Chapter 4: Bomb Disposal

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X restrained his hand with a strong moral will, after all, the little beauty still has a husband.

--Although widowed.

Thinking of this, X felt a little bit of amoral pleasure.

The scarlet countdown of 2 minutes and 15 seconds from the explosion

was reflected in the pupils of the two.

Chu Feng held the bomb in a standard manner.

At this moment, the bomb disposal posture: second to none.

The summer wind outside the car window was like a hot hair dryer blowing across his cheeks. Chu Feng was very upset. The supervisor on his body was very close to him, almost sticking on top of his face.

This guy was still wearing a long iron-gray cloak in summer, with a long silver gun on his back and bandages all over his body. His shape was so strange that he looked like an anime character, and he could be recognized only by his silhouette.

The bus clanged and rattled, and the trees on the side of the road ran backwards. Suddenly, Lin Lan, who was driving in front, yelled:

"There is someone! Someone is stopping me!"

Chu Feng looked up, and on the side of the road, another driver, Xie Shiyu, waved his hat vigorously, signaling to stop!

--Has driven to the terminal: the bus company. It's time for the driver to change shift.

Supervisor: "Never mind, you keep driving."


Lin Lan glanced at the speedometer nervously, kept it at a safe 55, and kept driving. Fortunately, there were no obstacles on the road. Lin Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The summer sun rose inch by inch, and the bus gradually left the urban area. Chu Feng looked out the window. This road was the longest in the entire city, connecting the east and west cities.

When he first started building the city, he was afraid that the older Xiao Xie would bully the younger Xiao Xie, so he drew a river and divided the whole city into east and west halves. Xie Shiyu, who was above junior high school in the east city, and Xie Shiyu, who was in kindergarten and elementary school in the west city.

After observing for a period of time, Chu Feng found that although Xie Shiyu and the others would quarrel, they did not fight violently, so they built roads to strengthen the traffic between the east and west cities. It saves him to step on a duck boat on the river every time he goes to see Xiao Yu in Xicheng.

There is no green belt and tree shade like the urban area on both sides of this road, and the white light coming in from the window is very dazzling. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, but did not move.

The bomb on his body was ticking.

X took a glance and saw sweat dripping from the forehead of the little beauty.

Sweat flowed down the palm-sized face, condensed on the tip of the chin, rolled down again, along the protruding Adam's apple and slightly open collarbone, and slid to the invisible restricted area... They are all men, but X is

staggered looked away. He comforted him:

"Sorry, please hold on a little longer, don't move."


Chu Feng nodded obediently. Secretly and quietly watching every move of the supervisor. This man's face was also wrapped in bandages, covering his facial features. The nose is quite high, and the bandages can't block the curvature of the bridge of the nose. Only one eye is exposed, and the eyes are focused, observing the gap between the shell and the inside of the bomb.

Suddenly, the supervisor's hand stopped:

"Has this bomb been dismantled before?"

Chu Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Lin Lan, who was driving in front, was shaking, it's over! This regulator is too vigilant! !

They did try to defuse the bomb.

--How could the two victims, who were frightened by the kidnappers and crying for help, defuse the bomb by themselves?

Lin Lan swallowed nervously.

He raised his eyes and looked at his cousin.

The two glanced at each other quickly through the rearview mirror.

Silence spread in the carriage.

The expression on Chu Feng's face was still faint, without saying a word. Lin Lan was so frightened that he felt his face was absolutely red.

-the regulators are waiting for their explanation.

Any further silence would look suspicious.

Lin Lan's hand holding the steering wheel began to sweat.

What should I say? Don't know? Or bite to death and refuse to admit it?

The next moment, a voice broke the silence:

-- "My cousin dismantled it."

Lin Lan:? ! !

Chu Feng explained:

"He's from the police academy."

Lin Lan: ...

The supervisor didn't fully believe what he said, and meant something:

"The bombs in the game are different from those in reality."

--What is your basis? Bomb defuse?

This time Lin Lan learned to be witty: "Great God X's bomb disposal strategy! It's in the player forum!" He quickly changed the subject: "But I don't know why, I dismantle it according to the master's strategy... always make mistakes!

" Wrong step?"

Lin Lan rubbed her nose in embarrassment: "Uh... the first step."

The supervisor: "So, why didn't you stop and call the police when the first step was wrong?"


Lin Lan Cowardly again.

Chu Feng opened his mouth to save the scene:

"I asked him to continue to dismantle it."

Chu Feng's eyes were dizzy with a layer of water, and his whole body shrank, and he moved a little closer to the supervisor, and added:

"I'm sorry... , I was too scared at the time, I thought he could dismantle it... but I didn't think about it... call your regulators."

X raised his eyebrows, looked at the little beauty under him, and didn't ask any more questions. The voice softened a lot:

"Remember to call me first next time."

"Okay." Chu Feng shrank under the supervisor's 1.9-meter figure like a kitten in the rain.

Start defusing.

Chu Feng saw the supervisor holding down the shell of the bomb with one hand, unlike Lin Lan, who went up with his claws and directly peeled off the layer of plastic, so he exerted a clever force-click


A hole suddenly popped up under the shell of the bomb. Chu Feng saw the supervisor's bony forefinger touch the hole, and found some key. Suddenly, with force, the entire plastic shell was lifted--exposing the real inside

. layer structure!

This bomb is double layered.

The upper easy-to-remove plastic shell is a fake shell. After opening it, no matter which thread is cut, it is wrong. As long as the real inner shell is removed and the thread is cut, it is correct.

"No wonder! No matter how I dismantle it, it's all wrong!"

Lin Lan muttered, "I just said that the strategy of X Great God can't be wrong."

Supervisor: "You can't blindly believe in the so-called great gods, they are all made by people. There are always omissions in the strategy."

Lin Lan didn't like to hear these words, he thought to himself, who are you, when the serial bombings in [Dream City], how many supervisors failed to dismantle the bombs, everyone was in danger . If it weren't for God X's bomb disposal strategy, I don't know how many players would have been killed, and all the strategies of the master are shared for free, but your game company still deletes his posts, which is really cheap.

However, this unknown supervisor was also the savior of the bomb disposal, so Lin Lan stopped talking and drove obediently.

1 minute and 51 seconds from the explosion

X quietly observes the real wires in the inner structure:

there are 13 wires in total.

The game bomb in [Dream City] will have 3-13 wires, which is the most complicated one, and novice players can't handle it at all, especially the fluid device hidden in the bomb, which is difficult for bomb disposal experts to handle Tricky question.

Chu Feng was lying on the hard seat, his waist hurt a little, the supervisor said to him:

"Please don't move next, I will dismantle the fluid device of the bomb."

Chu Feng nodded obediently.

"Damn it!" Lin Lan's expression changed drastically in fright: "Fluid...fluid device?! Isn't it..."

Chu Feng was expressionless, not knowing what it was.

Lin Lan secretly swallowed. Veteran players know how terrifying the bomb of the fluid device is. [Dream City] was popular all over the world, but there was a time when it was almost bankrupt. There were serial bombings in Dream City all over the world, players were killed all the time, and the regulators sent out were almost wiped out. No one knew why.

Because no one found an extra thing in the bomb at all.

The fluid device is composed of a small mercury column and a small iron ball. When the line is cut, the device will be activated, the small iron ball will fall down and the mercury will break, and the bomb will detonate instantly. Even if the thread is cut correctly, it is useless.

The vicious bomber hid this thing in the circuit, and the supervisor failed to dismantle the bomb, and was killed together with the player.

Bomb disposal is inherently risky, and subsequent investigators can only attribute it to an accident, or the regulators are not capable enough to think about the problem of the bomb itself.

The bomb disappeared after it was blown up. No one can restore the information of the bomb at that time. The next time it encounters a fluid bomb, it will still be killed.

And the first person to put forward the fluid conjecture was X Great God.

Because of Lin Lan's seniority, he was fortunate enough to watch the posts of God X on the player forum. X first proved in theory that there is a redundant device in the internal circuit of the bomb, guessed the structure of this device, and drew a detailed analysis diagram of the fluid structure. Finally, 49 possible positions of fluid devices are estimated.

--Too awesome.

Just ten minutes after the post was published, the number of replies exceeded 50,000, and it was immediately pushed to the top.

Since that post, there have been no bombings and killings in [Dream City] around the world. But X himself disappeared.

All the posts have been deleted, and the account can't be found. There was a rumor in the forum that it was because the fluid conjecture was so powerful that it directly saved [Dream City] from going bankrupt and was recruited away by the game executives.

1 minute and 35 seconds before the explosion

, Lin Lan nervously watched the movements of the supervisor in the rearview mirror while driving.

He thought that what he encountered was a simple bomb, and he could dismantle it by himself with X's bomb disposal strategy, but he didn't expect... Brother Xie is worthy of Brother Xie, even the bomb he encountered was hell-level difficulty.

Bomb, 13 wires.

Chu Feng watched quietly. This supervisor did have some strength. Like a clairvoyant, he picked up his index finger, pinched two-thirds of the eighth red wire, turned his thumb, and unscrewed the wire. The skin of the body just exposes the fluid device inside, exactly.

In the line, there is a very small column of mercury embedded, and there is a small iron ball inside, so small that Chu Feng thinks it should be called iron sand, not a ball.

The supervisor fumbled in his pocket, took out a needle, turned to Lin Lan and said,

"Can the car be driven more stably? Dismantling the fluid device requires a very stable operating platform." "...

Okay! No problem, you... Come on!"

The bus gradually drove towards the cross-city river, and the cool wind carried wet water vapor. Lin Lan glanced out the car window, there was a wide river under the road, the blue sky and white clouds were shimmering in the waves, there were no obstacles in front of the road, and there were no other cars beside her, Lin Lan felt at ease.

Supervisor: "Now I will pick out this small iron ball with a needle, please persevere."

Chu Feng cooperated very much. The supervisor lowered his head, holding the needle between his index finger and thumb, and the tip of the needle pierced into the fluid device, picking up the small iron sand.

Chu Feng instantly felt the difficulty of this operation. The bomb defuser needs to slowly push the iron sand particles out of the outer membrane of the mercury column, while not allowing any drop of mercury to flow out. And the fluid device is too small, and the outer membrane of the mercury column is also extremely thin. If the movement is a little bigger, the outer membrane will rupture when the iron sand is picked out, and the mercury will splash and explode immediately.

To complete this operation, the movements of the hands must be extremely fine, and no shaking is allowed.

Under the sunlight, the small iron sand was protruding out of the mercury column bit by bit. Chu Feng saw that the outer membrane covering the mercury column was instantly stretched, and the small iron sand was about to come out... thump


The bus suddenly shook violently! Tires roll over rocks.

X's wrist suddenly exerted force, and he used great strength to instantly stabilize the needle on his fingertip.

The small iron sand was firmly stuck in the breach of the outer membrane, and not a single drop of mercury leaked out.

"What's wrong?" X raised his eyes and asked.

Chu Feng also looked at Lin Lan. His heart tightened just now, and he almost thought it would explode.

"Front...Front! The road is broken!!" Lin Lan yelled.

Chu Feng looked forward, the road was straight and straight, but there was a big gap in the middle!

The visual inspection of the fracture is 15 meters long, and the entire bus must fly over to drive to the road behind the fracture!

"Cousin, you haven't finished repairing this road!"

Lin Lan, who was driving, was about to go crazy. It's too late to reach the fracture site!


Chu Feng thought to himself, according to the construction schedule, Xiao Xie of the engineering team should have repaired this road last month.

"Ding dong--"

the system elf in the phone pops up a notification:

[Because you are currently playing teacher-student play, the main person you get along with is the student Xiaoxie. Workers Xiaoxie have not received your comfort for a long time, are in a bad mood, and refuse to work overtime, and the road has not been completed on schedule]

Chu Feng: ...

the bus with a speed of 55 is approaching the breakpoint at every second, Lin Lan is about to cry Li:

"What should I do?! What should I do, cousin!!"

The big gap lay in front of my eyes.

Impossible to stop, below 50 speed, it will explode.

"I...I..." Lin Lan was at a loss in panic, "Can I rush over?!" As soon as

the words came out, the three of them fell silent.

The fracture is 15 meters long, and the bus is 10 meters long. If it is driving at full speed, it should be able to rush over, but - if

the speed is higher than 60, it will explode.

Estimated arrival at the break: 10 seconds

"No need to speed up, keep driving at 55." The supervisor said, then turned around and asked,

"Can you call another car?"

Chu Feng paused, and immediately understood what he meant.

The bomb requires that the speed of the bus must be 50-60. If they want to rush through the break, they cannot accelerate by themselves.

But it is possible to add a thrust behind the car.

Lin Lan also understood the meaning of this, and he scanned the surroundings with his peripheral vision:

--The road is empty, there is no one in front or behind, where can I find a thruster?

Chu Feng: "I can catch someone who drives a sports car."


Lin Lan was shocked: Married people are going to start flirting again? Can brother Xie be caught by telepathy?

Then he heard:

[Congratulations from the system mall, successful krypton gold, purchased item: Fishing Rod]

Lin Lan: ...

It turned out to be physical [Fishing]

[Fishing Rod] Function:

Randomly catch a Xiaoxie within a radius of 500 meters and come to your side .

[Disadvantages] Xiaoxie's mood is -50, and it needs intense appeasement afterwards to return to normal.

(Please note that when the character's mood value is lower than 0, he will commit suicide and die, please be sure to appease him in time.)

Chu Feng felt a faint pain in his back, and started the fishing rod.


a Lamborghini suddenly appeared in the rearview mirror! Lin Lan groaned, the smooth lines of the sports car were like a sharp blade splitting the wind, the engine started, and it was rushing towards it at a speed of 200km/h! The sound of Lamborghini's wheels rubbing against the asphalt road is enough to make countless men's adrenaline rush. Lin Lan trembled all over.

When the bus reaches the break, this crazy sports car will hit them and hit them with a speed of 200 per hour, helping the bus to leap over the break.

Chu Feng and the regulator looked at each other.

boom--! !

The speeding Lamborghini slammed into the back of the bus, blaring-all the rear windows shattered. The front wheels of the bus entered the fracture, and the entire front of the bus hung in the air for an instant-


Lin Lan screamed. He was sitting in the front, and there was a whole glass in front of the driver's seat, reflecting the The river, shimmering in the sun, is terrifying at that height. Lin Lan leaned over the steering wheel and closed her eyes tightly.

The bus was completely vacated, and Chu Feng was firmly pressed on the seat by the supervisor. The guy had great strength, but he didn't hurt him, he just fixed him and didn't move.

At the moment of leaping, Chu Feng saw the meridians on the back of the supervisor's hand, and that hand was holding the small iron sand with the tip of a needle, and it was steady. During the whole process of crashing into the car and flying out, the hand didn't even tremble.

Chu Feng was dumbfounded. This man's control of power is so precise that it is terrifying. The small iron sand just happened to block the outer membrane of the mercury column, and no drop of mercury flowed out.

But now is not the most dangerous time.

The bus leaps into the air, and after it succeeds, the gravity will cause the whole car to hit the ground hard. The momentum...Chu Feng can hardly imagine that the supervisor's hands will not shake under such circumstances, and he can even maintain the pressure of the fluid device. smooth.

Tick, tick. Hearing the countdown, Chu Feng slowly closed his eyes.

In fact, he didn't have any regrets about being bombed to death. Maybe he had been looking forward to this kind of thing in his heart. The sooner he died, the sooner he could see the real Xie Shiyu.

boom--! ! !

The bus fell on the road behind the break, and the whole car bounced up in an instant-

crack! ! -The wheel falls again.

After waiting for a while, no explosion was heard.

Chu Feng opened his eyes.

The small grain of iron sand was stuck in the mouth of the outer membrane without moving, and nothing happened.

The supervisor on his body winked at him and smiled a little. The brownish pupils look like beautiful amber in the sunlight. When he blinked, Chu Feng could see his slightly fluttering eyelashes.

--This guy's lower eyelashes are longer than ordinary people's, a bit like Xie Shiyu, when he stares at people, he shows a feeling of affection...

Chu Feng suddenly looked away.

He thought to himself, Xie Shiyu has really been away for too long, and now he looks like a weird bandage man who looks like Xie Shiyu.

Lin Lan straightened up in shock:

"Really... came here?!"

In the reversing mirror, the tattered Lamborghini had broken down. President Xie got out of the car and stared intently at the moving bus.

In an instant, Chu Feng's legs began to ache.

Lin Lan couldn't feel the meaning of that gaze, he just felt that Brother Xie was a bit pitiful, the new car he just bought was hit like this.

Leaping over the big gap, Lin Lan relaxed her whole body and breathed a sigh of relief...

"Look ahead!"

the supervisor behind said sharply.

Lin Lan stared:

the road ahead is full of gravel! !

--Workers Xiaoxie haven't laid asphalt yet.

The bus at a speed of 55 per hour drove onto the gravel road in an instant, and the wheels rolled on the stones without interruption, rattling rattling rattling rattling rattling! The whole car was shaking, even the windows were shaking!

Lin Lan looked at the supervisor in despair.

1 minute and 03 seconds from the explosion

was too late. The gravel road can not be seen at a glance, and the bomb will explode after driving to a stable place.

On such a gravel road, under the shaking of the whole car, the small iron sand can only be picked out, and at the same time, the mercury is not allowed to drip.

Chu Feng also looked at the supervisor.

X raised his eyebrows, and his hands waited for a while, as if they were adapting to the trembling state.


With a twitch of the fingertip-

the needle was pulled out.

There is a small grain of iron sand clinging to the tip of the needle.

At the same time, Chu Feng saw that the outer membrane of the mercury column was squeezed away by the iron sand, and the mercury inside was about to flow out-

the outer membrane suddenly retracted properly, covering the mercury.

- Elastic effect.

In order to do this, it is necessary to control the force with which the iron sand is picked out, no more and no less, fast and precise, to ensure that the outer membrane can just shrink back the moment the iron sand comes out.

If it wasn't for driving, Lin Lan would really have thought of applauding the regulator. This person is so strong that he can actually complete the most difficult disassembly of the fluid device on the rattling and vibrating bus. Lin Lan began to worry about whether his cousin could successfully use the Destroyer Cannon to blast the God of War away?


The system made a sharp sound:

[From the explosion: 00 minutes and 59 seconds! 】

Chu Feng flinched, deliberately approached the supervisor, his shoulders trembled slightly, very scared.

"Don't be afraid, the most difficult fluid device has been removed, and the line will be cut soon."

X comforted.

The little beauty under her body clenched her lower lip, her black and fine eyelashes fluttered like a little butterfly in the rain. Nodding in fear, she shrank back to him again.

This feeling of being trusted and relied on by the little beauty is so refreshing. X is a little moved.

The [Think Tank System] in the ear shouted:

[The player is so pitiful. Damn these kidnappers! X, you must click them all after defusing the bomb! ]

[That's right! death penalty! Execute immediately]

X deeply agrees.

He took out the small scissors from his pocket, twisted the 13 threads of the bomb one by one with his index finger and thumb, and then pulled out the sixth thread. The sharp blade of the scissors was stuck in the three-quarter position.

Since the explosion: 0 minutes and 57 seconds.

Click -!

The thread was cut.


the indicator light is green, and the countdown stops instantly.

【yeah--! Bomb disposal is over! ] The think tank system in the ear cheered.


Lin Lan, who was driving, didn't hear the sound of beeping, ecstatic, and looked in the rearview mirror-the

countdown had stopped! The supervisor untied the bomb strapped to his cousin and threw it on the ground.

"It's over?...It's over?! That's great!!"

Lin Lan shouted happily! In the rearview mirror, my cousin glanced at him lightly.

-The bomb defuse was over, but his plan wasn't over.

And one last step: the destroyer.

Brain Tank System: 【X! Execution begins now]

X reached out to grab the silver gun behind his back-

suddenly his sleeve tightened.

The little beauty sat on the seat, stretched out her hand to grab his cuff, raised her palm-sized face, she hadn't recovered from the death line, her whole body was still tormented by the fear of bombs, her dark eyes were dizzy like night With tears in his eyes, like a watery black lychee core, he looked at X:

"The bomb is really... disarmed?"

"Yes." X squatted down patiently, and held his hand:

"You are safe."

Chu Feng did not He withdrew his hand calmly, his eyes were anxious and frightened, and he glanced at the bomb on the ground:

"Then... can you... throw it out..."

X lowered his head and saw the bomb lying quietly on the ground, He guessed that the little beauty might be afraid that the countdown would reflow.

X walks over, picks up the bomb, and goes back to the little beauty. He took a step forward, turned his back on the little beauty, and opened the car window:


The bomb was hurled out violently, hitting the road, and shattered into several pieces, like a plastic toy, harmless.

"Look, the bomb has been completely disarmed." X said again.

--"That's really hard work for you."


The little beauty behind her stood up suddenly, her voice was like a clear spring rinsing a stone, and there was a hint of sweetness in it.

In the next moment, the cold and hard muzzle of the cannon came to his back.

boom! --! ! !

[System prompts, Destroyer Cannon, successfully launched]

The ice-blue light cannon roared! The car window was blown to pieces in an instant. The bus opened its mouth wide, and the river wind poured in. Supervisor X immediately flew out and was blown into the sky.

Carrying a silver gun like a god of war, he soared ninety thousand miles and became a new star in the blue sky.

Standing in the wind, Chu Feng gently blew the blue smoke from the cannon mouth, looked at the little star and smiled:


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