Chapter 77: The Devil's Showdown 3

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Tick ​​-

the electronic password access control lock was unlocked, and Chu Feng walked into the house.

The living room with mahogany floor is polished and polished, reflecting the setting sun outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and sparkling river waves.

The floating large-screen TV was making a sound:

"It is reported that a major breakthrough has been made in the dismemberment case, and the police are..."

Dad sat on the leather sofa with his legs crossed, holding a newspaper in one hand and the remote control in the other. Chu Feng carried a heavy schoolbag on his back and walked up the duplex stairs at home without saying a word. Today is Thursday, he has a lot of homework, and he has to find time to practice the piano at 8 o'clock... Saturday

's piano teacher will come to tutor again...

There are still three days left to go to the gymnasium with Xie Shiyu as a volunteer.

The thirteen-year-old Chu Feng sighed wearily. He carried a schoolbag like a heavy load on his shoulders and walked to his bedroom on the second floor.

He was about to open the door and go in-


In the living room on the first floor, the father who was watching TV suddenly said harshly:

"You don't know how to say anything when you come back!"

Chu Feng's father was feeling sullen today, and the results of the school's job evaluation came out. Sure enough, without him, the senior who was older than him became a full professor first, even though the scientific research results of that old guy were completely inferior to his.

Associate Professor Chu Feng's father scolded his son,

"How old is he? I don't even say hello to my parents when I get home. It doesn't matter how big or small it is!"

Chu Feng didn't even look at him. He held the bedroom doorknob and said perfunctorily. He said:

"I'm back."

Chu Feng walked into the bedroom like a snail shrinking into its shell.

Outside the shell:

"What's the matter with you! You are so unwilling to say hello, what do you mean, show your face to someone! Do your parents owe you! Come out-"

Chu Feng curled up on the seat beside the desk, and snapped- -!

The bedroom door was opened, the snail shell was broken, and the little snail without the shell was pinched:

"Come down for me, carry the schoolbag!"

Dad ordered him.

Chu Feng: "I have to do my homework."

"What kind of homework! Get off! If you don't teach you a lesson, it will become more and more disgraceful!"

Dad sat back on the sofa again, holding the remote control, and the police car and the reporter were reflected on the TV. :

"It is said that the murderer's fingerprints have been found. Is it true? Deputy Director... Please answer..."

Chu Feng stood stiffly and numbly with his schoolbag on his back.

"Go back to the door for me! Learn how to enter the house again!"

Chu Feng walked to the door one step at a time like a puppet, and repeated the process of going home:

"I'm back."

Dad: "Get out of here!" Go outside the door!"

Tick, Chu Feng opened the door, walked out of the house, and stood at the door again.

The electronic door lock locks silently.

The door is closed.

He stared at the dark high-tech door, and suddenly didn't want to go back to this home at all.

Imagine a snail retracting into its shell, being picked up by a bird, flying far, far away, never to return.


Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng opened the door again, and walked into the house with his schoolbag on his back:

"I'm back."

He squeezed out a two-point smile at his father, like a happy child who just got out of school, the ocean of knowledge, and swimming.

The father crossed his legs and didn't look at his son at all. He held the newspaper in one hand and nodded his head slightly, like a big leader who came to inspect the unit, and said with a little satisfaction: "Okay, let's do homework.





Chu Feng just wrote a line, but the tip of his pen was so dry that he couldn't write it. He flicked it twice, but it was useless. Chu Feng opened the cap of the pen: the black water in the pen core was completely empty, and there was only a layer of yellow oil left in the tube.

The homework is heavy, and the black signature pen used to write homework and take notes needs to be replaced every three days.


"Chu Feng, Chu Feng! What are you still doing, hurry up and practice the piano!"

Mom didn't knock on the door, she just opened the door and walked in to see what Chu Feng was looking at.

Seeing that her son was doing his homework at his desk, and he was very well-behaved, his mother was a little satisfied, and she put on a gentle tone: "

Remember to play the piano later, it will be the provincial competition soon, you can't embarrass me."

Chu Feng glanced Time, homework still has two math papers, one English paper, political unit paper, Chinese recitation 1234 plus exercise book reading questions, history, biology, chemistry, physics... "There are a lot of homework today, can you practice the piano..."

" No!"

Mom immediately interrupted Chu Feng: "Why can't you practice the piano? How can you have any homework in the first year of junior high school? Why can't you do it at school? You can do your homework after class. Other students don't have homework when they come home Damn. Why do you have so much homework? Don't be pushy, you have to play the piano at eight o'clock!"

Chu Feng frowned.

Mom: "What are you doing with this unwilling look? Did I force you to play? The piano wasn't something you wanted to learn when you were young!" Chu Feng weakly defended: "When did I become interested in the piano

? I don't like playing the piano at all."

Mom: "You will say this now when you grow up, oops, when you were three years old, you were very envious when you saw others playing the piano, and you stared straight at it, let me ask you Do you want to learn, you nodded yourself! Why is it not your interest, it seems that I forced you."

Chu Feng did not remember such a thing happening when he was three years old, and it might not even have happened at all. His mother came to lie to him because he couldn't remember, Chu Feng resented:

"Then I don't want to play now. I'm already very tired from studying, and I don't want to spend energy on practicing the piano. You have enrolled me in so many interest classes since I was a child. I'm so tired, I don't have any interest at all!"

"Why are you so tired at such a young age!" Mom exclaimed,

"You get tired after taking a few interest classes, don't you just go to play? Go to the class and be with the kids Playing badminton, drawing, writing calligraphy, singing... Isn't this just playing? There are so many tricks to play, your childhood was the happiest!"

Chu Feng wanted to laugh, but he couldn't at all.

Mom: "You used to be reluctant to leave after the interest class, and you still wanted to play with other children on the grass in the Children's Palace, didn't you? You had so much fun, but when you grew up, you beat me back. I worked so hard." You don't appreciate the cultivation of you. Alas, the hearts of the parents in the world are really pitiful. You can ask, if Xiao Xie wants to learn the piano, is his family able to let him learn? You are already happy enough, don't be in the blessing and don't know Fu!"

Chu Feng fell silent completely.

Mom: "Remember to play the piano at eight o'clock, I'll come and watch you later!"


Mom slammed the door and left. Chu Feng stayed alone in the bedroom, mechanically closed the homework book, put on the cap of the pen, and moved to sit in front of the piano.

Black and white, black and white, and endless black and white keys stretch out infinitely before the eyes.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand, put his fingers on the keys, and his muscle memory automatically played the difficult piano piece: Chopin-Revolutionary Etudes.

Flipping over the keys with his fingertips, Chu Feng didn't look at the piano or the music score. He stared at the wall behind the piano, where the orange-red certificates were stuck there like pieces of dog skin plaster: Provincial XX First Prize, National XX second prize, school student union, three good students...

Boring, boring, boring.

If this is happiness...

He really wants to tear them all apart! !


Chu Feng deliberately strummed vigorously on the keys, making discordant noises.

"Chu Feng! Chu Feng-! What are you doing!!"

My mother's voice came from downstairs.

blah blah blah. The sound of going upstairs hurriedly.


Mom pushed open the door suddenly:

"Chu Feng, what are you doing!"

Mom's sharp eyes swept across the bedroom, and she was surprised to find that her son was doing his homework obediently at his desk, and the piano was closed, as if no one had ever opened it.

Holding the pen, Chu Feng turned his head indifferently:

"What's the matter?"

Mom: "What's the matter! I just heard you playing the piano indiscriminately! You made such an ugly sound!" "

No." Chu Feng said nonchalantly : "I've been doing my homework here."

"How is it possible? I clearly heard you playing the piano..." Mom strode over and examined the piano carefully.

Chu Feng did not leave any trace, he repeated indifferently:

"I didn't play the piano."

Mom: "Impossible! I obviously heard it!! Chu Zhenfeng, come and see your son! How did he become like this now...Chu Zhenfeng?"

She suddenly remembered that her husband had a meeting at night and went out up. Now at home, there are only her and Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked innocent, and said to his mother:

"Maybe you heard it wrong."

"Impossible, impossible..." Mom: "It definitely came from your room! If you don't want to play the piano, go to the piano to send it." Temper, isn't it? Still dare not admit it!"

Chu Feng held the pen doing his homework, and deliberately acted a bit helpless:

"I said, I have been doing my homework, if you think I am playing the piano, then I am not Way."

"You child...!"

Chu Feng ignored her and continued to do his homework calmly.

After a while, as expected, my mother began to doubt herself, and she asked suspiciously:

"It's really not your voice?"

Chu Feng shook his head, looked at the math problem with an expressionless face, and continued to guide his mother: "Maybe it's the voice from outside?" "

Mom thought about it carefully, and doubted herself even more, could it be that she really got it wrong? Still starting to get old and have some hearing problems?

She looked at Chu Feng who was obediently doing his homework, and could only say,

"It's eight o'clock, stop writing, go play the piano, and practice for an hour." "


Chu Feng put down his homework obediently, walked to Sitting down at the piano, the normal Chopin-Revolution etudes are automatically poured out from your fingers.

The mother sat on the seat and listened to him playing the piano. After listening for a while, she confirmed that her son would practice the piano obediently, and then she got up and left.

Slap. The bedroom door closed.

The thirteen-year-old Chu Feng turned his back to the door, and the music of the revolutionary etude flowed skillfully. Like a bad boy who succeeded in playing a prank, he smiled at the keys.


"Look at this."

Body parts, blood, English letters.

At the police station, on the table, there are shocking old photos lined up:

"California, country M, a serial dismemberment murderer. Twelve people have been killed, and the murderer has not been found yet." "Look

at these The body parts, like the body parts this time, will each be tied with a nylon rope." "

Besides, every time the murderer kills one more body, another body will be dismembered. When twelve people have been killed, thirty-six corpses have been dismembered." It's 1 yuan. Let's look at this case-"

On the table, there is a row of new photos, 37 yuan, corpse pieces.

"This time is the thirteenth victim, and the body was dismembered for 37 yuan. This is a transnational serial dismemberment murder case, and, in this case, we have extracted the murderer's fingerprints!" "Why did the murderer

... Suddenly came back from country M to commit crimes in China? Moreover, there was a gap of six years between the twelfth case and the thirteenth case this time." "

Maybe he returned to China to avoid the limelight, but couldn't bear it anymore." "

Yes Could it be a copycat?"

"Impossible. Look at the photos. When the first person was killed, the corpses were cut unevenly. It seems that after the murder, they didn't know how to deal with it, so they hurriedly dismembered the corpse. .Then to the second and third victims...the technique is getting more and more skillful. The twelfth one has a basically flat fracture, the corpse is cut very quickly, and the size of each piece is relatively uniform. And now the thirteenth victim ..."

The police officer looked at the corpse in the photo. The fracture was completely flat, without any irregularities. The force of the murderer's cutting was very neat, and it didn't even look like it could be cut out by manpower alone. After the blood was washed off, these corpses looked like pieces of marble with the texture of human skin, exuding a sinister sense of strangeness, like a masterpiece of a horror artist.

"Hurry up and work now, the city bureau, the sub-bureau, the hospital...all places where fingerprints can be found, all must be compared! This person must be caught!"

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