Chapter 12: Fire Fighting

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"Hurry up, the fire here is too big, and the beams of the house will collapse!" the system elf yelled with a head of scorched bald hair.

Bang bang--!

The scorched door frame collapsed and was licked into ashes by the flames. The curtains, beds, and quilts are all red, and all the combustibles are crackling horribly, like endless strings of firecrackers. Thick smoke billowed, and high concentrations of carbon monoxide filled every corner.

Chu Feng was carrying the oxygen bottle on his back, and Xiaoyu was holding a lollipop in his hand, and the two of them were breathing with oxygen masks. Chu Feng ran in the sea of ​​flames, grabbing the system:

"Go and break the window glass."

"What? How dare you, a human being, call me... Ahhh!"

Chu Feng swung the system elf like a meteor hammer Throw it out the same way:


The window glass shattered, and the air with high oxygen content from outside poured in. The fire in the dormitory burst out instantly, and the elf was burned by the flames, and his hair became even more bald.

It was lying on the edge of the window, the aluminum window edge was burnt red, the elf was so hot that he screamed strangely, wanted to scold Chu Feng but dared not.

Chu Feng rushed over with [Bing Bang Xiao Xie] in his arms, and there was a vertical lift outside the window.

"Take him down."

The system snorted, and wanted to say something threatening, but turned around and thought, it's wrong:

"What are you going to do!!"

Chu Feng: "There is another one who is still inside."

"Are you crazy?" He's just a game character!!" The system elf pounced and bit the corner of Chu Feng's fire protective clothing:

"Go! I will be held accountable if you die in the game!! There are so many thank you in your city! Yu, what does it matter if you die! There are only 6 minutes left in the rescue time, and you don't even know where he is, why do you rush in and look for death with such a big fire inside!" Suddenly, the sleeves tightened


Chu Feng turned around, and Xiao Yu on the elevator woke up with difficulty, grabbed him with his small hands, and said weakly:


Chu Feng: "Is the other one in the elevator?!"

Xiao Xie was wearing an oxygen mask Nod.

Chu Feng remembered that there was a toy room on the third floor of the kindergarten. When Xie Shiyu was a child, he liked to go there to borrow water guns to play with. After borrowing them, he had to return them every day before school.

Chu Feng turned around and rushed into the flames.

A scalding heat wave hits our faces.


The sunset glow outside the balcony was as red as dripping blood.

Lin Lan looked at her cousin lying motionless on the bed, and turned on the phone tremblingly:

120! 120! 120 emergency call:

"Hello! I... my cousin passed out and couldn't wake up! We are currently at 58 Donghua Road Room 2708, Building 3, No. Xinqiao Garden, can an ambulance come?" "

Immediately. May I ask the patient's age, medical history, and what special symptoms do you have now?

" I'm not coming."


Lin Lan felt that the other party paused subtly, he must have thought his cousin was a teenager with an internet addiction.

"I'm sorry, this is the emergency center. You brought someone to our hospital, but we can't help you."

Lin Lan opened his mouth, speechless. His cousin's body was indeed not injured at all in reality. There is no rule of law in any hospital.

"If your cousin has been addicted to games for a long time and cannot face the reality, I suggest you contact the Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Center first. If your cousin encounters danger in the Dream City game, you can contact their supervisor center. We 120 There is no way."

"...Okay, okay, sorry to bother you."

Lin Lan put down the phone. The palms of the hands are full of cold sweat.

The Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Center is definitely not allowed to go, and the phone number of the Supervisor Center cannot be reached in reality. That call can only be made in the game. His cousin is in the game, so if necessary, he must have already played it. Last time his cousin was so sneaky playing the supervisor, if he didn't call this time, then he must have encountered a situation where calling the police was useless!

How to do how to do?

Lin Lan stood for a while, then suddenly turned around and opened the cabinet in Chu Feng's bedroom, searching desperately, and soon found the spare headgear for the Dream City game.

Cousin has not woken up for such a long time, something must have happened in Dream City.

Lin Lan lay down on the ground with the game headgear, and now there was only one way left, he went to Dream City to see for himself-

and so on.

When Blue Brainwave was about to connect, Lin Lan hesitated.

Now there are only two people in the family, Chu Feng has already had an accident in the dream city, his cousin is so awesome that accidents will happen, a person like him goes in, can he save his cousin and carry the whole audience?

If he goes in, something will happen. Then really no one can wake up the cousin in reality.

In case my cousin really can't wake up, he can at least stay and help send him to the hospital, get a nutrition injection, and hang his cousin's body. If he went in and fell himself, it would really be hopeless, and the two cousins ​​were lying here waiting for the neighbors to call the police to collect the body.

--The best way now is for him to stay and watch his cousin's body, and a very powerful person can enter his cousin's dream city to see what happened.

Immediately, Lin Lan's mind came up with an iron-gray cloak and a silver gun with perfect bullets...

--Great God X!



a certain island country in the Pacific Ocean, the training room of the Supervisor Center.

X took off the game headgear for the 13th time today, returned to reality, turned on the phone, and looked at WeChat: Message

: 0

The little beauty with the head of a big black cat doll lay quietly at the top of the chat list.

Click on it, and in the chat box is the prom invitation he sent.

-no reply.

X turned around and cut a page, and searched on Google: time difference.

The last time I saw that the little beauty looks like a Chinese, and she also speaks Chinese, so she should be in China. The time difference between here and China is not too big...

It is also possible that the little beauty is an overseas Chinese, and she is in a country with a big time difference with him, so I haven't seen the news.

X exited WeChat, re-entered WeChat, repeatedly, and the message was 0.

This sense of anticipation is very novel, and X feels strange, because of amnesia, he has never had such a great interest in anyone or anything.

Knock knock knock.

"X, have you run out of training room?" A knocked on the door outside.


X put down the game headgear, turned the wheelchair, and slid out of the training room.

Beep. As soon as he went out, the number plate on the training room issued a broadcast:

the highest supervision X, the total use time today is 183 minutes, the cumulative training time: 13 minutes, the cumulative WeChat viewing: 170 minutes, and the title [low efficiency]

X: ...

outside the training room ABCD: Wow~


China is thousands of miles away.

Lin Lan picked up Chu Feng's mobile phone. Fortunately, he stopped his cousin to delete the WeChat account of X Great God! Now you just need to get in touch...

Press the phone to turn on: Please enter the password.

Lin Lan: ...

What is the power-on password?

Lin Lan was dumbfounded.


He lowered his head and saw that Chu Feng was frowning slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, as if he was feeling uncomfortable.

--What the hell happened in Dream City!

Lin Lan was so anxious that he pulled his hair out. He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what to do. He finally figured out a way, but he didn't even know the power-on password! Going crazy! !


In the sea of ​​fire.

"Hey--! You're crazy! Come back quickly!!"

The system elf shouted to stop Chu Feng from behind, and the shouting was quickly swallowed up by the burning roar of the sea of ​​flames.

Chu Feng disappeared into the crimson flames without looking back.

The little elf jumped up angrily. It failed to stop the player Chu Feng, so it could only jump onto the vertical elevator with the 5-year-old Xiao Yu in its mouth, cursing: "

Crazy, all crazy... Humans are crazy when they go crazy!

" Activate and send [Bingbing Xiaoxie] away from the scene of the fire.

The sea of ​​fire

and black smoke raged

Chu Feng sucked in oxygen violently to identify his position.

The elevator is built outside the back door of the dormitory, and the direction is the southeast corner.

The fire was so intense that the roof would start to peel off, and the concrete and stones would crackle and fall, and if the fire lasted longer, the steel bars would start to melt, and the whole house would collapse.

Chu Feng wore a helmet, bowed his waist and lowered his head, and rushed towards the elevator.

, Lin Lan, who was running around in a hurry

outside the game , took a look and saw the photo wall of his cousin's bedroom again, one by one, Xie Ge was vividly hung on the wall.

Lin Lan stared and watched, suddenly blessed to the heart!

The password is six spaces.

Lin Lan entered Brother Xie's year and birthday on the screen of the phone: XX1109


the main screen appeared, and the phone was successfully unlocked!

, The elevator door was closed tightly

in the fire


When Chu Feng ran over, he still held a trace of luck in his heart. I don't know how many floors and where Xiao Yu's elevator is stuck. Maybe there is no fire in the elevator shaft...

When Chu Feng saw it with his own eyes, his heart turned cold.

Through the crack in the elevator door, Chu Feng could see clearly that there was a dancing crimson flame inside.

The elevator shaft is completely on fire! Xiao Yu was trapped in the elevator and had nowhere to escape.

Chu Feng's mind began to uncontrollably pop up related knowledge about firefighting. During a fire, you must never use an elevator to escape. The material of the elevator is not resistant to high temperatures. After a fire, the elevator car is very easy to lose control, deform, get stuck, and even have the risk of electric shock . The elevator shaft on fire will produce a chimney effect, and the vertical passage will draw smoke to help the fire, which threatens the safety of people in the elevator and accelerates the spread of fire in the floors.

The most unfortunate thing is that the elevator car is likely to be stuck between the two floors, and Xiaoyu inside cannot escape, and it is difficult for him outside to get in for rescue...

Remaining rescue time: 5 minutes.

Chu Feng took out the big wrench from the firefighting backpack, and started prying against the closed elevator door-for the

first time, he wished so much that there would be a professional firefighter in his dream city.


outside the game.

Lin Lan quickly opened WeChat on Chu Feng's phone, clicked on contact X, and sent a message:

-Are you there?

Lin Lan thought for a while, forget it, she was in a hurry, and dialed the voice chat directly.

--He felt uneasy. After all, God X and his cousin are only friends online. God X seems to be very low-key and private. He probably doesn't like to answer voice calls from strangers. The most important thing is: What if God X is not around

! !


Wechat voice chat was just dialed, and it was answered in seconds before the ding dong ding dong started.

--It was so close that Lin Lan thought she hadn't dialed.

X: "Hello?"

The voice was hoarse and charming.

"Ah! Master X!" Lin Lan hurriedly said, "I'm the cousin of the player you saved last time. I'm very sorry for disturbing you! My cousin is trapped in Dreaming City and can't wake up. I really don't know what to do..."

X on the opposite side immediately understood what he meant, and immediately gave a solution:

"If I don't hear back from you after an hour, you take your cousin to the hospital for a nutritional injection "

"Okay, okay!" Lin Lan was still a little worried: "Then when will you go to my cousin's Dream City, it won't delay you for a long time, I just want you to take a look..."

X: "I'm here."

Lin Lan:? ?

Is it so efficient!

[BL, MTL] The Whole City is My Old AttackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang