Chapter 94: Go to Wife's House

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It was raining lightly outside the window.

The misty rain reflects the antique small building, and there are two figures in the carved window.

Several dishes of exquisite dishes filled the mahogany table.

Not far away, there was a girl sitting behind a screen, playing the zither. This is a small restaurant with an antique charm. The price of the dishes is quite reasonable, and the taste is in line with the classic charm of H City.

"Try it, this is the signature dish here." Chu Feng said.

X looked at the dazzling array of dishes: "Is there a little too much?"

"It's okay." Chu Feng: "If you can't finish eating, you can take it away."

When he and Xie Shiyu came here before, they only ordered a few dishes for each other. Favorite dish, but this time to test X, he deliberately ordered all the delicious, bad, classic, and not-so-classic dishes in this restaurant.

Some of them are Xie Shiyu's favorite food, and some are dishes that Xie Shiyu will never take a second after taking one bite.

Chu Feng was going to observe the order and frequency of X eating vegetables, as if he was back in college to do a science experiment, and made a record in his heart.

Beer duck is the signature dish of this restaurant, but Xie Shiyu doesn't eat duck that has been fried with garlic. When they first came to this restaurant, Xie Shiyu frowned after taking a bite of this signature dish.

On the contrary, it's fried beef with scallions that no one recommends, and Xie Shiyu likes it very much.

X's chopsticks wandered among many dishes...

"Try this."

Chu Feng deliberately pushed the beer duck to X's side: "Many people recommend it."

He himself has a good impression of this dish. He would order with Xie Shiyu, Xie Shiyu was eating fried beef with scallions, and frowned at the garlic in this plate of beer duck.

"Okay." X didn't know why, so he followed Chu Feng's recommendation and picked up a piece of beer duck with his chopsticks.

Chu Feng stared at X's facial expression closely without blinking his eyes...

In the next second, X frowned slightly.

The movement was very small, and just before frowning, X adjusted his expression, and he did not show his dislike for this recommended dish in a very social manner.

This tiny detail was completely noticed by Chu Feng, and he deliberately asked,

"Is it delicious?"

X pursed his lips and gave a smirk. He didn't like the garlic taste in this beer duck dish at all, but Chu Feng said This is the signature dish, so X politely replied:

"Not bad."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Although X said it was good, he observed that X's chopsticks never approached the plate of beer duck again.

Instead, it reached out to Xie Shiyu's favorite fried beef with scallions.

The wet breath after the rain rushes out of the window, together with the fresh flowers, plants and soil, playing in ensemble with the zither and string music in the antique small building.

While pretending to be calm and savoring the dishes, Chu Feng mentally counted the number of times X picked up the chopsticks for each dish, and the "return rate" of picking up the dishes.

The beer duck that Xie Shiyu hates the most, the rate of return is 0, after one taste, he stopped eating.

The return rate of fried beef with scallions is close to 100%. After one bite, you will eat it when you find the right gear.

Mushroom scrambled eggs, Chu Feng likes to eat this mushroom dish, Xie Shiyu doesn't like to eat mushrooms, but likes to eat scrambled eggs. Every time they order this dish, they divide the work and finish eating.

Chu Feng observed, after X took a spoonful of scrambled eggs with mushrooms and mushrooms, he basically scooped up eggs as much as he could. Later, it seemed that the remaining mushrooms on the plate gradually increased. He was a little embarrassed and reluctantly scooped up some mushrooms to eat. .

Rose fish milk soup, Xie Shiyu thinks this dish is good, every time I finish the main course, I will drink an extra bowl.

X has drunk two bowls so far, and is still filling the third bowl.


So far, X's preferences for almost every dish are exactly the same as Xie Shiyu's.

Chu Feng looked at the appearance of the person in front of him. The heart seemed to be sinking in the icy ocean, and the warm current of the Pacific Ocean rushed over, rushing the heart up and down.

Or, the person he didn't pick up at the airport two years ago is sitting in front of him now.

Or, there are billions of people in this world, there are really such similar people appearing in his future life.

If it weren't for X who seemed to be about the same age as Xie Shiyu, Chu Feng would have superstitiously believed in the theory of reincarnation.


Chu Feng pretended to be casually chatting while picking up vegetables and asked,

"How does it feel to be back in China?"

X: "It's okay."

Chu Feng: "Did... remember anything?"

X said lightly Shaking his head: "However, it feels very familiar."

Chu Feng: "I have been staying near the Pacific Ocean before? Is it... a country called Greenia?"

X: "New Caledonia."

Chu Feng: "There The environment is not bad."

X: "There are seas everywhere, seagulls... a bit annoying."

Chu Feng: "Will you steal food from people?"

X nodded, he was once turning a wheelchair by the sea, eating hamburgers, a big The seagull landed on his shoulder and took a bite of his hamburger. As soon as X let go of his hand, the seagull flew away with the hamburger in its mouth. The bully X couldn't chase and beat it even in a wheelchair.

Chu Feng smiled. He hadn't been to this small island country before. He used to go to the seaside for vacation with Xie Shiyu, and he always went to places like Maldives, Fiji, and Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The little-known New Caledonia Really never heard of it.

He didn't really want to know about the local conditions and customs of New Caledonia when he asked X. Chu Feng mainly wanted to move on to the next topic:

"Have you stayed there since the shipwreck?"

X nodded. He saw that Chu Feng wanted to ask him about the shipwreck, so he said a few more words:

"I stayed for about two years."

Two years.

The time is right.

Chu Feng's heartbeat was gradually speeding up. He lowered his head and did not look directly at X. A friendly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth while chatting, and he pretended not to care and said, "

It was quite a long time. That shipwreck... also happened at this time Is it? I heard that it is easy to get windy on the sea at this time of May."

Chu Feng made nonsense casually.

He saw it with Xie Shiyu when he was in Conan when he was a child. Instead of directly asking "When did the shipwreck happen?", it is better to just casually say: "The shipwreck was in May", and wait for the other party to correct the mistake or wonder how you know ?

Because most people will not confess to another person at will, but people will subconsciously deny the other person's mistakes. It is said to be a questioning trick used by Holmes.

Xie Shiyu's flight crashed on 6.26, their wedding anniversary, and there is still more than a month away. The year of X's shipwreck is correct, and he wants to compare the specific month of X's shipwreck. If it was before Xie Shiyu's plane crashed, would be impossible.

Chu Feng waited for X's reaction.

"It's not May."

X looked at Chu Feng, his eyes didn't escape, and he said the time very carefully:

"It's the end of June."

The moment he finished speaking, he saw Chu Feng suddenly clenched his chopsticks. The clipped mushrooms fell in a white porcelain dish.

--The month is also completely on the right.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Chu Feng's reaction, X felt that the truth was approaching step by step. X boldly used his chopsticks to pick up the small mushrooms that Chu Feng had dropped on the dish, and put them into his bowl:

"You like this very much?"

Chu Feng lowered his head and hummed softly. Small white mushrooms in a bowl, wrapped in a layer of golden egg liquid.

If it is a stranger on the Internet who has known each other for less than a few hours, Chu Feng will definitely not eat food for him with the chopsticks he just put in his mouth.

But this person is X.

"Thank you."

Chu Feng smiled, picked up the mushrooms in the bowl naturally, and ate them bite by bite.

Like a silent indirect kiss. "Are you free after dinner?" Chu Feng put down his chopsticks, took out a wet tissue and pursed his lips, "If you're fine, would you like to go to my house to look at old photos?"

X also finished eating, he was a little surprised that Chu Feng would take the initiative Bring up the photo thing. The progress is much faster than he imagined, and he can go directly to Chu Feng's house. He originally thought that Chu Feng would repel an outsider from entering the home where he and his deceased husband lived together.

Buzzing buzzing buzzing- the phone in X's pocket suddenly vibrated, and he took it out to take a look: the game company headquarters made an announcement in the work group, and will hold a meeting in the hotel conference room at 14:00 to discuss the meeting of the fifth anniversary conference process and how to respond to recent hacking attacks.

Chu Feng: "Yes... Is there something wrong? It doesn't matter, you are busy in advance, and you can see the photos anytime."

X: "No. It's a spam message."

X silently muted the phone - Do Not Disturb mode, pretending that he didn't see the company's message any notice.

With his ability, the company can't dismiss him, without him no one can take his place, what kind of meeting, love to go or not. The headquarters company is also very worried that other competing companies will poach X.

It is a rare opportunity to go to Chu Feng's house. If you miss this village, you may not have this shop. Compared with the company, of course, the happiness of the second half of life is more important.

"Let's go. Is your home far from here?" X sat on the wheelchair, waiting for Chu Feng to push him.

Chu Feng: "It's not too far. It's a fifteen-minute drive."


got on the Lamborghini again.

Chu Feng poured a mint-flavored Mentos candy, turned his head and poured X a lemon flavor he liked, and started the engine. The car took the two of them home together.

After eating, it is lunch break. Chu Feng was forced to take a lunch break by Xie Shiyu before, and his life was very regular and healthy. Two years after Xie Shiyu left, Chu Feng abandoned this habit again.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw X squinting slightly, as if taking a rest.

The past two years... this person must have had a hard time.

If he is really Xie Shiyu...

Chu Feng's heart throbbed with pain just thinking about this naive and dreamy assumption.

There are still five minutes before going home, while waiting for the traffic lights at the intersection. Chu Feng observed that X had been resting with his eyes closed, and there was no sign of opening them.

He changed hands, and secretly sent a message to the restaurant staff he had contacted with his mobile phone:

[Put away all the tableware that was used at table 5 just now. ]

DNA is the easiest way to confirm who a person really is.

Some clues should be extracted from the tableware that X has eaten.

The problem now is... He has to go home and rummage through the cabinets to find out if there is anything that might have Xie Shiyu's DNA left.


"I'm home."

Chu Feng pushed X's wheelchair and got on the elevator going home, and the floors went up one by one.

X quietly observed everything here, every plant, even this elevator button, made him feel...familiar.

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

open the door.

"You sit here for a while."

Chu Feng pushed the wheelchair into the living room, and made a pot of tea for X. One cup was Tieguanyin, which Xie Shiyu liked to drink, and the other cup was slightly bitter Pu'er tea, which he didn't like.

"Try this tea. Last time someone gave you two kinds of tea. You can drink whichever you like. I'll get you the photo."

X nodded, and he took two sips each.

Chu Feng went to get something from the storage cabinet, observed X from the corner of his eye, and saw this guy refilling Tie Guanyin's cup without hesitation.

--Two years ago, he didn't wait for the person he most wanted to see.

Two years later, perhaps, he waited.

The mobile phone in his pocket buzzed, and Chu Feng glanced at the text message:

[Mr. Chu, the tableware has been handed over to the DNA laboratory that you explained]

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