Chapter 84: Teacher Chu Feng's Reward

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[Returnee elite man...]

Chu Feng glanced at the information sent by his mother without interest, and came to the conclusion:

This is a turtle pretending to be a man.

Also proficient in four languages, really good at pretending.

Chu Feng couldn't help but want to expose the other party face to face and let him say a few words.

However, if you want to reveal, you need to meet, Chu Feng is not so free, if you have this time, it is better to go to Dream City to play with Xiao Xie.

Because of the virus in the city, in fact, it has been quite a long time...there is no married life.

The lights in the bedroom were not turned on, and Chu Feng was lying on his side on the bed alone. The wall beside the bed was covered with photos of him and Xie Shiyu.

The air-conditioning quilt covered Chu Feng's waist, and a beautiful curve was formed in the depression, allowing him to rest his hands on it. The faint light of the mobile phone screen reflected Chu Feng's bare/exposed slender neck, a pale snow color, as if waiting for someone to leave a mark, white snow and plum blossoms.

[Not interested in. ]

After typing these few words, Chu Feng immediately quit the WeChat with his mother, turned off all message reminders, and forgot about the [plastic double] and [sea turtle elite man].

Chu Feng reached out and took out the game headgear.


the blue brain wave was successfully connected. In Dream City, Xie Shiyu, who was 100% restored, was waiting for him.


No. 2 Middle School, night.

The adult Xiaoxie in the third year of high school are still studying by themselves in the evening, studying hard.

Chu Feng was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. There was a brown leather bag on the outermost layer of the game backpack, which contained his lesson plans and homework for correction.

Before the virus was infected, he was playing teacher-student play, and before he finished playing, various things happened.

The system elf reports in the background:

[Master, the whole city is safe now, if there is any abnormality, I will report to you again in time! ]

[Well. ]

Chu Feng responded lightly, and he turned on the mobile phone in the game, and clicked on the QQ group-Senior (16) class: [@All

members, do your homework well, I will come over for evening self-study. ]

-[! ! ! ]

18 years old - class 1 - Xie Xiaoba:

[Mr. Chu Feng, is there any reward for doing a good job? / Evil smile]

18 years old - monitor - Xiao Xie who loves to learn:

[Of course I can enjoy the extracurricular tutoring from Teacher Chu Feng, otherwise what do you think is something obscene? /Push glasses]

19 years old-the first in the class-repeat Xiaoxie:

[report to the teacher, all the questions are done, they should be all right. ]

[So I can go in first. / Evil laugh]

18 years old - the whole class is 1 - Xie Xiaoba:

[@喜欢绝的小锦树, teacher! It's not fair. Why should they come first when they study well? This is discrimination! Is it great to have good grades? ]

19 years old - No. 1 in the class - repeat Xiaoxie:

[Sorry, good grades are great, otherwise, can you get into Chu Feng's university? ]

18 years old - class 1 - Xie Xiaoba:

[Teacher Chu Feng! To be a good teacher should treat students equally. The top ten students in each exam have already enjoyed extracurricular tutoring. This time they should be distributed equally! @喜泡的小锦树]

Cute and juicy little maple tree:

[@All members, those who finish the papers before the end of the evening self-study can be rewarded. ]

[@18年岁-Monitor-Xiao Xie who loves to learn, change my group nickname back. ]

As soon as Chu Feng sent out the message, the group felt like an explosion, and the messages went up one after another:

[@楚凤师, can I have props! ! ]

18 years old - class 1 - Xie Xiaoba:

[Laughing, are you not good? I also need props, which is useless. ]

18 years old - squad leader - Xiao Xie who loves to learn:

[There are so many people who have time to wait for you to put on props, a little collective consciousness, okay, do you think Chu Feng will give you one-on-one tutoring? ]

19 years old - No. 1 in the class - repeat Xiaoxie:

[If you want one-on-one tutoring, try to get the first place in the exam. ]

18 years old - 1st in the class - Xie Xiaoba:

[Your eunuch]

He originally wanted to call: You are too cheap, the input method will be sent out soon, and is about to withdraw -

19 years old - 1st in the class - repeat Xiaoxie :

[Calling yourself a eunuch, are you happy? ]

Chu Feng glanced, as usual, the class began to taunt each other, and Chu Feng was about to quit QQ-

Xiao Xie, who suggested props just now, popped up:

[I mean, can you let Chu Feng go up by himself?] Props]


the night wind, Chu Feng's back felt cold, and a premonition of lumbago gushed out.

There was a moment of silence in the QQ group, and then everyone agreed, Crazy Aite him:

[@waiting for the small maple tree planted by the whole class, Chu Feng, Chu Feng! May I! ! ]

Chu Feng held the phone, paused for a while, and sent:

[All right]

[Don't give me a strange group nickname]

Chu Feng was about to change back to the nickname of [Teacher Chu Feng] by himself, but before he clicked on it, N messages flew across the screen.

The group was like boiling water, beeping endlessly:

[! ! ! No regrets in this life! ]

[It's so rare! What a good day today, is it because the college entrance examination is over! ]

[Teacher! Can we take pictures tonight? ]

[Can you record a video! ]

[Can I change clothes! Sailor suit...]


Chu Feng glanced at the endless requests, and the name of the class had changed from [Senior Senior (16) Class] to: [Planting maple trees tonight! 】

Chu Feng sighed helplessly and amusedly. Only eighteen or nineteen-year-old Xie Shiyu was so easy to be satisfied. Once in a while, he planted a plant, and he would be happy like a flying bird, chirping. Xie Shiyu, who is a few years older and mature after marriage, is simply an old fritter.

Therefore, Chu Feng would usually take the initiative to ask Xie Shiyu, who was eighteen or nineteen, to distribute benefits. Even if there were many, he could handle it. When he was in his twenties, he couldn't hold it anymore. Like the 24-year-old Dr. Xie, he could make Chu Feng cry by himself, but he couldn't beat him at all.

The night was slightly cool, but Chu Feng stretched out his hand and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Holding his mobile phone, he typed the final reply into the QQ group: [@All

members, as you like tonight. ]


a white shirt with a slightly open neckline, the collarbone is looming, and the trousers blown by the wind outline the slender lines of the legs.

Chu Feng carried the lesson plan leather brown bag and walked towards No. 2 Middle School. "Teacher Chu Feng-" Just as

he stepped through the small iron gate next to the school gate, someone stopped him.

Chu Feng turned his head -

the dim street lights, a row of sycamore trees outside the school gate, rustling in the evening wind. A tall black figure walked towards him.

Xie Shiyu wore a black T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers, giving off a youthful atmosphere. Chu Feng identified it. This should be the seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu, the bully of the second year of high school.

"It's so late, why are you still coming to school?"

Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu asked Chu Feng while leaning halfway on the small iron gate. The tattoo on his left forearm was looming in the night, revealing a malicious intention.

"Come to class."

Chu Feng lied.

"Evening self-study?"

The seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu walked over leisurely, suddenly lowered his head, and approached Chu Feng:

"Teacher, you have worked so hard."

Breathing slightly hot, Chu Feng did not hide on his cheek, and remained silent without speaking.

Xie Shiyu seemed to know something, he stretched out his hand skillfully to wrap around Chu Feng's waist:

"It's been so hard, does it hurt?"

Chu Feng slapped his hand off: "There is no evening self-study in the second year of high school, what are you doing here?" "

Look and see Look at you."

Xie Xie, the sophomore in high school, withdrew her hand and complained nonchalantly: "Unfortunately, you don't even want to look at me."

Chu Feng thought for a while, and indeed, he was a little too enthusiastic about Xie Shiyu, who was eighteen or nineteen years old, in the game. The unevenness may have caused dissatisfaction among other Xiaoxie.

Because he was too busy in the third year of high school in reality, Xie Shiyu didn't want to affect his studies and basically didn't come to him. After the college entrance examination, Xie Shiyu repeated his studies again. They were in different places, Chu Feng didn't want to affect his college entrance examination, and he didn't contact him much after the different places.

So in the game, as if to make up for something, Chu Feng became a teacher in the third year of high school, and personally taught Xie Shiyu, who was eighteen or nineteen years old, and got bored with them.

But in this way, it is inevitable that the other Xiaoxie will be left out in the cold.

Chu Feng took a step forward and hugged Xiao Xie, a seventeen-year-old sophomore in high school.

17 years old is a very beautiful age, but in the game, it is the last year of minors, which seems a bit pitiful.

The game company explicitly prohibits players from engaging in nighttime relationships with underage characters, mainly to prevent some copper smelting players from using the game to realize their illegal intentions.

Therefore, the eighteen-year-old Xie Xiaoba can eat all the banquets in the Han Dynasty, and the seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu can only look at it, and he can't even look at it. He can only be a monk.

After hugging for a long time, Chu Feng was about to leave with his hands. Xie Shiyu grabbed him,

"That's it?"

The seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu made an inch of progress. Now he was approaching 1.9 meters. He grabbed Chu Feng who was 1.8 meters, Hugging him in his arms:

"I also want to water the cute and juicy little maple tree. Give me a chance?"

Chu Feng let him hug him for a while before pushing him away:

"Underage, study hard. Next time, I will give you extra-curricular tutoring."

Seeing that Xie Shiyu's expression became a bit playful, Chu Feng paused and corrected:

"Serious extra-curricular tutoring, tutoring in mathematics, physics and chemistry."

Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu deliberately pretended to be stupid:

"Could it be that Mr. Chu Feng The extracurricular tutoring in the past was not serious? Oh--I see, teacher, what you tutored in the past was physiology class, right?"

Chu Feng knocked him on the head and said with a smile: "Don't be poor, go home quickly Let's go."

Xie Shiyu nodded and said yes.

Chu Feng turned around and entered the school. He could feel that Xie Shiyu behind him did not leave, but stood where he was, silently watching him leave.

A subtle feeling came to mind.

This little Xie, a sophomore in high school, is a little... unusual.

Especially the way he talks, very leisurely, as if he is okay, but if he is really okay, why did this little Xie, a sophomore in high school, come to school to see him suddenly?

Xiao Xie, a sophomore in high school, should be aware that he is a minor. Even if he comes to school at night, nothing will happen. When they meet, they can only talk and hug.

This kind of thing can also be done during school meetings during the day.

But Xie Shiyu still took advantage of the night to come.

It suddenly occurred to Chu Feng that after the virus in the city was over, he still didn't know who was the second most powerful.

NO.1 is thirteen-year-old Xiao Xie, who dismembered his drug-addicted father, NO.3 is 24-year-old Xie Shiyu, who used medicine to get rid of those scumbags in the workplace, NO.4 is seven-year-old Xiaoyu, Not really doing anything, but dealing with serial killers and criminal neighbors.

Based on this reasoning, Xiao Xie, who is among the top three in terms of combat power, should have really done it.

Now that the virus in the city is over, it is no longer possible to solve the password problem and check the ranking of combat power. This No. 2 Xiaoxie is hidden among Xiaoxie in the whole city.

That is to say, in the 27 years before Xie Shiyu's lifetime, there was another him who hid an ulterior secret.

Chu Feng opened the Xiaoxie illustration book in his mobile phone, marked this sophomore Xiaoxie, and asked the system to check the movement track of this little Xie to see what he could find.

The teaching building is in front of you.

The lights on the 1st and 2nd floors were turned off, but only the third floor, the third-year students, was brightly lit.

Chu Feng raised his leg and was about to step up the stairs--

"Teacher Chu Feng! Are you here to supervise the evening self-study?"

Chu Feng turned his head and saw the 22-year-old intern Xiao Xie walking towards him.

Xiao Xie, the role of the university, is not only distributed in the university town, but also goes to various places to work and practice.

Teacher Xie, who is an intern, teaches physical education in this high school, so he can barely be regarded as his colleague.

Now that we played the campus play, let's play it more realistically, Chu Feng nodded to Xiao Xie, showing a smile against his colleagues: "

You haven't gone back so late?"

"Yes." Xie Shiyu said meaningfully:

"I have sorted out some materials "

Chu Feng thought to himself, you are a physical education teacher sorting out some materials, but you don't need to talk too much with your colleagues, and he has an appointment to reward the whole class tonight, so he really doesn't have time.

"Then you should go back early after tidying up." Chu Feng stepped forward and prepared to go upstairs: "Then I'll go first..." Without saying a word, the

intern Xie Shiyu blocked his way:

"Teacher Chu Feng, what are you doing tonight?" I'm afraid I won't be able to go to evening self-study."

Chu Feng was startled.

Xie Shiyu smiled slightly and pointedly said:

"The principal asked me to inform you that the meeting will be held tonight in his office."

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