⋆。°✩ Chapter 17: Fine line⋆。°✩

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"Seeing her was magic, but her favorite act was to disappear."
- Perry poetry

(Craig POV)
Ever since I had stopped going back and fourth to Tweek's, things have drastically changed.

I'm currently in my room, laying on the floor as I let my little sister, Ruby, take over my bed. I promised to let her sleep in my room whenever she wants to' and that's also because for a certain reason. - She get's uncomfy most of the time sleeping in her room because it's next to mom and dad's. And no, it's not because my mom and dad are having..sex; I don't even think there's still room of light in their relationship for them to even do that. I just don't see the love in their eyes anymore. They often yell at each other or fight about the smallest things possible; as if they're only finding flaws of their failed relationship, because that's they're way of talking.

Maybe you've guessed it, she's in my room because they're fighting again. I admit, the floor is very uncomfortable and it barely makes me rest myself to sleep. - But if that's what it takes for my sister to still get the sleep she needs, I'll take the sacrifice; And at times like these, I usually sneak out to have a walk or maybe even go to Tweek's but considering how me and him "ended" I'm not quite sure if I'm still welcome to his presence. Something about the last time I saw him made me change my perspective and that maybe it's actually just me and my feelings all alone. I miss his ambience and his grip on me by helping me stay clean. But I know to myself that I can't just let him carry me whole in his  bare hands. I would be nothing but a burden.

I can't help but just stare at my open window in my cold dark room, wondering with my thoughts on what could've been now if I just kept my mouth shut on that certain day when me and Tweek we're still having fun; together.

I let my thoughts sink in as I eavesdrop what my mom and dad we're fighting at on the other room. It's muffled so I have to lean next to the wall to hear some of their words clearly.


My mom yelled, she seems like she's throwing things for it made a few thud.

"Honey. I'm so sorry you know how hard my work is sometimes it doesn't even pay off-"

"YOU ALWAYS USE THAT FUCKING EXCUSE THOMAS, I"M SO TIRED OF IT. JUST FOR ONCE, PLEASE. BE THERE FOR US. FOR YOU'RE KIDS." I could hear my mom cry as she said those words to my dad, I can't help but shred a tear as well.

There was silence for a minute and the only thing I could hear from a distant is my mom's pleading and cry.

I could hear their voices and footsteps grow louder as if it's heading towards my room. I quickly wiped my tears and pretended to be asleep.

The door swayed open and my mom tried to "wake" me up so I pretended to open my eyes gently for her. While for Thomas, I saw him standing next to the door, staring at the mess he created.

"Mom..?" I can't help but cry at the sight of her, she looks depressed.

"Mommy's gonna go somewhere for awhile, take care of you're sister okay?"
She said, trying to fake a smile as she wipes my tears, for I already knew that she knew I was just pretending to fall asleep.

She stood up, bracing the bag she brought with her and immediately heading downstairs, I can't help but run after her and for the first time I heard my dad pleading and asking her to stay. - When I heard him, I immediately pleaded after him as well. I was on my last legs trying to drag her away from the door, but I grew weaker like a child and I can't help but watch her fade away slowly by slowly.

"Honey, we can still fix this. I'm sorry please."
Thomas cried as he's trying to stop her.

And for the first time, I saw my mom and dad kiss. But who knows? Maybe it's my first and last too. After that, mom gently placed Thomas away from her and she continued walking away, crying. I'm guessing she's heading to the bus terminal for who knows where she's heading. I grew numb by the situation; Everything's too much to process so I found myself sitting on the stairs of the front porch, looking blankly at the street where I last found my mom. Thomas then followed me and sat next to me.

"Well, I guess it's just the three of us." Thomas said, wearily. I can't believe he still got the confidence to say that when the truth is, he was never mostly there for his family.

"Three? You weren't even there for me and Ruby. That makes me and her TWO. Mom left so I have to be the man and the woman of the house. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU." I stood up and was about to walk away when all of a sudden he muttered something that made me turn to him.

"It's you're grandma's fault."

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