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(A/N: sorry for the wait also, the story line is going 2 be slightly different. I hope no one minds, I've been busy with work & stuff. Also i have hospital bills I've been trying to pay off since i don't have insurance. So I'm just ughhhhh life sucks!)

"Joey! Joey, have you seen Yugi?"

"No i haven't, Teá and grandpa went to go find him.  Since everyday he seems to wonder off by himself." I just nod. "I think I'll do the same. I justneed one more card left."

"Already?! How? I only have 2!" Joey says shocked. I just giggled. "I just am really good i guess?" I shrugged then waved to him. "I'll see you later." He nods then i officially began to walk away.

I wonder where Yugi is. I really wanted to hangout with him today, but i guess another day will do.

After awhile of searching for Yugi i ended up finding him!

"Hey Yugi!!" I yelled gaining his attention. He turned around and smiled at me. "Hi Via, its nice to see you." I just nod and grabbed this arm. "I'm hungry want to go eat a snack?" He just nods.

"Sure. What do you want to eat?" I shrugged.

"Let's eat something yummy!" He slightly laughs, "i think i have just the place! There's a small ramen
Food stall not to far from we can go there."

"Great!" I like spending time with Yugi. He's always so nice. I was secretly planning on giving him all my locater cards. But he probably doesn't need them.

"Yugi do you want my locater cards? I don't really want to be broadcasted all over the world for making it to the battle city tournament finals." He shakes his head. "I think you should keep them, you might change your mind later on." Maybe he has a point.   but i really don't know. I like playing for fun. I don't really want to win anything.

Once we made it to the ramen place we both endd up getting ramen, thy had other things there like udon, chicken teriyaki rice, etc. But i wanted the spicy chicken ramen. Yugi got regular.

"Let's go sit over there." I pointed at an empty table near by, he nods ad thats just what was did. Once there we ate our ramen and it was delicious!!

"So yummy!" I state, and yugi agrees.

"Its always good ramen from there." i nod. I should tell Yugi i like him..

"Yugi can I tell you something?"

"Is everything okay?" He asked concerned. See he's so nice.

"I really like you a lot. I like spending time with you, and being around you. I like being able to eat ramen with you, and i want to do it everyday. "

"I like you too Via. We are friends afterall." he misunderstood me. I felt my cheeks heat up. On no. how do i explain it?

"Thats not what i meant Yugi, what I mean... is... Uh, i really like like you, as more than a friend. I want you to be my boyfriend!" I just blurted it out and then i covered my mouth, how embarrassing... I watched as his face turns red.

"Via I like you too, but there's something i need to tell you first." I kind of got too excited and grabbed his hands.

"Let's be together forever." I stood up and walked over to him, all while still having his hands in mine.

"Wait, the thing is. I really care about you. but so does the spirit in the millennium puzzle. We both really like you. so i was wondering if it would be too much to ask you to be both of our girlfriend?" Huh? .. He cant be serious?

"I uh, okay! I'll do it. I mean you two are practically the same person, so like yes! I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then we both hugged. I am dreaming  aren't I?  This isn't real huh?

"Yugi is my boyfrienddddd!!" I sang and his whole face turned red. He's so cute!

(sorry for the short chapter, I'll try and make the next one longer!)

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