Chapter 93: Meeting X

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Chu Feng watched X wearing the Lucky brooch in high spirits and leaving his Dreaming City.

--This person definitely did it on purpose!

Xiao Xie, who was full of platonic states, looked at Chu Feng pitifully. Xie, who was a good adult, was unable to plant maple trees due to the side effects of the glass ball prop X, and he didn't know how long it would last.

Tick ​​-

[Brain waves have been disconnected, you have exited Dream City]

Chu Feng suddenly took off the game headgear and returned to reality, holding back his anger.

He just guessed that Supervisor X might... have some other ideas about him, because they are not exactly like the relationship between ordinary players and ordinary supervisors in the game.

Now that Chu Feng is sure, this person just has ulterior motives. He even put his mind on the character Xiao Xie, restricting the normal life of their husband and wife.

Chu Feng picked up his mobile phone - WeChat, and was about to send the sentence that was deleted just now: "You did it on purpose."

Buzzing -

before he sent a message, X on the opposite plane sent it first without any guilt:

[Will you come to pick me up? ]

- With emoticon package: Corgi puppy hooks his eyes and looks at you.

Chu Feng laughed angrily, and forcefully replied two words:

[Wait. ]

--There are still 49 minutes before flight MF1109 lands.

Chu Feng got up, ready to go to the airport to settle accounts with X himself.

The wheels of the Lamborghini

rubbed against the highway leading to the airport, and the engine of the sports car made a chattering sound.

When Chu Feng went out, he put on some clothes casually. He looked at the mirror on the car, and the clothes really looked a little too big.

Since inheriting Xie Shiyu's company, Chu Feng wears formal high-end suits and shirts every day. Today, when I went to pick up X at the airport, Chu Feng dressed casually. He only put on an ordinary black adidas sweater and went out.

When getting off the elevator at home just now, Chu Feng glanced at the mirror on the top of the elevator, and found that this dress... was not his own black sweater, but Xie Shiyu's.

Although Xie Shiyu had been gone for two years, Chu Feng still put his clothes together with himself, even the toothbrushes were placed in the bathroom intact, in pairs. He was in a hurry to go out today, so he randomly picked one from the closet, and accidentally made a mistake.

Both of them have the same piece of clothing. Chu Feng remembered that he and Xie Shiyu bought it when they were in college, and made it into a couple's outfit.

In the past, he and Xie Shiyu had donated a lot of old clothes to the recycle bin, but the couple's clothes were kept in the closet no matter how many years they were kept.

Xie Shiyu was over 1.9 meters tall, and his clothes were a bit too big for Chu Feng who was 1.8 meters tall. Chu Feng pulled his sleeves and continued to drive.

The car is a Lamborghini, Xie Shiyu's favorite car during his lifetime. At the end of the road extension, Chu Feng saw a whole area of ​​huge flat buildings, which looked very eye-catching in a city full of high-rise buildings.

At the airport, after a two-year absence, he came to this place again.


Chu Feng was startled, and the roar of the plane could be heard next to his ears. He raised his head slightly, and a Boeing plane took off from the airport. It quickly rose, rose, and reached high into the clouds. The huge fuselage shrunk into a small silver bird. Draw the trajectory of the blue sky in the white clouds.

The palm of the hand holding the steering wheel was slightly sweaty, but Chu Feng felt uncomfortable in the very normal picture of the plane.

The take-off and roar of the plane made him feel scared, and he couldn't help but think about it, Xie Shiyu used to fly from a height of tens of thousands of miles...

"...The chance of survival is very low...", "No survivors can be found...", "The fuselage was already on fire when the plane crashed...", "According to the current investigation report, there is no possibility of survival. Please bear with your condolences.

" Lah--

Chu Feng suddenly stopped on the airport parking apron.

He remained silent for two seconds, obliterating all the news reports and international search and rescue teams that popped up in his mind.

He glanced at X's flight itinerary card, it was about to land. After landing, X still needs to go through immigration procedures, claim luggage, go through customs, and queue up... not so fast.

Chu Feng slowly drove the Lamborghini to the underground parking lot of the airport.

He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and was about to light it, thinking that this is an underground parking garage, and smoking is not safe.

Withdrawing the hand holding the lighter, the cigarette just dangled.

Although Chu Feng smoked a lot in the past two years, he didn't actually have any addictions. He didn't like smoking, but only liked to smoke the cigarettes that Xie Shiyu used to smoke.

He held it quietly, feeling the bitterness of the tobacco slightly opening around his mouth, as if Xie Shiyu was still by his side.

In the past, Xie Shiyu never smoked in front of him, and he would never let him inhale second-hand smoke, but when Xie Shiyu came back from smoking, there would be a faint smell of smoke on his body and mouth, which could be tasted when he kissed and hugged.

Chu Feng stayed in the car quietly for a while. Now it's not the Spring Festival travel and the 11th travel. There are not so many people flying, and the parking lot is a bit empty.

The quiet and dark environment in the underground garage made him miss the smell of tobacco on Xie Shiyu.

Two years ago, he didn't wait for the person he most wanted to see here.

Two years later, he came here to pick up a stranger in the game. Probe for an impossible outcome.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, We expect to land at H city in 20 minutes..."

X put down the game headgear, and the announcement of preparation for landing sounded on the plane:

"The estimated time of arrival will be 11:30 amand the ground temperature is 27 degrees Celcius ...I would like to thank you for flying with us..."

[Chu Feng must be very angry]

X recalled that he blatantly wore the lucky brooch in Chu Feng's dream city, and smiled inwardly.

Thinking of the group of arrogant Xiao Xie in the city who proclaimed their prostitution by day and now can't plant maple trees, X felt a kind of pleasure spontaneously in his heart.

He turned his head and looked out of the window. Under the clouds were forests, lakes, and high-rise buildings. City H, where Chu Feng lived, was right under his feet.

X looked at the layout of this city, some places are a bit like Chu Feng's [Dream City]. Of course, the real city is tens of thousands of times more complicated, but this kind of real complexity... makes X inexplicably feel a little familiar


I don't know if it's the familiarity of the Chinese returning to the motherland, or some other sense of familiarity. Looking at the mountains and rivers and cities outside the plane window, he felt much more comfortable than seeing the same waves and beaches in the Pacific island countries. X, who had lost his memory for a long time, suddenly realized a kind of The feeling of "falling leaves returning to their roots".


[Motherland welcomes you]

After the plane landed, X came out of the passageway, and X saw such a sign.

He looks around. The news was broadcast on the LED high-definition screen, and the host was speaking fluent Mandarin, not the French, English, Melanesian, Polynesian, and indigenous songs he heard in the Pacific island countries.

H City International Airport does not have a lot of people, X follows the prompts step by step into the mirror to clear customs and pick up his luggage. An hour later, all the formalities were completed, and

the marble floor of the airport was bright enough to reflect people's shadows. From here, he could walk to the exit, and he could see Chu Feng.

It is known that Chu Feng is very angry now, and it is also known that Chu Feng is a person who takes the soft but not the tough at first glance...

X did not go straight forward, he turned around and walked into the bathroom with his

luggage : Restrooms for private use.

People who were queuing in the men's and women's washrooms immediately looked at the 1.9-meter-long, able-bodied man with contempt: "Why is this man

occupying the handicapped washroom with hands and feet..."

One minute Finally, the door of the disabled toilet opened.

A gaunt, bandaged man in a wheelchair came out slowly, and

the people around him were stunned.

With a completely different posture from just now, even the temperament of this person has undergone a subtle change. Just now, he was a big man with a brisk walk and more than 1.9 meters. Although the bandages were a bit strange, he still looked like a healthy person. Even the bandages wrapped around his face made this tall man even more uncomfortable. Messed up.

In just one minute, this big man transformed into a fragile and helpless disabled person in need of social care. The bandages on his face further showed that he was a shattered victim of a catastrophe. Like a Venus with a broken arm, there is a sense of fragmented tragedy all over his body, and he urgently needs the care and assistance of the society.

X completely ignored the sunshine of the passers-by around him, and slowly rowed forward in the wheelchair.

Doctors told him his leg was recovering. I need to take part of the day to walk, but I still need to use a wheelchair the rest of the time. The walking time can be gradually lengthened, but you can't walk all day at once. Gradually increasing the intensity of exercise will be more conducive to his future recovery.

X follows the doctor's advice. Now. Walking time was over, it was his wheelchair time.


Chu Feng was wearing Xie Shiyu's oversize sweater, and was waiting at the door aggressively.

Later, I will rush up to catch X, and ask carefully, is that prop X deliberately placed in Dreaming City to punish Xiao Xie?

Although it did not endanger Xiao Xie's life and health, it prevented Xiao Xie from planting maple trees, which seriously affected the normal life of their husband and wife!

The domineering Chu Feng stood on the spot, staring at the exit, every person who got off the plane would be baptized by his eyes.

Suddenly, a bandaged man appeared in front of his eyes!

Almost the whole face is covered, only one eye is exposed, just like in the game.

--It's X!

Different from the appearance of X carrying a gun and dismantling bombs in the game, this man is sitting in a wheelchair, sliding and moving forward slowly, forming a sharp contrast with the healthy and hurried pedestrians around him.

X was not accompanied by anyone. He had to turn the wheelchair with one hand and push his luggage with the other, and he had to be careful not to collide with the two. He was struggling to move forward, and there was no one around to help him.

The wheelchair gradually slid to the exit, where there was a raised horizontal bar.


The wheel of the wheelchair happened to be stuck at the horizontal bar, so I couldn't get over it. Chu Feng watched as X, who was moving vigorously in the game, was imprisoned in the wheelchair of a square inch, stuck there rattling, unable to turn the wheel to row over.

Even though the distance is only half a step, it is very easy to take a step with both legs, but it has become a difficulty when sitting in a wheelchair.

The fire that had filled my stomach just now disappeared in no time. Seeing X's appearance, Chu Feng's heart suddenly throbbed with pain, and the accusations he wanted to say to X were instantly forgotten. Chu Feng walked over immediately. Pushing up X's wheelchair softly, he asked softly,

"Excuse me, are you Mr. X?"

Sitting on the wheelchair, X raised his head, glanced at Chu Feng, nodded, and

Chu Feng looked down at X. In the wheelchair, I don't have the height of 1.9 meters in the game. I don't know why X's eyes look a little pitiful, a bit like the corgi emoji that X sent in WeChat.

Like a puppy who has been wandering for many years, someone finally took him home.

"Why is there no one to accompany you?"

Chu Feng said while pushing X's wheelchair, and helping X push the luggage with the other hand, and the two came out of the airport together.

X remained silent and did not speak. He was actually escorted and picked up by a special car from the game company, but because Chu Feng would come to pick him up, he rejected the game company's arrangement.

From the moment X came out, he saw Chu Feng in the crowd. His pretty face stood out from the crowd.

In addition to feeling beautiful in the game, X also felt another strange feeling:


Unlike in the game, the demeanor and temperament in reality are more real, as well as Chu Feng's breath approaching him, Chu Feng's hand on his wheelchair...every place, every detail, even the clothes that Chu Feng is

wearing An oversize sweater. They all made him feel familiar, and made him feel closer than the motherland or the city.

X observed from the corner of his eye, there was a string of letters embroidered on the black sweater Chu Feng was wearing: adidas. X recalled his own memory fragments. When he and the little boy were observing the swallows, the boy was carrying a small blue schoolbag with a string of letters embroidered on it:


He didn't know if Chu Feng had ever carried this kind of schoolbag. If Chu Feng had always carried this kind of schoolbag when he was a child, there might be one or two pictures of the schoolbag in so many photos when he was a child...

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