Chapter 37: First Grade

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Xiao Yu put his hand into his pocket calmly, and silently pushed away the utility knife in his pocket.

The sharp blade pushes out of the edge, ready to go.

"Is there anything else you need, Uncle?"

Xiao Yu took the initiative to turn around and stared at the uncle in room 304.

The uncle from the commissary looked down at him with an amiable smile on his lips.

Under the bright sunlight, his entire face was clearly visible, even the pores were clearly visible. Because he could see too clearly, Xiao Yu noticed that his uncle's eyes were as cold as snakes, which formed a great contrast with his smile. This completely opposite look appeared on the same face, intertwined with extraordinary weirdness.


The uncle in room 304 suddenly took out 10 yuan from his pocket:

"I heard that you used to help others find lost animals, and you often found them. You also help uncle find small animals. Strange. Little cats often go to places that us adults can't reach. You are a child, so you should be able to find her."

A blue ten-yuan RMB was handed to Xie Shiyu.

"If you help Uncle find the cat, Uncle will give you the rest of the money, okay?"

Another brown twenty-yuan RMB was pulled out from Uncle's other pocket.

"How about it? It's thirty yuan in total. Come on, take it."

Uncle 304 gave Xie Shiyu a deposit of ten yuan to find a cat.

In the era when crisp noodles were 5 cents, spicy vermicelli was 5 cents, fruity candy was 5 cents for two, and 1 yuan could buy a bowl of wontons and three pancakes. For a first-grade elementary school student, 10 yuan was as much as A huge sum of money.

Xiao Yu didn't accept the 10 yuan.

"I have to do my homework after school."

--No time to find the cat.

He didn't want to have anything to do with this uncle.

"Then... is this... unwilling to help uncle?"

The uncle at the canteen narrowed his eyes: "The school teacher should have taught you to help others, uncle lost his cat, so sad, Xiaoyu won't be so bad, just stand by and watch." Such a cold-blooded bad boy will be punished."

Xiao Yu keenly sensed the danger in his uncle's kind and gentle tone, and he quickly put away the ten yuan note, showing an innocent and romantic smile: "Just kidding!

I I will help uncle find the cat."

The uncle at the commissary also smiled happily and waved his hand kindly:

"Then please, Xiaoyu. If you see a cat, remember to tell uncle."

The uncle at the commissary stretched out his hand, thinking To pat Xiao Yu's head.

Xie Shiyu took a step back and avoided him.

"Goodbye, uncle!"

Xiao Yu turned his head and ran to school.

The uncle in room 304 watched him from behind.



The door opened again.

"Why did you come down?"

Chu Feng's mother hurried down, got into the car, and said sullenly,

"Let's see him off together."

She is from the Education Bureau, and the principal and teacher naturally looked familiar when they saw her, and they wanted to give her family Xiao Fengfeng Arrange a better class.

Chu Feng's father didn't say anything, started the engine, and drove.

Little Chu Feng hugged his small schoolbag and looked at the receding scenery by the window.

"Oh, and, Chu Feng, take it."

The mother in the back seat handed over a new boiled egg.

- took another from the pot.

Little Chu Feng: ...

"You woman is really..." Chu Feng's father turned the steering wheel, "He doesn't like to eat, why do you insist on forcing him to eat like this? Why are you so stubborn!

" I ignored him, and said directly to Chu Feng: "When you arrive at school, find a recess to eat, and when you come back, mother will check your schoolbag. I know all the school teachers. If you secretly throw it away, mother will know." Chu Feng's father

: "Chu Feng, throw it away when you get to school. Everyone has something they don't like to eat, how can there be such a thing."

Chu Feng's mother: "I don't have anything I don't like to eat. You are picky eaters yourself, and you still have a child who is used to it." Picky eaters too!"

Chu Feng's father: "What do you mean I'm used to it? He has said hundreds of times that he doesn't like to eat or not, and he has to force him to eat an egg like this every morning. I'm tired of seeing you if you're not tired!"

Chu Feng's mother: "He is so young, he knows what it means to like to eat or not! If you let him eat randomly, he will eat junk food like fried chicken and chips every day. Boiled eggs are the most nutritious. Wouldn't he get used to it after eating it a few times?"


"I'll eat it."

Little Chu Feng said suddenly.

He silently put the boiled egg into his schoolbag:

"I will eat it."


car fell silent.

Chu Feng's parents took little Chu Feng to a location one street away from the school. He parked the Mercedes-Benz car beside him and got off.

Mom and Dad each took little Chu Feng by the hand and took him to school.

As soon as I walked to the school gate, I heard a bang-

the sound of tires rubbing against the concrete road.

A black Volkswagen SUV parked exaggeratedly in the middle of the school gate.

Surrounded by parents sending off their children, walking, riding bicycles, better, driving a brand new motorcycle.

Adults and children stopped, looked sideways, and looked at the car.

The car door opened, and a chubby child jumped out, followed by an equally short and fat man with a fleshy face and a tight suit all over his body, like a pig in a suit.

"Oh! Professor Chu. Why didn't you drive here today?"

The pig in a suit came with a flattering smile, and Chu Feng's father couldn't help but took half a step back, laughing dryly,

"I want to walk with the child. Boss Sun Send the kids to school too?"

"Hey, yes! It's the first day of the report today. Walking is good. It's healthy after walking. It's not like our car. Oh, the air conditioner smells bad. Hey! This is... "

Chu Feng's mother held Chu Feng's father's arm in a timely manner, with a sweet and decent smile.

Each of them was holding Chu Feng with one hand, and they looked like a happy family that was overflowing with happiness.

Chu Feng's father: "It's my lover."

"Oh, I haven't seen him before! Then this is your son." Boss Sun looked down at little Chu Feng, and then pushed his son: "

Hey! Sun Bing , Look, do you know each other? Didn't you take English classes together before?" In

the first grade, the school has not yet opened English classes, but parents with education awareness sent their children to English training classes early, winning at the starting line.

The fat and tall Sun Bing looked down at Chu Feng with contempt:

"I don't know."

He is in Class B of the English training institution, and he is the best student in Class B. Their teacher said that six or seven-year-old children are relatively good at learning, and they are basically in English class B. He has never met Chu Feng in class B, which means that Chu Feng's English is very bad, and he must be in that kind of garbage C, D class.

Sun Bing sneered at little Chu Feng in his heart, this guy is still the son of a professor, and he is so poor at learning English.

Little Chu Feng remained silent.

Boss Sun slapped twice, haha: "It's okay, it's okay, the English institution is so big, maybe I didn't pay attention to it, but we know each other now, and we can be friends in the same school in the future!" Chu Feng's mother smiled kindly: "Yes, yes, Chu

Feng Feng, why didn't you say hello to him?"

"Hello, uncle." Chu Feng paused for a moment, then looked at Sun Bing, "Hello."

Sun Bing rolled his eyes at him with a smile on his face.

"Haha, Professor Chu, then I will take the child to report to the school first!"

"Okay, okay! You go first."

Chu Feng's father hurriedly said goodbye to him.

The pig in the suit led his piggies away.

As soon as people leave. Chu Feng's mother let go of Chu Feng's father's hand, and said softly,

"This is the Boss Sun you mentioned last time?"

--I was outsourcing to raise Xiaosan, and Xiaosan was a female college student in Chu Feng's father's school, who was pregnant halfway After taking a break from school and wanting to go back to university after giving birth, Boss Sun secretly stuffed 100,000 yuan to manage the relationship.

Chu Feng's father snorted softly:


Chu Feng's mother: "I hope you don't get assigned to the same class."

"It's difficult." Chu Feng's father said, "That person will definitely give money to the principal to let his son enter the best class." Our Chu Feng must also go to the best class."

Chu Feng's mother: "Chu Feng, if you see that man's son in the class just now, ignore him, do you know?"

Chu Feng: "Yes.


The campus is bustling with excitement.

In front of the school's flag-raising platform, there are several pots of newly blooming Phalaenopsis. On the right side of the flag-raising platform is a sandpit, and a few children who sneaked out piled sand there, very happy.

Little Chu Feng had never piled sand. He had to attend training classes on weekends and in his spare time, including English, abacus and mental arithmetic, Chinese studies, piano, and swimming. His mother said that he would add calligraphy with hard pens in the future, and his handwriting must not be ugly.

He also doesn't know what's so interesting about piles of sand.

Little Chu Feng looked around, there was a long queue of bustling children and parents, some were crowded to see the class schedule, and some were crowded to register. From time to time, loud crying broke out from the crowd: Mom, I want to go home, I don't want to go to school!

No one I knew.

I am bored.

Little Chu Feng followed his parents. On the left side of the flag-raising platform is the office building, and their family does not need to queue up in hot weather like other ordinary parents.

Chu Feng's parents took little Chu Feng directly to the air-conditioned principal's office.

Little Chu Feng followed without saying a word, stepping up the stairs step by step. He was just 7 years old, but he seemed to see his 70 years old at a glance. He will always go to the best school, the best class, and the best teacher to take care of him.

In addition to studying, he also has many hobbies that he is not interested in. He seems to be a well-rounded person, excellent and powerful.

In the future, his parents will also introduce a girl with similar qualifications to him, and then they will start a family and have a child. This child will be like him. If he wants to win at the starting line, he will continue to enroll in English classes, abacus and mental arithmetic. , Chinese studies, piano, swimming and hard pen calligraphy. His mother has even prepared the wedding room for him, and when he grows up, his life plan can be perfectly implemented step by step.

......I am bored.

Little Chu Feng looked around. The walls were painted white and the tiles were polished brightly. They walked into the principal's office, and the Gree vertical air conditioner was standing beside him. The white was spotless.

Mom and Dad are greeting the principal. Little Chu Feng knew that his mother was from the Education Bureau, his father was a professor in a 211 university, and now the daughter of the principal of his primary school happened to be studying in this 211 university.

The principal will definitely know how powerful this relationship is.

In the future when he is in elementary school, many teachers will take care of him, or in other words, stare at him.

Little Chu Feng stared at the empty white around him, the white, the white with nothing, and listened to the adults talking and laughing.

--I am bored.

Little Chu Feng lowered his head and looked at his little shoes:

Are there really interesting things in this world?

A few minutes later.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, the principal!"

"Where is it? It should be. The first class of the year is on the first floor opposite, and I will ask the class teacher to take care of it."

I left the office building. The head teacher of class one a year received the call and rushed to pick up Xiao Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's mother from the Education Bureau smiled and said: "Hey, Teacher Meng, then my son will ask you. If he doesn't perform well in school, you can tell me if he is distracted in class or talking to other students. Little Children, you must discipline them well."

Teacher Meng: "For sure. This education can't just rely on our teachers, it needs the cooperation of parents. Chu Feng, let's go with the teacher~"

Little Chu Feng was beaten by the smiling girl. The teacher caught him, and he was led step by step to the first grade. The parents behind him were smiling and waving at him. They seemed very happy that their son had entered elementary school.

Little Chu Feng was not happy at all. But he is not sad, at least he will not hug his mother's thigh and cry loudly like other children, saying that he should not go to school.

He walked forward, into Year One, which looked like a new prison. At home, his parents will watch his every move, and at school, his every move will be reported to his parents. It's the same everywhere.


Little Chu Feng is taller, logically, he should sit in the back row.

But the head teacher very naturally, put little Chu Feng in the middle of the classroom:

the fourth row of the third group.

Also sitting in the middle with him was the fat and tall Sun Bing. It directly blocked the sight of the students behind, and the teacher didn't care.

The head teacher also has to receive other parents and is busy with registration. The children in the classroom couldn't sit still and started to make noise. Anyway, there was no formal class, and the children were all meeting new friends.

Chu Feng glanced at it. Sun Bing, whom he met at the school gate just now, was sitting in the group next to him, in the fourth row of group 2. He was showing off some things about himself in the English class with his female tablemate, sometimes mixed in Chinese. A few inarticulate English words.

There are also some children around, spitting and talking about interesting things that happened during the summer vacation.

Little Chu Feng doesn't like summer vacation at all. Every summer vacation is the day of his piano exam. He has just passed the piano grade four exam. He doesn't want to brag about how he has learned English like Sun Bing, looking for others to brag about how he can play the piano...

I am bored.

Little Chu Feng sat alone on the seat, wanting to see if he had brought anything interesting from his schoolbag.

--In the schoolbag, there are the English vocabulary book brought by his mother, the 300 commonly used Chinese characters, the calligraphy practice book, the abacus and mental calculation book, the empty book, the Disney Mickey Mouse pencil case... and a boiled egg


Little Chu Feng put those exercise books back one by one, and took out the boiled egg.

It has cooled down.

Mom will check his schoolbag when she goes back. If she secretly throws it away, the teacher may find out.

Although the head teacher didn't tell them all to be quiet, she kept standing at the door of the classroom, talking to other parents while watching them from the corner of her eye.

Little Chu Feng mustered up his courage, and with his small hands, he peeled off the unpalatable boiled eggs bit by bit.

--The white and tender egg whites are okay, but the egg yolk inside is particularly fishy, ​​especially after it is cold, it is even more difficult to swallow. Every time little Chu Feng was forced to eat boiled eggs, he felt like throwing up when he ate the egg yolk. But my mother said that egg yolks are the most nutritious, so you must eat them.

Click, click.

Little Chu Feng placed a piece of paper on the desk, and the flesh-red eggshell fell off, revealing the snow-white egg white.

Little Chu Feng lowered his head and took a small bite.

It just so happens that this bite is full of egg whites. Little Chu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and began to chew.

The boiled egg in the palm of the hand, the yolk inside is exposed. The yolk was not bitten and was the whole one.

The yolk of a boiled egg is not a delicious yellow color. The outer layer of the yolk is covered with a layer of turquoise, which looks like moldy green. After biting open, the inside is a normal orange.

Little Chu Feng hated it.

He opened his mouth several times, but couldn't finish it.

Suddenly -


Little Chu Feng felt a pencil poking him from behind.

--It wasn't the tip of the pen, it was the part of the eraser at the end of the pen, which gently poked his back.

Little Chu Feng turned around.


" that you?"

--The person in the kindergarten who sprayed him with a water gun!

I don't know what it's called.

Xiao Yu greeted Little Chu Feng: "What a coincidence, you have also been assigned to the first class?" "

...That's right."

Little Chu Feng knew that he was not randomly assigned, but that was all he could say.

"Don't you like boiled eggs?" Xiao Yu looked at Chu Feng's hand,

"You've been holding it for a long time, and you only took one bite."

"...Well." Little Chu Feng lowered his head, a little aggrieved:

"Mom must I'll eat."

"Oh." Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said,

"If you don't mind, I can help you eliminate it."


Little Chu Feng's eyes lit up all of a sudden, he was saved! His shiny black eyes looked at Xiao Yu, and suddenly went out again:

"But... I have already bitten it."

Little Chu Feng was a little regretful, if only he saw this guy there just now, he could give the whole egg to him. he eats. Little Chu Feng didn't want to give up this life-saving chance, so he added in a low voice:

"However, I haven't bitten the egg yolk, and the egg yolk is good."

Xie Shiyu sat at the back, stretched out his hand lightly, and took a flower like a bird. Hua took away the boiled egg from Chu Feng's hand.

Two small hands touched together in an instant, and then separated quickly.

Xiao Yu squeezed the egg in his hand, and finished it easily in two or three bites. He smiled at Xiao Chu Feng:

"Actually, I don't mind if you bite."

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