Chapter 79: The Second Generation Xiaoxie

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"The 13-year-old junior Xie has returned to normal, the 7-year-old observation swallow Xiao Xie has returned to normal, and the 10-year-old third-grade Xiao Xie has successfully recovered..." The system elf is broadcasting the situation for Chu Feng in real time: "At present,

all All the infected characters in the city have recovered! Congratulations, master!"

The map of Chu Feng's dream city was projected on the air screen, and the previously infected red and orange areas turned green in a flash.

"Great!" The system elf looked at the safe Dreaming City, and was very pleased: "Master is so smart, he found

the body with the No. 1 combat power in no time!"

A joyful expression, but his master was surprisingly calm.

"Who is the second most powerful?"

Chu Feng asked suddenly.

It is currently known that Xiaoxie, who is 13 years old, has the most combat power, Dr. Xie, 24, is the third, and Xiao Yu, 7, is the fourth. They each have their own secrets.

So, who is second?

What secret is that Xie Shiyu hiding?

"Uh..." The little elf was in a bit of trouble, "The virus has been resolved, the infected characters are recovering, and this combat power system no longer exists. So..."

Chu Feng: "So there is no way to know the second place ." Yes, is it?"

"... um." The little elf felt a little strange, the master was looking for these characters with high combat power to find the main body and remove the virus, why did he start to struggle with the ranking of combat power instead.

Chu Feng sighed.

Things that he thought were commonplace before: going to Xie Shiyu's house to play happily, being able to leave school with Xie Shiyu every day, in fact, Xie Shiyu was trying to get close to his "normal" world in a place he couldn't see.


[Xiaoxie's illustrated book] Remind you: the progress is being greatly improved...

Chu Feng lowered his head, stretched out his hand and clicked on the sign of the magic book, and opened the long-lost [Xiao Xie's illustrated book] -

Ding, Ding, Ding...

Countless prompts popped out immediately, the pages of the book were flipped, and the dark silhouettes of the characters were blurred. When it was lit up, it turned into full-color vivid little Xie, embroidered in the pages of the book, and looked at Chu Feng.

The label bar on the left side of the illustration book: Kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school have all been lit up. The current progress has soared from the original 7% to 76.8%.

"Congratulations, master! The character's murder rate has dropped significantly!"

The system elf looked at the illustrated book and diligently broadcast: "The original murder rate of your character Xiao Xie was 10%, this time I encountered the virus and recovered, and successfully survived a crisis, so the next time these recovered Xiaoxie will be killed is 10% times 10%... 1%! It may even be less than 1%, after all, twice in a row Encountering danger is relatively rare..."

Chu Feng: "That is to say, there are still 23.2% of the characters, and the kill rate is still 10%?"

System: "Be optimistic, the kill rate of 76.8% of the characters is only 1%. Isn't it great that most of the characters in your city won't be killed?"

Chu Feng: "I don't want most of these false words, I need to ensure the safety of every character. Tidy up."

The system elf paused for a while, and soon projected the current character analysis table on the air screen:

"23.2% of the unlit characters are concentrated in the older Xiaoxie area. Mainly some high school students And social people, a small number of college students."

Chu Feng carefully read the list of characters, and the main locations of these characters are: high school campus, the company where Xiao Xie works.

"These characters focus on observation, and all the places they must pass along the way must be monitored. Report to me immediately if there is any situation." "

Yes, master."

After Chu Feng arranged the system tasks, he was about to shut down the elf, and with the 13-year-old character Xiao Thanks for being alone for a while...


The system elf didn't leave as usual, it paused for a while:

"I have something to say."

Chu Feng turned his head to look at it, a little strange, this system belongs to the "family" system, and has a basic affection for human beings , has always been very obedient to his orders without any objection.

"Tell me." Chu Feng said.

The stupid hair on the system's head stood up, and said to the owner Chu Feng:

"Although as a game system, I should persuade players to play more games and pay more money, but as a high-tech system, I still don't recommend you Come and play this game all the time."

Chu Feng: "How should I say it?"

In reality, too many people advised him not to indulge in the past, not to indulge in virtual games, but to look forward, to move towards a new life, and his mother kept trying to give him He introduces someone new on a blind date. Chu Feng had heard countless arguments of one kind or another, and he wanted to hear what novelty a data system could say.

"Because you still have decades in the future, from my statistical analysis, within 3-5 years, this game will bring you great happiness benefits, but if the analysis time is stretched to 30 years, this The benefit of the game to you will be infinitely close to zero."

Chu Feng remained silent.

"And." The system elf hesitated to speak, and finally said:

"During this period of time, because of monitoring the virus in the whole city, I have handled a lot of data codes, and I discovered something."

Chu Feng: "What?

" The elf glanced at Chu Feng, as if he was a little afraid of angering his master, and finally expressed his conclusion a little nervously:

"According to my analysis, the current character in your city should be the second-generation Xiao Xie."

Chu Feng instantly Startled.

He was stunned for a while, then recovered and regained his composure:

"You even found this?"

"I was originally a game system. If I can't find out the data problem, I can be destroyed." The elf puffed up, and said his conjecture: "

Because the current modern computer The computing power of the computer is limited, so for someone like you, master, to input twenty years of memory in your brain into the game to create a 100% restored character, the amount of calculation is really too large, and the current computer system can only bear Two calculations. That is to say, you have two chances to build exactly the same [Dream City].

"Your current city is a second-generation city, and the character Xiao Xie is also a second-generation city, although they are all 100% restored to yours." Memory, but this shows that the dream city you built for the first time: the first generation city, has collapsed, so you press the restore factory settings to build the second generation city. Then, it is reasonable to calculate that the first generation of Xiaoxie in the whole city should..."

have all died.

Chu Feng did not speak.

He acquiesced to this fact.

When he first built Dream City, he had just lost Xie Shiyu. His The principle is to only accept the 100% restored Xie Shiyu, and the real Xie Shiyu died in an airplane accident, just like fate in the dark, the 100% restored game character Xiao Xie will also encounter accidents in the game. Normal

people The probability of accidental death in a lifetime is about 0.26%, and the initial value of Xiaoxie's murder rate for all characters is as high as 10%

. You didn't prepare enough, so you couldn't save them like this time. In the end, all the Xiaoxie in the city died, so you had to use factory reset to rebuild [Dream City]. Master, you also know in your heart that this is your last chance, if you fail again this time, you will not be able to use this game to restore 100% of him. Can't see him either. Chu Feng: "

What do you want to say?" "

The system elf moved the hair on his head: "Master, this is just a game, not your spiritual support. You have placed too many expectations on it that the game itself cannot bear. can't afford to lose them again I can't find the specific records of the destroyed Yicheng City, but I can see the time when the records disappeared.

"The remaining character record data of Yicheng City disappeared sporadically at first, and it should be that the individual character Xiao Xie was killed. , In the end, all the remaining large groups suddenly disappeared. I guess it may be due to a huge disaster...such as an earthquake, a tsunami, etc., master, if we encounter a terrible explosion this time, we will not have time to deal with it..."


"No. "

"Last time. " "Chu Feng said suddenly, "They didn't die in an explosion. "

The system elf frowned in confusion. It didn't understand that such a large number of characters in the whole city died in an instant. Only an explosion can have such destructive power. Although it is true that explosions are rarely restored in the game, unless 100 % The original owner who was restored was killed by an explosion in reality. Otherwise, people who died in an accident like Xie Shiyu would not have encountered a large explosion in the game. The system elf: "Then, the first generation city, is

it ...why si...why didn't it drop...? It

just made a "death" sound, and its empathy module began to remind it that this word might irritate the widowed master Chu Feng, and the system elf who is close to humans silently changed the word. Chu Feng didn't answer it


After a long silence, Chu Feng turned around, not looking at anyone, he stared at the void in front of him, and replied flatly:

"They committed suicide. "


Elf: "...! ! This is impossible! "

It is impossible for game characters to have self-awareness. Unless Chu Feng sets them all to commit suicide, it is impossible for them to complete the action of "suicide". Even, these characters should instinctively want to live with Chu Feng for a long time Firstly, it is due to the instinct of the game characters towards the player, hoping to keep the player, and secondly, due to Xie Shiyu's instinct, these characters are 100% restored, and they are full of love for their masters, they must be happy to play with Chu every day. Maple greasy together.

The little elf has been speculating about what kind of accidents can take away Xiaoxie from the whole city. No matter what, it can't imagine that the game characters formed by codes and data streams will violate the rules of the player Chu Feng and the game system. Consciousness, collectively complete the behavior of "suicide", which has biological characteristics.

Chu Feng was more silent than usual. In this quietness, the elf felt that the master was very reluctant to mention the matter of Yicheng, and its human empathy module was reminding it that enough should be enough.

"Then...then I will retreat first, and I will set up a key monitoring area, and the remaining characters will have a close observation report."

Chu Feng: "Yes."

The little elf disappeared with a whoosh, and retreated to work in the background.

After it left, only 13-year-old Xie Shiyu was left around. He was sitting at a desk doing homework, with a piano next to him.

It was raining outside the window, and the buildings in the whole city were bathed in a smoky rain curtain.

Twenty-nine-year-old Chu Feng watched this scene quietly. After watching for a while, he silently walked to the piano. Just like sixteen years ago, quietly playing a song for thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu.

The patter of rain hit the glass windows.

Chu Feng, who was playing, didn't know that there was a person leaning against the bedroom door.

Supervisor X, who rushed over after receiving the [Notice of Cancellation of Virus in the Whole City], did not barge in to disturb him.

Twenty-nine-year-old Xie Shiyu, who had amnesia, leaned quietly behind the door, and heard the somewhat familiar sound of the piano, softly surrounding his ears...

like the ravings of a deeply loved one.

[BL, MTL] The Whole City is My Old Attackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن