6 ~ Complete

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Soojin's POV 🦋💙

After that meeting, the CEO told us to come up with our group name together to officialise the debut. Since then, Soyeon has been consistently coming to me for heart-to-heart talks to share her worries about the group. They were mainly about the new girl and how well she would fit in with us and how Soyeon was scared she wouldn't be able to make her feel welcome since she's very shy and blunt. Well not as shy as me but I understand her worries. Soyeon also did not have a good impression of YG trainees after her bad encounter with one during Unpretty Rapstar (although she did diss her back good).

I didn't mind her rants though, I'm a good listener and her close friend of the same age. Being a leader is not easy and I want to help ease some of her burdens too. "Hey, don't worry so much, you're a great person and also really friendly after opening up to people. Why else would I be friends with you dummy." "I can tell you will be an amazing leader, I've seen what you can do and there's no way you would let one person mess up our group and career." "Besides, what if you're worrying too much? What if the new girl is really nice too?" These are some of the advice I've given her and I think she's not as worried now. Seeing my advice help someone also bring me great happiness.

Anyways, my friends and I were doing our daily dance practice with the instructor when someone softly knocked on the door to the dance studio. The door opened and a girl wearing a black leather jacket, combat boots and fishnet stockings shyly walked in.

"Ah yes, you are the new girl from YG right? Cho Miyeon?" The instructor called out. Miyeon nodded and the instructor told her to join the class before resuming her teaching.

Wow... I think that's the girl that's joining our group. She looks so intimidating despite her shy behavior. I mean the outfit says it all! Everyone else here is in comfy tops and sweatpants while she's wearing leather and fishnet stockings! Truly a sign of a YG trainee.

I looked around to find my friends and see them all looking over at me. Turning around, I realised she chose to stand next to me.

"Oh hi there! Are you the one joining Cube's new girl group?" I decided to take the initiative to welcome the new girl.

"Oh yes actually! How did you know?" She made a shocked face while nervously following along the dance routine of the instructor.

"Well, I'm one of the members of that new group. I'm Soojin by the way. Nice to meet you finally." I gave her a warm smile while dancing along.

"Ah I see! Nice to meet you too! I'm Miyeon! Please take care of me!" Miyeon replied with a smile. I'm glad she seemed to be less shy and nervous now compared to when she first entered.

"Hey you two back there! Stop chitchatting during my lesson or you have to stay back for extra practice!" The instructor yelled. The both of us stopped talking and sheepishly continued with the lesson.

~ In the evening ~

All of us were back in the dorm resting. Yuqi and Shuhua were shouting at each other while playing PUBG as usual, and they somehow convinced Minnie to join this time too but from what I'm hearing, Minnie isn't doing too well. Soyeon and I were sitting at the dining table snacking and just talking about our day when the doorbell rang. That's odd... I don't think anyone ordered anything?

"I'll get it!" Soyeon sprang up and ran to the door. I decided to follow her too.

Approaching the door, I heard Soyeon say something along the lines of "... you'll have to sing a song to enter~" I looked at the person outside and realised it was Miyeon, still dressed in her outfit from dance practice but this time with a big green luggage.

Forever? (GIDLE - Soyeon x Soojin x Shuhua)Where stories live. Discover now