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A/N: i keep having writers block so i will probably not have very consistent updates, sorry haha. Enjoy. And lmk what you think.

*Via's pov*

"Hey she looks familiar doesn't she?"

"Yea she does! Thats maximilion Pegasus's daughter! Isn't she cute?" News and photos of myself were taken of me as i was leaving duelist kingdom. My father was too weak to stop me from leaving so i left without thinking. I will return eventually but Yugi said i could stay with him for the time being. But in the words of the press, 'Pegasus's adorable daughter Via returns to domino' has gotten people talking especially as my photo is being display everywhere as well.

People keep recognizing me and asking me for pointers in dueling about my fathers latest tournament, about my father in general, just about everything. And it can be overwhelming. I don't like being a celebrity.

"Via! Via! Hey can i ask you some questions?!" All i did was left the dueling arena to use the bathroom but people recognized me.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I have to get back to my friends." I said shyly.

"But wait, can you please tell me if you know any tricks to being a good duelist?"

"Uh.. I don't know any. I'm sorry."

"You have to you're father created it after all." the boy grabs my wrist and i just panicked why is he doing this? Now i see why my father didnt want the public to know about me.

"I'd let go of her if i were you." That voice. It sounds like.. i turned my head and seen Seto Kaiba.

"And if I don't?" He says a little too cocky.

"Seto, he is hurting me." I said with a frown. Seto rolled his eyes and walks over to us pulling me from the guys grip.

"Wait you're Seto kaiba.. Uh.. I didnt mean to upset you. I'm sorry."

"Leave now!" Seto says and the scared boy runs off. I smiled and hugged Seto. He just stood there.

"Don't mistake me helping you for kindness. I only did it because Mokuba cares about you. He says you're the one who helped him feel less lonely when Pegasus kidnapped him so he looks at you like an older sister." i just looked up at him and he adverts his eyes from me.

"Stop staring at me like that, now leave before I get annoyed."

"Does that mean i can be your little sister now?" I asked and he just looks at me as if i were crazy.

"No, i don't need a sister as dumb as you. But as long as Mokuba likes you I guess I can be a little nicer to you." he says with his cheeks turning a light pink color.

"Okay. I'll make sure to come visit you and Mokuba soon okay? Don't have too much fun without me around. I'll see you later!" I said smiling and waving as i ran down the hall back to where Rebecca and Yugi are dueling.

"Huh? Yugi surrendered. How come?" I asked Joey. "Beats me." He says. Oh well. I guess he can tell us himself.

Then Rebecca's grandfather came in explaining soul release and how they were almost killed in a cave together. It almost brought tears to my eyes how sad they almost died. And their friendship was that strong.

"What a nice story Mr.Hawkins. and what a nice thing to do Mr.Muto." They both nod. Then Yugi gave Rebecca the card my father gave to yugi. As a token of their new friendship. How sweet.


"You want to dye your hair?" Yugi asked and i just nod. "Yeah, people keep stopping me because they recognize me and i don't want people to stop me and ask me questions anymore."

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