5. Unexpected Changes

Start from the beginning

Reaching there I saw him resting his back against the wall on pool as his arm griped on the edge, and with other he held a glass of whiskey. "Can I sit here?" I asked gathering my courage and he just nodded without looking at me. I sat on one of the benches.

"Did you eat dinner?" he questioned.


"Then why are you not asleep?"

"I was waiting for you." I said and he snapped his head in my direction.


"I wanted to apologize earlier.... I didn't mean to... He.. Um..asked that...he wanted to taste what I was cooking... I didn't mean to make you upset." I stuttered. I don't know why I am so afraid of his rage.

"It's okay...." he said taking a sip from his glass.

"Thankyou...." I mumbled loud enough that he could hear me in this utter silence that surrounded us. I stood up for leaving.

"Did I say that you can leave?" He said.

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked awkwardly staring at my hands.

"Make it up to me..... For earlier." He said looking at me. I am not sure what he meant. But I only know one meaning to these words.

With slightly shivering hands, I started undoing the buttons of my shirt under his pierce gaze. Atleast I think he won't hurt me.

"Hey.....what are you doing?" he jumped out of the pool coming close to me as he held my both hands that were on my shirt.

"You...said...make it up to you...so, I thought...." I bit my lower lip looking away embarrassed. I was so wrong to think that he wanted me to make up to him using my body.

He chuckled lightly, "No silly, I want you to make something for me to eat.... I am hungry."

I looked at his eyes, I could only find purity in his intentions. I now felt more embarrassed, he left my hands and walked upto stool to pick up robe. He pushed back his blond hair with a faded cut from side. He was only wearing boxers, his thighs were strong dripping with water. I tore my gaze away, giving him moment to put on robe.

"I am sorry if I made you comfortable.... I didn't realize I was only in my boxers. Let's go inside." he said and I followed.

"Also..." he turned around his face speaking, "If you want to use swimming pool don't use the main one. There are cameras and no privacy. Use the one that is next to gym. It is private."

"Yes, thank you for informing. What would you like to eat... Something in particular?" I asked because I don't want him to be angry again.

"No... I'll eat whatever you make me." He said taking an apple from the fruit basket on counter.

"Okay...." I mumbled, taking out the ingredients from fridge and cabinets. Thanks from the lunch time I am aware of mostly things.

"Noodles..... I want to make Japchae." I bit my lower lip.

"Check the pantry..... Push that handle on the ends of cabinet." I did and the whole door clicked open as I stepped inside the pantry. It was a whole size room stocked up till ceiling with variety of ingredients like a supermarket.

I took me more than five minutes to track down where noodles were. I extended my arm up but another hand picked them before I could. I turned around to find Jungkook, standing in my personal space.

His face inches away from mine. I couldn't hold eye contact for longer his eyes were so beautiful pulling me in and I don't want to have those thoughts, not about him. He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my right cheek.

"Here, I thought you might not be able to find them." he handed me the noodles.


For the whole time I was cooking he was looking at me. I could feel his gaze even I had my back on him.

"Are you comfortable here Taehyung? Do you need anything?" I can sense he wanted to start a conversation. Who wouldn't want to know about a miserable person on run. He helped me atleast he deserves to know.

"Yes.... Thank you Mr. Jeon." I said turning back smiling.

"Don't call me that." he said.


"Don't call me Mr. Jeon whenever you talk to me....."

"I um...I assume you are older than me... Can I call you hyung?" I asked dishing out the contents from the pot.

"Yes... I very much like that...." he smiled.

"Here, I hope you like it." I placed the plate infront of him.

" I placed the plate infront of him

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"Still something is missing. You are forgetting something." he said with a serious face. It took me a few seconds to realize what he wanted.

So I hesitantly, took the chop sticks rolling a bite and nearing it nearing his mouth. He took the bite looking at me.

"This....is delicious." he said between chewing making an aggressive face. I take it as his habit to admire tastful food.

"Here, taste some...." he smiled offering me a bit and I hesitantly ate it from his hands.

"You are not angry with me anymore.... Right?"

"After this? Not a chance." He was still devouring the food.

For some reason he kept on offering me some bites and I couldn't refused him so I ate by his hands. It felt good. Like someone was taking care of me or perhaps I was thinking ahead of myself. Luring myself into an illusion.


Slow burn 🔥🔥

Love from my side 💜

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