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We were all on our way to the tourney locator card, location. and I am excited. ! I bet my dad will be back to normal if I win, probably not.... :( . Yugi and I were walking hand-in-hand. :)

Joey was trying smooth talk Jean-claude magnum but he is too focused on Mai, he wants her love and affection. But, she's not into him.

"Yugi do we really have time for this?" I asked him he looks at me and shrugged. "Not really, but I believe in Mai and I believe she will win." I smiled. He's right. I looked at my phone as it buzzed. Uts a text from Seto.

Seto: Where are you? I'll leave you behind!

I didnt respond. I just looked at the duel. Then I looked at Yugi and blushed. He's my boyfriend. I smiled to myself. Then my phone started to ring.


"Where are you?" Its Seto again. I guess i should have just texted him back.

"I'm with Yugi and the others. Mai is in a duel right now."

"Just hurry up. I will leave you behind."

"Yeah, yeah. You keep saying that." I might leave me behind but not Yugi, he wants to face off against him and  win. I believe Seto very well could beat Yugi. But not like this, not in his current state-of-mind.

Once we made it to the location, I walked over to Seto.

"I made it." i said with a yawn he handed me a water bottle and a pill. "Take this." I did as told. Its vitamins.

"I can't believe you're making us take a blimp." I giggled.

"Stay here if you're scared."

"I rather win the whole competition." I gave him a wink. I walked over to Mokuba and hugged him.

"Its so great to see you, Mokuba."

"You too Via. I'm so happy you made it the finals." i nod "Me too." then Marik showed up. Everyone had a problem with him. Well do, he's a crazy power seeking lunatic.

The blimp soon came. And landed. I'm kinda scared to get on.

"Seto thank you!" I hugged him he let in his words 'Dweebs' on but I'm glad he let my friends on with an ID card.

"Mokuba!" I said and grabbed his hand.

"Let's hold hands! I've never had a little brother but i heard that's what you do!" He smiled at me.

"Wanna walk me to my room?" I asked him and we walked hand in hand together. I swiped my card and the door opened. "This is awesome."

"I know right!" i gave Mokuba a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tired?" I shrugged, "I just want to lay down."

"Watch the new move that just came out. " he handed me a remote and i pressed the knife button. Then a tv that was built into the wall turned on.

"Blue is a Kaiba Corp movie about the ocean and how the marine life is better since we start using recycled materials." He's promoting his brothers company's movie. He's tricky. I just chuckled "Okay." And he turned the movie on. We said our good-byes then he left.

I decided i should take a nap. I need some rest.

*Yami's pov*
I looked around, i don't see Via. Everyone is having fun eating and talking while we wait for everyone to arrive to see who is dueling first.

"Has anyone seen Via?" I asked and Teá looked around. "I don't. Maybe she's still in her room. I'll go with Serenity to get her." Then they left. I wonder what's keeping Via.

Soon Teá was back with Via and serenity.

Via walks over to me and grabbed my hand. I blushed. "I was napping. but I'm ready to go! I hope we don't get paired off against each other. I don't know if i could duel you properly." I smiled at her. She leans against me.

"Don't worry Yami, you and I will face off together in the end." She really doesn't care if Yugi and I are connected she seems to truly like us. She's very kind.

"Number 6, Bakura."

Bakura points to himself "Me, I duel first." Tristan and Teá tried to talk him out of it but he just laughs.

"Number 9, Via. Both of you report to the arena immediately." Huh? via is going against Bakura. i don't trust him.

"Damn, I kinda wanted to sit this one out. But I'm excited!" Make sure you cheer me on!" she leans up and kissed my cheek. "Bye Yugi." She winked then Followed Bakura into the elevator.

"Bakura let's do our best." I heard her to him as the doors closed. I Hope that Via wins. I have a feeling those isn't going to end well.

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