Chapter 59: Chatting with X

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-You don't seem to be on the game recently.

After the psychological treatment was over, X was sitting in a wheelchair, parked in the long corridor of the hospital, and sent a green WeChat message on his mobile phone, but there was no response yet.

The afternoon sun shone through the windows of the hospital, and the roar of the waves could be heard not far away.

X turned off the phone, it seemed that Chu Feng didn't intend to return his greetings, and he wanted to ask Chu Feng how he planned to solve the [Ghosting Virus] in the city, and whether those two problems were solved.

After thinking about it, Chu Feng looks like he is in his twenties. He probably just graduated and joined the job, so he might be busy with work. Real life is not just games.

X sat in a wheelchair, waiting for his little medical assistant to pick him up and take him to the next medical department for a follow-up visit.

"Hello, Regulator-X, I'm your medical robot-Neo!" The lead

gray AI robot slid towards X, its eyes flashed with high-tech blue light, it stretched out its mechanical hand, and grabbed the rear handle of X's wheelchair , start pushing at a constant speed.

After psychological treatment, there is a follow-up visit to surgery.

With the assistance of a medical robot, X takes an X-ray film.

"The last operation was very successful. Your...leg is recovering very well!"

X looked at the blond Frenchman in front of him. The game company specially found him a top-notch surgeon. His French is the island country of New Carnesia. The official language of X, but X can't understand, and the doctor can't speak Chinese.

Ainho translated word for word for them, the mechanical voice sounded very stiff, and sometimes the sentences sounded strange:

"The rehabilitation department will be arranged in your schedule next, and you will be able to do a standing up Try."

X paused; "Is it possible to return to the level of a normal person?"

"Of course."

The doctor seems to be a little dissatisfied with X's question 3, not being able to return to the level of a normal person is simply questioning his superb surgical skills.

"Don't worry, your leg operation was successful. As long as you practice according to the rehabilitation course, we must have a determination to verify that you will return to the normal level of an adult male." "..." X glanced at the poorly

translated Neo. The doctor couldn't understand how bad Neo's translation was in Chinese, so he showed a friendly smile to X, with sixteen big white teeth gleaming.

X didn't say anything, but also smiled, Neo pushed his wheelchair, left here, and went to the rehabilitation department.

X looked at his legs, he was like a piece of broken parts, he put himself together one by one, until now, it was almost done. The legs will also recover. X had the final say, and that left the skin graft surgery to restore his appearance, and the craniotomy surgery that might help him restore his memory.

When the CT was taken, the doctor pointed out that there was a fragment stuck in his brain, which may be one of the factors causing his memory loss. But doctors can't guarantee that after a craniotomy to remove the fragments, they will definitely be able to recall the memory. Just saying it might help.

Craniotomy has certain risks. The surgeon recommends waiting for other body functions to fully recover and to perform the operation in a healthy and stable state.

"Regulator-X, at present your medical rehabilitation plan has been completed to... 80%." AI Neo is reporting to the master as usual: "

Since your physical condition is gradually improving, I have put your skin grafting operation on the agenda , I will make an appointment with a world-class doctor for you, and the laboratory will extract your cells for differentiation and culture..."

X was wrapped in a bandage, he didn't care much about his appearance, and no one paid attention to his face. He is more concerned about his craniotomy:

"Has the top brain doctor made an appointment?"

"Not yet." Neo replied, "Dr. It will take time, Assistant Neo sincerely recommends that you perform leg rehabilitation treatment first..."

X: "Is there a way to perform craniotomy as soon as possible?"

He felt that he was gradually remembering, but he was still short of breath, maybe because of the fragment in the brain, he wanted to take it out immediately.

Neo: "There are certain difficulties, but rest assured that the Neo assistant will do its best to give you feedback, please wait patiently~" X knows in his heart that

this is the customer service style of "no way".

Neo: "If the cells on the side of the skin grafting operation are cultivated first, you can also perform the skin grafting operation first~! Having a good-looking face will bring unexpected surprises to your life!" Hearing "good-

looking With these few words, X couldn't help but see Chu Feng's beautiful face in his mind.


the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, and a message was sent from "CF4088".

X turned on the phone, and Chu Feng with the head of a big plush black cat popped out a delightful red message ① Before

X clicked on it, that ① suddenly jumped into ③, ④, ⑤

so many messages, X raised his eyebrows Thinking about it, it probably has something to do with the little beauty's husband.

X is a bit tasteful, Chu Feng's obsession with his husband far exceeds the level of ordinary people who are widowed. What's so good about that man?

X recalled that on the bus, his husband kidnapped Chu Feng pretending to be a "kidnapper", wearing a hood so he couldn't see his face clearly. In the kindergarten, his husband was only five years old, and there was a bunch of stinky brats, so he couldn't see anything. It was Dr. Xie in the hospital who X had really met.


indeed a little bit handsome.

X suddenly thought of what AI Neo said: good looks will bring unexpected surprises to your life~


"I'm here! Do you need help?"

"Help me find out how long it takes for skin grafting to grow cells?"

X said, and opened the chat box with Chu Feng--,



sat in the bedroom, and quickly typed with X:

-I haven't played the game recently, Solving problems.

-I released the answer, but there are still some problems. Let me show you

-Relationship Diagram.jpg

-There are two questions, one is the blue ribbon, what is it hidden for?

Chu Feng sent out another 7-year-old Xie's graffiti diary, a screenshot taken from the [Dream City] game: -The

second question is this, five ticks are ticked here on the graffiti diary.

X watched the messages bombard the chat screen.

He first looked at the relationship diagram. To be honest, the diagram is very messy, with various lines intertwined and complicated. It can be seen that Chu Feng has made a lot of notes and inferences, some of which have been overturned repeatedly. I don't understand.

But X understood Chu Feng's relationship diagram notes without any written explanation.

After Chu Feng bombarded the news, he looked back and found that he had no explanation for the whole process, so he just blah blah and threw a relationship diagram, saying that the answer was found, and X may not even know what the answer is.

Two new questions were thrown later, the blue ribbon and the diary. X may not know what he is talking about at all. The supervisor should be very busy at ordinary times. Besides him, he also has to protect other players. He couldn't help dreaming about what happened in the city.

Chu Feng sighed. He thought it would be troublesome for him to repeat the process he explained to Lin Lan to X again.

It would have been nice if it had been recorded just now. Chu Feng opened the relationship diagram he had drawn, and was thinking about where to start to make it more concise and clear. Suddenly, X sent a message from the opposite side:

"The answer is Cui Jun, the murderer, room 304?"

Chu Feng was startled.

--In such a short period of time, this supervisor extracted important information from his chaotic relationship diagram and analyzed the answer.

It seems that he found the right person. Chu Feng thought, regulators have dealt with danger all the year round, so they naturally have an intuition of judgment.

Chu Feng continued typing, wanting to explain to X his doubts about the blue ribbon. Halfway through typing, X popped up a message: [

Your judgment is correct, this blue ribbon must be useful, otherwise he would not hide it]

Chu Feng Feng was a little surprised, X did not refute him.

--Normal adult Siwei will think that what a 7-year-old child knows is just a tape hidden for a moment of interest. But X didn't think so, he didn't use the arrogance of an adult to deny the 7-year-old Xiao Yu.

Chu Feng was a little moved, he continued to chat with X:

[What do you think will be useful? ]

X: [The blue ribbon is the ironclad evidence that 304 killed the cat abuser]

Chu Feng: [Yes, but I didn't find any report records, this evidence was not used to solve the case, the police didn't even know that the cat abuser had been killed]

Chu Feng waited, he felt that X on the opposite side paused for a while, as if he was thinking, and then the chat box showed that the other party was typing, and X sent a message: [Another angle, when will people want to solve the case]


Feng looked at the question and thought After thinking about it, normal people hope that the bad guys will be punished, so there are often cases of injustice in criminal investigation dramas. The victim is very pitiful and the murderer is very hateful. I especially hope that the police can find solid evidence and bring the murderer to justice.

In short, a key piece of evidence to solve a case has two uses, ①get the murderer arrested; ②help the victim punish the bad guys.

These two points seem to be the same at first glance, because in general, the victim is a kind and poor person, which will arouse people's sympathy.

But in reality, it is not necessarily the case. The victim may also be the perpetrator himself. Chu Feng thought that Cui Jun, the unemployed man killed by the murderer 304 canteen owner, was himself a scumbag. He was the real murderer of the red plastic rope dismemberment case, and he was also a cat abuser. Kill brutally.

Xiaoyu must be very angry, and seeing the cat abuser killed should be a joy to Xiaoyu.

The seven-year-old Xiao Xie took such a big risk to get this evidence, not to help the victim abuse the cat boy, but to target the uncle in the commissary in room 304.

X sent a message in the chat box:

[On that blue ribbon, there are two key things, ① the blood of the deceased cat abuser; ② the fingerprint of the murderer in Room 304]

Chu Feng: [Fingerprints are more important? ]

X: [If he is only targeting 304, then in fact, it doesn't matter who the blood on the blue ribbon belongs to]

When Chu Feng saw these words, his whole body suddenly turned cold.

He suddenly thought of a terrifying conjecture.

It is known that Xiao Yu cannot be a child with a strong sense of justice; he would take such a big risk to obtain evidence, it must be because it would be of greater benefit to him.

It is known that Xiao Yu did not directly use this evidence to call the police to arrest Room 304.

--But he was still targeting Room 304 and did not let him go.

Chu Feng believed that with Xie Shiyu's execution ability, the person in room 304 should have received the retribution he deserved, and he is probably no longer alive, and there is no proof of death.

Chu Feng looked down at Xiao Xie's graffiti diary he sent to X. On that page, residential buildings were drawn, and the small windows on each floor were marked with house numbers. On the right side, Xiao Yu ticked a full five.

X: [What do these ticks mean? ]

Chu Feng: [Should be the meaning of completion]

X stared at the five immature little ticks, feeling somewhat inexplicably familiar:

[What is done? ]

Chu Feng: [I don't know, I'll show you this]

He also dug out the other pages of Xiao Yu's graffiti diary and sent them over.

X sat in a wheelchair and looked at these pictures. These pictures showed the picture of the child punishing others. The annoying aunt stood at the door, pissed at the keyhole. X guessed that the keyhole might be blocked by the child with something. , unable to open the door.

Then there was the cat abuser, who was afraid of big spiders, and the kid was scared once with a white-fronted tall spider.

The third is the drunk in room 403, who stepped on a banana peel and slipped in the yard.

These three graffiti, without exception, have a small tick next to them, and they are completed.

Every little check made caught X's eyes like a hook, and he felt...a bit familiar.

After three images, there are no more images.

Five ticks, two more.

X: [Where are the remaining two people? ]

Chu Feng: [No more. ]

Xiao Yu ticked five ticks, but really only drew three people. Who are the two missing people?

--The blue ribbon, the important thing is the fingerprints, not the bloodstains.

Bloodstains can be anyone's.

Chu Feng pinched the phone, Xiao Yu didn't draw those two people, was it because he couldn't draw them.

--The 24-year-old Dr. Xie was not so sincere to draw the four damn people when he was working. He simply drew a wine bottle and ticked four.


on the phone, a message notification from the [Dream City] system pops up.

It is estimated that something happened to Xiao Xie in the game, Chu Feng hurriedly said goodbye to X:

[Sorry, there is something suddenly wrong with the company, I will deal with it first]

With a swipe of his finger, he was about to close the WeChat with X--


The X on the opposite side didn't say goodbye to him obediently this time, instead he sent an emoticon pack, which was a kitty emoticon pack stolen from him: a

fluffy kitten wearing rabbit ears, dejected and aggrieved Crouching down in the corner:

- I'm like your tool man .

[BL, MTL] The Whole City is My Old AttackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang