Chapter 93: Meeting X

Start from the beginning

Before coming to China, Chu Feng had promised to give He looked at pictures from his childhood. "Let's go, the car is parked in the underground garage."

Chu Feng pushed X's wheelchair towards the barrier-free elevator at the airport.

Dingling-- the elevator door opened, and the two of them avoided the mob crowd and went directly to the parking garage. The door of the Lamborghini is slowly lifted under the automatic remote control, welcoming the owner and another owner to ride.

X looks at the car, an old Lamborghini, expensive. As he thought, Chu Feng's financial conditions are very good. But Chu Feng's clothes today don't match this luxury car. The ordinary black sweater looks like something worn by a college student, and it's a bit too big. An old black sweater. X thought about it, this might belong to Chu Feng's husband.

After a little deduction, this Lamborghini may have been left by Chu Feng's husband. Zizi, the trunk is opened. Chu Feng first put X's luggage in. This person doesn't have much luggage, and it's actually only a suitcase after traveling thousands of miles, and it's not too heavy. It seems that life is very simple.

He originally wanted X to sit in the passenger seat, but it is really inconvenient for X to sit in a wheelchair now. Chu Feng turned on the automatic on-board system, folded the entire rear seat back, and pushed X and his wheelchair into the car.

X: "Thank you."

Chu Feng sat back in the driver's seat, smiled, and did not speak.

In their current friendly atmosphere, it is really inappropriate to mention the side effects of the item in Dream City, and X did not show any inappropriate behavior after removing the lucky brooch. He even apologized to him many times and cared whether he affected To the normal life of the couple.

Although Chu Feng still felt that X's operation was really full of charm, it was beyond reproach on the bright side. As for the lucky brooch, it was a common word, and it could be interpreted as a decoration without any other meaning.

The car starts and the Lamborghini drives forward, leaving the sad airport behind them.

Chu Feng observed X sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror. With bandages covering his face, he is physically handicapped in a wheelchair. On the surface, it can be said that he has nothing to do with the tall and strong Xie Shiyu.

When Chu Feng felt very similar.

It's hard to say how similar it is, but the temperament and demeanor that can't be felt in the game can be subtly felt in reality. .

It's a completely different feeling from the plastic surgery intern. Even though the facial features are all the same, when looking at that intern, Chu Feng can tell at a glance that it is someone else, but when looking at X, he can somehow feel... X has a charm of Xie Shiyu in his gestures and gestures. .

Chu Feng looked away from the rearview mirror. His personal feeling was too idealistic. No matter who he told him, he would feel that he was suffering from paranoia.

"Is there a place to stay?" Chu Feng asked

X while driving. He called up the arrangement given to him by the game company from his mobile phone, and found the detailed information of the hotel:

"Jinlanxing Hotel, do you need navigation?"

X was thinking Turning to the map to search, Chu Feng said:

"No need. Your company's arrangements are good. This hotel is a well-known landmark building here."

This hotel is the most upscale luxury hotel in H City, and the price is close to two to three thousand a night. With a 108-story building, the star platform and revolving restaurant on the top floor are famous all over the country.

"It's almost noon now." Chu Feng glanced at his watch, "I'll take you to the hotel to put your luggage, and we'll come out to have a meal together later."

X: "Okay."

The car was quiet.

For some reason, X feels that it is more natural to talk to Chu Feng in reality. There is a tacit understanding that they have known each other for many years. Even if there is no dialogue in silence, and they face the quiet atmosphere together, they will not feel embarrassed at all.

What also makes the X feel familiar is the car.

If the appearance of the Lamborghini sports car may be due to an advertisement somewhere or...a man's familiarity with cars, then his familiarity with the interior of this Lamborghini car cannot be explained.

This is very strange, and even began to continuously support another conjecture in his mind.

Lamborghini's car system is playing music. It's an old song: Sunny Days.

In Dream City, Chu Feng once played the piano to the song that thirteen-year-old Xiao Xie listened to.

There is a cigarette case next to the driver's seat. Just below the car music system. X has never seen the brand, or he may have seen it before, but he can't remember it now.

Next to the passenger seat, there are three tubes of Mandos candy, in the shape of vertical bars.

X has been living in the Pacific Islands and has seen Mentos, but he has not eaten much. He observed that the three vertical bars of sugar were of different flavors.

Chu Feng discovered that X was looking at the candy in the passenger seat. He glanced at it, and it was where Xie Shiyu often put candy. There were three flavors in total:

ice blue mint, yellow lemon and purple grape.

Xie Shiyu would put Chu Feng's favorite mint flavor first. , followed by my favorite lemon flavor, and finally the grape flavor that Lin Lan, who sometimes rides in this car, likes to eat.

The color order of these three sugars is fixed. In the two years since Xie Shiyu left, Chu Feng would buy new ones even if he ran out of candy, and he never changed the order. Chu Feng ate Xie Shiyu's favorite lemon flavor for him.

"Do you want to eat? Sugar."

Chu Feng turned the steering wheel and was about to arrive at the Jinlanxing Hotel where X was staying.

X shook his head lightly. Chu Feng unexpectedly insisted:

"Eat one, it's okay, you shouldn't eat much after the journey is exhausting. I'll drive, you can take it yourself."

Chu Feng slowly parked the car at the entrance of Jinlanxing Hotel.

He pretended to be parking the car seriously, but he was actually observing X's movements from the corner of his eye.

It's just a small candy, and X didn't show any politeness to him. He leaned forward and stretched out his long arm to the groove under the door handle of the passenger seat.

Faced with three flavors of Mentos candy, X chose without hesitation: yellow lemon flavor.

X poured a candy from the vertical tube, said thank you, and put the tube back in its place.

Chu Feng quietly observed his whole movements. The movements of taking sugar, pouring sugar, and eating sugar were almost carved out of the same mold as Xie Shiyu.

But this "similarity" is just his personal feeling, and there is no real evidence.

The mint flavor of the Mentos candy is a classic flavor. Even if many people don't particularly like this candy, they will most likely choose the mint flavor.

But X, who lost his memory, chose the lemon flavor without hesitation.

Chu Feng looked at X's every move more carefully. He took down X's luggage calmly, pushed the wheelchair, and walked to the hotel lobby to help X check in.

"Hello, sir. I need to pay a deposit."

X is currently a foreigner and does not have a Chinese ID card or mobile phone number. He cannot handle WeChat and Alipay payments, nor does he have a Chinese bank card.

X took out the international visa credit card: "Swipe the card."

"Hello, please sign here."

The card reader printed out a small note, X picked up the pen, and signed.

The staff at the front desk returned the signed credit card receipt in duplicate to X. Chu Feng took the initiative to collect the receipt and the room card for X.

"Let's go, I'll take you up."

Chu Feng acted enthusiastically as a landlord. He pushed X's wheelchair on one side, and X's luggage on the other hand. In his pocket was the receipt that X had just signed, as well as the room card he received, and escorted X into the elevator all the way.

In the hotel on the 108th floor, the elevator doesn't have any buttons, so you just swipe your card. Chu Feng swiped at the elevator electronics:


the number of floors in the room jumped out of the elevator display: 88th floor.

After taking the elevator, he walked to the room number: 8878.

Chu Feng opened the door and inserted the room card into the power board.

Then he pushed in the luggage, and then pushed in the wheelchair. As for the signed receipt in his pocket, he refused to take it out and return it to X. Chu Feng asked nonchalantly, "Do you want to take a break? Let's have dinner together later

. "

X shook his head to indicate that there is no need to rest.

"Go to the bathroom," he said.

X turned the wheelchair by himself and slid into the restroom of the five-star luxury hotel, and the frosted glass automatic door slowly closed.

Chu Feng stood outside for two seconds. After confirming that X was really inside and would not come out in a short time, he immediately took out the signed credit card bill from his pocket.

X is now an overseas person with only a temporary residence permit in China. He has lost his memory again and does not know his Chinese name. His English name is signed on the credit card bill:



Chu Feng looked at the familiar handwriting, and his heart suddenly rumbled like a spring thunder in shock.

Xie Shiyu didn't give himself an English name, he just called him Shiyu Xie, which is the same name that is signed on many English contracts.

"Xerxes" and "Shiyu Xie", the common letters on these two words are X, e, and s. Chu Feng especially observed how these three letters are written.

X is the letter with the fewest starting words among the 26 letters in English. Generally, few people will start their English name with X, unless this letter has any special meaning for X.

Xie Shiyu's thanks, the initial letter is also X

Chu Feng focused on observing the letter X. Generally speaking, when signing a signature, the first initial letter will be very large and elegant, and the subsequent letters will be connected together.

Xie Shiyu's Xie, Xerxes Xerxes, Chu Feng carefully compared the two Xs, their elegant angles, and the position of the pen...

For Chu Feng, who has seen Xie Shiyu's signature hundreds of times, it is already It can't be said that they are somewhat similar, they are exactly the same.

Chu Feng solemnly put this signature sheet into his pocket, and was going to hand it over to the handwriting identification office immediately after dinner with X, so that they could issue a scientific identification report.


the frosted glass automatic door of the bathroom slowly opened, and X came out of the bathroom.

Chu Feng had already collected the signature sheet one step ahead, with a nonchalant demeanor.

He glanced at X, and found that X might not actually go to the bathroom when he went into the bathroom, but was changing the bandages.

The bandage on his face was as white as new snow, Chu Feng thought, maybe because he was here, X didn't want him to see the disfigured skin under the bandage, so he went to the bathroom to change it.

Chu Feng didn't say much either. He pushed the wheelchair and took the elevator downstairs. When he went out, he pulled out the room card and handed it back to X. He still hid the signature of the bill in his pocket, pretending that he had forgotten to give it to X.

Come to think of it, X probably didn't notice such tiny details.


The elevator is gradually descending.

X didn't pay attention to the details like Chu Feng thought. He observed that Chu Feng put the signed bill into his pocket from the moment he signed it, and never returned it to him.

Chu Feng's financial conditions are very superior, so it is impossible to extract any money information from his bills.

Then, there is only one reason for Chu Feng to keep this bill: his signature.

More precisely, his handwriting.

X began to feel keenly that Chu Feng actually had doubts about him, so he did not hesitate to come to pick him up at the sad airport in person, and even stole his autograph.

Handwriting comparison is also evidence to identify a person.

The number of elevators is about to drop to the first floor.

Chu Feng faintly suppressed his uncontrollable joy and joy.

He observed the handwriting on X's body, his preference for eating candy, and various words and deeds, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt the same.

But this may be because he has already made a presupposition of expectation in his heart, so he is more and more inclined to a conclusion that is conducive to this expectation.

The real final word is the DNA. The DNA of X must be collected. Whether it is true or not, it must be proved by scientific evidence. If not. Then everything he is doing now is like a useless temptation.

Even though I knew it was useless, I still wanted to do it excitedly. Chu Feng has already imagined in his heart how to test X in the future, how many small habits and preferences Xie Shiyu has, and see if X has similar ones.

Dingling bells-

the elevator stopped on level 1, and they walked to the parking lot.

Chu Feng is going to take X to Xie Shiyu's favorite restaurant for dinner.

Just now X picked Xie Shiyu's favorite flavor from the three mandos candies. In addition to signature and handwriting, a person's food preference is also a criterion for positioning.

"Sit in first."

Chu Feng pushed X's wheelchair into the rear seat, then sat back in the driver's seat, and started the car.

Out of a certain tentative psychology, Chu Feng glanced at the Mandos candy in the passenger seat.

The candy was placed in the groove under the door handle of the passenger seat. With his current position in the driver's seat, he stretched it out, and it was a little out of reach.

Chu Feng glanced at X in the back seat, and while driving out of the parking lot, he said very casually,

"Can you get some candy for me?"

Chu Feng deliberately didn't say what flavor he wanted.

Before the car leaves the parking lot, you need to pay the parking fee. There is a lever at the exit, and it is clearly written: one car, one pole.

The car was parked in front of the crossbar, the window of the driver's seat was opened, and there was an automatic payment machine outside. A QR code popped up. Chu Feng turned on his phone, scanned the code to pay, and pretended to be busy paying the toll, and had no time to get candies.

X in the back seat didn't ask Chu Feng what kind of candy he wanted. He stretched out his hand, stretched his long arm, took a piece of candy, and handed it to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked sideways, and what X brought him was a mint-flavored Mentos candy.

It's his favorite flavor.

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