Chapter 68: WeChat Expert X

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[Have you eaten yet]

Chu Feng glanced at the WeChat chat page, and X sent a very ordinary opening statement, which was old-fashioned and nothing new.

-[have eaten. ]

Chu Feng replied quickly. He just doesn't like chatting with fancy people. Except for Xie Shiyu.

X on the opposite side didn't reply right away. Chu Feng happened to have nothing to do right now, so he was waiting on the chat page. He was full of thoughts about how old Xiao Xie was. Maybe he could ask the supervisor about it later.

Chu Feng slid his fingertips up and down the chat page, and found that during this period of time, there were more and more chat records between him and X. From the beginning of wanting to delete this person, to asking questions in the game every once in a while, and then to now greeting good morning and good night for dinner.

Chu Feng faintly felt something was wrong.

Will the relationship between normal regulators and players be like this?

Chu Feng felt that this supervisor was very dedicated and nice, but what happened in the game was what happened in the game, and he didn't want to have any interaction with X in reality.

Looking at the chat records, Chu Feng had an intuition that X should treat him with...something else. They are all busy social people. They have nothing to do every day, send good morning greetings to people and eat, and whoever is full is too idle.

But Chu Feng couldn't be completely sure, maybe X was just too busy. If one day he wants to delete X, he doesn't want to talk like this anymore... His

slender fingertips are stuck on the nine keys of the phone.

Chu Feng suddenly realized that he couldn't even type out a line of rejection.

Looking at the entire chat history, X speaks impeccably from the beginning to the end, and the chat style is honest and simple. He either answers his player's questions about the game, or simply greets him like a middle-aged senior cadre: Good morning, have you eaten yet?

Occasionally X would post some kitty expression packs, but this kind of emoticon packs were also sent by Chu Feng himself first.

If X chatted a little more flirtatiously, Chu Feng could still grasp his words and use this to seriously reject him.

But he can't catch it now.


a small island country in the Pacific Ocean far away in the sky.

X was holding his mobile phone, sitting in a wheelchair, staying in his bedroom, with the salty wind blowing from the seaside outside the window, and the sea-blue sky was covered with clouds like snow and salt.

He stared at the chat page, and Chu Feng replied, two words:

I ate.

-very cold.

Let's continue talking about the topic of eating, which is:

what did you eat?

- I ate XX

- Haha, I ate YY

- Oh

the embarrassment visible to the naked eye.

Under normal circumstances, X would reply in seconds at this time, and try to create another new topic. Basically, this topic must have something to do with Chu Feng's husband, so Chu Feng would continue to reply to him.

But today, X suddenly didn't want to go back.

He wanted to take a gamble.

From the first time he saw Chu Feng, X had developed a strong interest in this player, and no stranger had ever given him such a feeling.

X is not sure how he and Chu Feng can develop, but he doesn't want to only have intersection with Chu Feng in the game, and it doesn't want to end so soon. As soon as he saw Chu Feng indulged in the virtual game and being hugged by Xiaoxie from all walks of life, he felt very uncomfortable.

With Chu Feng's beautiful face, X thought, once his husband died, there must be a lot of suitors flocking to him in reality. As a result, Chu Feng hugged the virtual husband in the game every day and did not let go. He was still determined after being widowed for two years. I really don't know what is so good about that Xie Shiyu.

For the player's physical and mental health, the supreme supervisor X believes that he has a certain obligation to help the player Chu Feng face the reality as soon as possible and find a second spring.

According to X's analysis and observation, in a situation like Chu Feng's, it is impossible to quickly accept the existence of another person psychologically. If a strange man with malicious intentions enters his WeChat and chats with him all day long, exposing himself If you have bad intentions, you will definitely be blocked by Chu Feng within two days.

So all along, X has been chatting with Chu Feng in concise and simple language, and the content of the chat is mostly related to Chu Feng's virtual husband, plus his help to Chu Feng in the game. X thought that he should have accumulated a certain amount of initial favor with Chu Feng.

Moreover, now that the virus crisis in Chu Feng's Dream City is reaching a critical moment, X has great value as a supervisor.

With a little initial goodwill and enough use value, it is impossible for Chu Feng to delete his WeChat in the short term. Not only will he not delete it, but he will even take the initiative to

chat with him.

X squeezed the phone, like a hunter hunting with a gun.


Chu Feng flipped through the chat records, and his fingertips slid, slid, just wanting to see what new topic X opened up during this period of time...


Chu Feng was slightly taken aback.

Their latest chat stays in the reply they sent in the past, two cold words.

X did not reply to him.

Strange, this person used to reply in seconds.

Holding the phone, Chu Feng felt a little confused. Is there something wrong with X?

Otherwise wait...

a minute has passed.

X didn't reply.

Their chat was awkwardly frozen in: "eat"

Chu Feng looked at the two words he sent, and thought, he was indeed a little cold. If he wanted to chat with someone he didn't know very well, he would ask if he had dinner at the beginning, and the other party would reply him with two words: eat and

then There is no more text.

Chu Feng himself didn't want to chat anymore.

The character Xiao Xie is still very dangerous in the game, and this supervisor may be used in the future. Chu Feng thought, for the sake of Xiao Xie, it is best to maintain a normal and friendly relationship with the supervisor in the short term, and he can ask X for help if there is any difficulty.

Click, click, the phone keys make a sound. Chu Feng was typing...

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