  Teacher Meng stood up angrily. Xiao Yu was gone. She sat back angrily. Forget it. Let others get this quota. Most of them are parents who pay for their children and want to be promoted   .


The certificate was randomly thrown in the school bag.

  The last session was physical education class. Everyone put their school bags on the steps, and then they huffed and moved freely on the playground. They were very happy.

  As usual, Xiao Yu was alone in the sandpit Sand.

  "Hey! Thank you Shiyu! Didn't it mean that those who win the composition can go to Disney? They all went there for a meeting, why didn't you go? "

  "That's right, that's right, aren't you a rising star in composition! " "

  Two boys walked towards each other, and one of them started to act like Xie Shiyu recited on stage that day. He tugged at his neckline, cleared his throat, and learned exaggeratedly:

  "Dear leadership teacher, dear students, hello everyone! I am Xie Shiyu from Class Three (1). Today, I am going to recite for you my composition "Drug Addicted Father", which won the Rising Star Award, haha Hahahaha!"

  Another boy continued like a thread: "Treasure life, stay away from drugs, every time I see such expressions, I feel uneasy, because my father is a drug addict!

  " The passing classmates laughed at me and joked:

  "Oh, stop acting, you two, you are a rising star in composition, are you   ?


He laughed and ran away.

  It seemed like it was just a joke, nothing serious.

  Xiao Yu didn't say anything, and squatted silently in the sand.

  He knows how to deal with smugglers, murderers, blood, knives and dismembered corpses, but he doesn't know how to deal with the ridicule, sarcasm, stinging smiles from his classmates and teachers, and the barriers that cannot be overcome no matter how hard he tries.

  Xiao Yu looked not far away, there was a group of children gathered there, he saw at a glance that Chu Feng was also inside, and the leader was a teacher he didn't know, who might be explaining to them about going to S city to participate in the promotion competition.

  It is not easy to take up the time of other classes, but it is only natural to take up the physical education class.

  They were not too far apart, but Xiao Yu looked at the distance between him and Chu Feng, and felt that there was a thick layer of bulletproof glass between them.

  As early as the first grade, Xiao Yu knew that Chu Feng lived in a different world from him.

  It wasn't until the third grade that Xiao Yu began to realize that the world in this world is not only different, but also divided into high and low.

  He is the one who wrote in the composition: My father is the child of a drug addict, and Chu Feng's father is a well-known professor in a prestigious school. He can take everyone to see what kind of helicopter, and when the whole class surrounds him in admiration: Chu Feng, your father is so amazing!

  Little Chu Feng just shrugged his shoulders lightly:

  "It's nothing." When the promotion


  was about to start, Chu Feng, who won the Gold Star Award, was sitting in the car.

  He opened the car window and looked towards the side of the road. All the classmates from the class after school came to see them off.

  The teacher is busy now, and the parents are away now.

  Little Chu Feng saw Xie Shiyu in the crowd at a glance, and he immediately waved his little hand to greet Xie Shiyu!

  --But Xie Shiyu was in a daze, he didn't know if he was in a daze or what, it seemed that he didn't see him at all.

  Instead, it was the classmate beside Xie Shiyu who mistakenly thought that Chu Feng was here to say hello to him, and responded happily:   "   Chu

  Feng,   goodbye!" Feng could only smile politely.   The car started, and the wheels rolled forward faster and faster...   Knowing that the car was driving at full speed, and the school behind him was a little bit smaller, Chu Feng didn't see Xie Shiyu saying goodbye to him.   For the first time, he felt... Xie Shiyu seemed...not happy in front of him.   ,   Five days later   , it was another physical education class,   Xie Shiyu was too lazy to go down, he lay prone on the seat, sleeping with his hands on his pillow.   In fact, he couldn't fall asleep, he just didn't want to see the classmates coming and going.   Suddenly, he felt that the air around him became hot, and there was a body temperature, and he sat beside him.   -Which guy is trying to make fun of him?   Xiao Yu opened his eyes impatiently...   "Hi~"   Little Chu Feng sat beside him.

  Just like they sat at the same table back then.

  All the students around had gone to physical education class, and there were only the two of them left in the class. The wooden tables and chairs shone golden in the sunlight.

  Xiao Yu: "You... are you back?"

  Little Chu Feng: "Yeah! The car just heard the school gate."

  All the participating children got out of the car and went home, just in time to miss the last class, only Little Chu Feng ran back After leaving school, he took out something from his schoolbag and handed it to Xie Shiyu:

  "A gift for you! I bought it from Disney,

  it's very suitable for you!" It seems... back to normal again.

  "How was the competition?"

  "Of course I am number one." Little Chu Feng said, "By the way, I...I put the composition in the gift too. You...you can read it when you go home! Well, then I'll go first It's already..."

  Xiaoyu felt that Chu Feng was afraid that he would open the gift on the spot, so he fled away as if flying away.

  The ears are still a little red, like shy.

  Xiao Yu recalled Chu Feng's appearance and smiled. He became even more curious. What kind of gift is it?


  Returning to Room 404 of the residential building, Xiao Yu couldn't wait to get into his bedroom, sat at the small desk, and began to unwrap presents.

  Because it was a gift from Chu Feng, Xiao Yu carefully opened it, even reluctant to tear the wrapping paper. He untied the knotted ribbon, and unwrapped the seal of the wrapping paper bit by bit... Inside was a set of stationery,

  Disney The pen case, automatic pen, eraser, and ruler are very delicate.

  It's just... the pattern is a bit strange. Xie Shiyu originally thought it would be Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck or something, but what Chu Feng bought him was:

  Disney Princess.

  Xiao Yu: ...

  Open the pencil case, there is a piece of paper folded in a rectangle.

  Xiao Yu picked it up, thinking it was a letter from Chu Feng to him or something...

  When he opened it, he was stunned.

  This is a piece of composition paper with the watermark of [Essay Contest] on the seal. It is Chu Feng's composition that won the first place in the provincial competition: "   My

  Good Friend--Xie Shiyu"   ,   Xie Shiyu read this composition fifteen times, and Chu Feng would memorize every sentence he wrote.   "Yuyu..."   "Xie Shiyu?"   Mother: "You child! Why are you hiding in the room and giggling alone? Come on, it's time to eat-" "   ...Oh! Come right away"   Ten-year-old Xiaoyu sat happily At the desk, enjoy this masterpiece. Suddenly, his eyes stayed on the title of this composition:   My good friend--Xie Shiyu   Xiao Yu was holding the Disney Princess mechanical pencil, and by magic, he manipulated the pen tip and quietly changed a word on the title.   Realizing what he was doing, Xiao Yu quickly picked up the eraser and wiped the word clean!   However, that meaning is engraved in my mind like a brand, and I can't get rid of it.   Holding the pen, Xiao Yu seriously recalled the knowledge points of correcting wrong sentences in the Chinese document, as if there was a special symbol for correcting characters.   He circled the word "good" of "good friend", and stretched out two small hands on the smooth circle, holding a new word: "male".   Xiao Yu silently read the title of the new composition word by word, and then blushed.   ,   "Xie Shiyu, what are you still doing? Don't you have dinner--"   Footsteps came, and my mother was about to come in!

  Xiao Yu was so frightened that he immediately erased the word he changed. The moment he wiped the eraser, Xiao Yu suddenly understood why he had been troubled all this time.

  Under the bright light at noon, the title of the composition left slight traces of changes:

  "My Boyfriend--Xie Shiyu"

  --Part.ⅣThe last little secret--

  18 months later


  [Welcome to Dream City]

  Above the three words Dream City, there is a small corner mark: DG

  "I have wanted to ask for a long time, Mr. Xie, when you founded the DG company, what is the connotation of naming it DG?"

  The audience Chu Feng quietly listened to President Xie Shiyu's nonsense:

  "This D actually symbolizes Deep, and G symbolizes Great, deep thinking, and outstanding achievements. Including this acquisition of Dream City, in fact, when I first proposed the plan, many people said it was too aggressive. Yes, but in fact I have thought a lot and made a lot of preparations. The success of one thing..."

  President Xie started the commercial chicken soup speech, and Chu Feng secretly yawned in the audience.

  During these eighteen months of working overtime, he finally swallowed Dream City smoothly.

  Their company first fully supported all the complaints against Dream City, and the public relations department went all out to publicize the persecution of Dream City against players. It has been online for so many years that directly/indirectly caused the death of players.

  At that time, the public relations did not disclose all these cases, but deliberately left some exaggerated words. This wave is speculation, and the loopholes left are waiting for counter-speculation.

  Soon, another wave of public opinion began to go online. Detectives picked up various unreasonable places in the news, questioning the authenticity of the news about Dream City.

  Netizens who eat melons eat it on both sides, eating it with great joy. Dream City's public relations also joined in, and issued a lawyer's letter to GD Company, announcing to all players: The facts in the news are fabricated and defamatory, and Dream City Company will investigate this to the end...

  But there are still a large group of players who are afraid of the Dream City game because of this large-scale revelation, and start to quit.

  At the same time, GD Company strikes while the iron is hot and launches a holographic game called "The Sims". Dream City Company immediately started to bite back, saying that GD Company carried out such malicious commercial slander for the launch of its own game!

  At this point, negative public opinion has reached its peak, and countless netizens began to question GD, is the news true or false? Is it just for commercial hype? Can Dreaming City still play? Especially the account of President Xie Shiyu receives millions of messages every day...

  At the same time, Dream City player forums also began to miss the great god X. Back then, there was a group of serial bombers in Dream City, and many players were inexplicably bombed in the game. The death caused the real body to become a vegetative state. This incident caused widespread reports around the world, and led to the verge of bankruptcy of Dream City.

  In the end, it was God X's fluid conjecture that turned the tide and cracked the bomb. Dream City Company also paid a huge amount of compensation to the victim's family before turning the matter over. Players really hope that X can stand up and say something.

  After all, Supervisor X is the highest supervisor who guards the front line of players, and he knows the details of this game best.

  [However, he probably won't come out, the supervisor X in the game has been replaced. ]

  [Subcutaneously replaced, doesn't he still have his own account? The original account of X. ]

  [What do you want him to say at this time? Help Dreaming City to say that the game is absolutely not dangerous? If there is danger in the future, he will not be able to take responsibility. If he does not speak up for Dream City... Has he managed such a large company by himself] President Xie Shiyu checked the

  player forum and was very satisfied with the state of public opinion, and negative public opinion reached its peak , that is when the reversal begins.

  Xie Shiyu only sent three words that day:

  [I am X]

  At the same time, he logged into X's ordinary account and posted a response on the player forum:

  [Hi everyone, I am Xie Shiyu]


  As a cooperation, the public relations department launched a completely real revelation this time. Through this wave of positive speculation, anti-speculation, and big reversal, the heat gained is much higher than that of the completely real revelation at the beginning. The blow is also a blow to death.

  Xie Shiyu, as the highest supervisor, knows the tricks of Dream City best. Players are in danger in the game. If they cannot be rescued and die, the legal department of Dream City will blame it on the sudden death of the player himself staying up late or addicted to the game. Any game will die suddenly, not their dream city's problem.

  The lawyers hired by ordinary people can't beat Dream City's legal department at all, and they end up paying a small amount of money. Because the dead players are all sporadic, they don't pose a big threat.

  Xie Shiyu exposed all these dotted cases, confirming the potential harm of the Dream City game to people, and how the game forces players to use krypton gold system routines. In just a few days, Dream City's wind reviews fell wildly, and the stock price plummeted accordingly. DG Company began to buy a large number of shares in Dream City at low prices. At the same time, Dream City Company was also facing tens of thousands of illegal lawsuits from all over the world... At this

  time , as a well-funded DG company, Xie Shiyu extended an olive branch to his old club very kindly.

  Eighteen months later, Dream City hung the DG logo as scheduled.

  "Okay, thank you Mr. Xie for your speech. This is the first time I understand the connotation of DG, Deep and Great, deep thinking, and outstanding achievement! It can be said to be a very meaningful sentence. Then..." The host on the stage

  invited The next guest, after Xie Shiyu came down, turned on his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast of the program, and several barrages scrolled across the screen:

  [So deep thinking achieves excellence? In fact, we all read Dumbdog in DG. Before, the senior asked me if I should apply for Dumbdog for my resume. He has an internal referral code or something...]

  [Yan Gou, I've read all the interviews of Mr. Xie. In fact, he really had something to do with dogs at the beginning. When he graduated from university and started his business, he had a small interview in the urban area. At that time, someone asked him what DG meant. He was obviously taken aback, and said it was the abbreviation of Doge. He liked to use that emoji very much, and he typed it on it when he named it. ]

  [I remember that interview! Previously, there were sisters editing, and Mr. Xie, who is so young and immature, will never go back. Now ask about DeepGreat, commercial chicken soup has achieved excellence. / Rolling eyes]

  [No way, the abbreviation of Doge is too funny, why is he so handy hahahahaha...]

  Xie Shiyu glanced lightly and turned off the live broadcast.

  What about DeepGreat, he just said it casually in his speech, including the previous Doge, who was also talking nonsense. What DG really meant was not this at all.

  Perhaps, even Chu Feng couldn't guess what it meant. Xie Shiyu came out from the backstage, looking towards Chu Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

  Chu Feng was looking at his phone, but suddenly raised his head, and met Xie Shiyu's eyes.

  Xie Shiyu smiled at him, and then buzzed -

  a message popped up on WeChat:

  [Do you think I don't know? /Little cat staring at you]

  The Chu Feng on the opposite side seemed to be able to read minds, Xie Shiyu was a little surprised: [How do you know? ]

  Chu Feng: [Just look at the keyboard and you will know, idiot. ]



  on the keyboard, the letters G and D faithfully protect F in the middle.



  however, it is too deliberate to say this kind of meaning to the public, just bury it in your heart.

  Xie Shiyu closed the phone, he walked towards Chu Feng with a smile, and sat beside him.


  When cleaning up for the new year, Xie Shiyu found something unexpected in the study.

  His scribble book.

  It was hidden by Chu Feng before, but at some point it was put back into this drawer, hidden in the innermost part, and pressed with some documents. If it hadn't been cleaned up today, he might never have found it.

  Xie Shiyu opened the doodle book, and the inside page was printed with an ugly rabbit-the cartoon image of the stationery brand.

  He flipped through several volumes, but they were all empty. The thirty-seven lines, knives, vehicles, wine glasses, and tick marks that he had drawn were all cut out by Chu Feng and disposed of.

  There is only one notebook left, and his graffiti:

  stuffed bird.

  It was a graffiti he drew when he was 20 years old. Unlike others who just drew randomly, he drew these two stuffed birds very seriously, and there are several grids like a manga: in the first grid, two furry

  birds The fluffy white bird stands on the branch, sticking to it, very happy, surrounded by luxuriant foliage, full of vitality; in the

  second frame, the leaves are withered, and the cold wind blows, one white bird becomes a little unhappy, and the other A little bird tried to comfort it, but it was useless;

  in the third frame, drastic changes took place, the branches died, and thorny thorns grew everywhere. The most terrifying thing was that a white bird lost its feathers, revealing its original black Seeing the black bird beside him, the real white bird was so frightened that it flapped its wings and wanted to escape...

  but the surrounding thorns trapped it.

  In the fourth grid, a miraculous thing happened, a small opening was suddenly opened in the densely packed black thorns, and the white bird got out, escaped, and was completely free.

  And the little black bird stood where it was, forever in the winter thorn forest.


  This was drawn by Xie Shiyu and Chu Feng after receiving the certificate back then, to restrain himself that even if one day Chu Feng wanted to divorce him, he would let Chu Feng leave like a normal person.

  --After all, he will definitely do what he draws in a small notebook.

  But now, the graffiti on the notebook has changed.

  From the second frame to the fourth frame are marked with a big red cross.

  Like a revision, a new plush bird is drawn next to it:

  the leaves are falling, winter is coming, two little birds are wrapped in scarves, sticking to each other for warmth.

  The branches were dead and covered with thorns. The little black bird had lost its fur and was shaking. The

  little white bird turned its head, took a look at the little black bird, flapped its wings and pecked at it, showing no intention of leaving.

  The fluffy figures are tightly stuck together. There is another line below, which is Chu Feng's handwriting:

  [Love you forever]

  --Even if the branches and leaves are withered, winter is approaching, and the forest is full of dark thorns, two fluffy birds will chirp and stick to it. Together, not apart.


  The author has something to say: the full text is over! Everyone remember to finish the rating, give Xie Ge and Fengshu five little stars, okay~

  The next book will open "Infinite Shura Field", you can click the column to see, if there is a destiny, we will see you in the next book, thank you all for your journey Accompanying~

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