11 ~ Hann

107 4 0

Soyeon's POV 🦁💛

Do you remember, you remember, remember what you said...

Humming to myself, I scribbled down the lyrics as they came to my mind. Just a few days ago, we were playing around in the dorm when Minnie whistled a simple tune out of nowhere and inspiration struck. I quickly asked Minnie to record the whistle on her phone and send it to me and I started playing around with potential melodies. The whistling itself sounded almost sad, desolate even. I guess Minnie must've felt emotional that day, maybe she lost in PUBG against Yuqi and Shuhua as usual.

Embracing the emotions of the melody, I tried to imagine a possible story that could be weaved into lyrics. Such sadness could be translated into heartbreak, but it wouldn't be interesting to make a title track this sad.

Looking around my room, I tried to look for more inspiration when my eyes landed on the various photographs with my members pasted around my bed. Who would fit such a vibe?

Miyeon and Minnie are too cheerful, though Minnie does get emotional at times... Soojin doesn't get upset often and she wouldn't show it if she does... Yuqi's the opposite and explodes in anger easily despite her cute image...

And that leaves Shuhua. Hmm... Shuhua does have the chic image, and she's cold towards people when angry. Can't forget that cold and silent anger she showed when someone accidentally ate her bowl of seaweed soup...

But that settles it! The new song will be about the sadness of heartbreak mixed with the cold anger towards the other person. With Minnie's whistling and Shuhua as the muse, I continued writing the lyrics in my room till dawn.

~ One week later ~

"... and that concludes my presentation for our new title track. Thank you."

The meeting room was filled with murmurs as the directors and managers discussed the ideas I'd just proposed. You would think they would've had more trust in me after Latata's success...

"Fine, Latata turned out to be good, but that was just luck."
"You really think you can do it again?"
"Just because Latata did well doesn't mean you can get too cocky about your songwriting skills."

These are just some of the comments I've received from the company higher-ups after telling them I'm writing the title track for the next comeback. Although I did feel a little dejected, my members backed me up a lot when I let them hear the demo version. Which is why I stuck through and came up with another presentation to showcase the song, concept and MV ideas.

After nerve-wracking hours of discussion and questioning, the meeting finally came to an end.

"Ok Jeon Soyeon, we've discussed enough and we think that your ideas are feasible for the next comeback. You better make sure everything works out, if not you're responsible for your entire group." The CEO finally said.

"Thank you so much, Mr CEO. I'll make sure not to let you down and I'll take responsibility for the group no matter what." Phew... I can't wait to get back to the dorm and rest.

Although I'm thankful and happy that my ideas got accepted, the intense discussion really wore me out. Relieved, I walked back to the dorm, excited to share the good news with my members.

~ A few months later ~

Shuhua's POV 🐺🤎

It's been a few weeks since we came back with Hann and we are now busy promoting it on radio shows. When Soyeon first showed us the demo version, I was blown away by the instrumentals and lyrics. It was so enchanting and poetic. I also got a solo dance break all to show off my improvements in dancing. And the best part was when she told me the song was inspired by me! I can't believe she could come up with such a masterpiece just by thinking about me hehe!

Anyways, we are now live on a radio show and I'm just listening to the other members promote our new song. I didn't really participate since my Korean isn't good enough to fully understand the host's questions. I'm glad that the other members are answering the questions well and I can just nod and laugh along.

"...Shuhua ssi, do you have any thoughts about the new song?"

Oops, I wasn't really listening! "Eh... it's good! I really like it and it's different from our previous song!" I blurted out.

The host started laughing for some reason. "It's pronounced this way [...], Shuhua ssi," he said before moving on.

Ah... I must've pronounced something wrongly. I mean it's not a big deal, but somehow his laughter rubbed me the wrong way. It felt somewhat mocking. After that incident, my mood dropped and I didn't try to speak up again.

I was looking down at my lap lost in thought again when I felt someone squeeze my hand. Looking up, I realised it was Soojin who was seated beside me.

"Are you ok?" She whispered with a gentle gaze in her eyes.

I just gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand back in response.

~ At the Year End Awards ~

Soojin's POV 🦋💙

We were seated at our tables at the award show, watching other groups get nominated and going up on stage to get various awards. Maybe one day, we'll be as successful as them too...

"Hey Soojin! Do you think we stand a chance to win Rookie of the Year?" Soyeon, who was sat beside me, suddenly asked.

"Why not? Both of our comebacks this year won 3 trophies each," I replied. After all, we did really well this year. Although I always trusted Soyeon's talent, I didn't expect the public to love us so quickly as well.

After what seemed like forever, the hosts finally started announcing the nominees for Rookie of the Year. Omg... we're in there!

"Yo guys! I think we might get it!" Yuqi whisper-yelled from across the table.

"Don't say it yet! You might jinx it!" Minnie whisper-yelled back.

"I'm so nervous..." Miyeon said while holding Minnie's hands.

As they got ready to announce the winner, all of us held hands under the table in anticipation.

"And the Rookie of the Year goes to... (G)I-DLE!! Congratulations!"

Wait we really got it...! All of us stood up and walked towards the stage. Not gonna lie, I was shaking as I headed up the steps. Looking over at Soyeon, I could tell she was just as excited and nervous. As she made her winning speech, I can't help but feel so happy and proud of her. All her hard work put into writing and perfecting our songs have finally paid off! Surely the company would stop dismissing her talents now!

Halfway through the speech, Minnie started tearing up which was caught by the camera. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It truly was such a miraculous and happy day. I hope this marks the start of our successful music career together ~

{A/N: And the girls went on to win several Rookie awards as they deserved!}


Forever? (GIDLE - Soyeon x Soojin x Shuhua)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum