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*Via's pov*

"Congratulations Yugi!" I smiled at him. And he nods. "Thank you Via." He says. I looked around and nobody was near us. So i walked over to him and hugged him.

"Uh, Via.. Are you okay?" I sighed.

"You have to win. I know that if you do it, it will help my father be the man he used to be. The man my mother fell in love with and who i used to love as well. Please win, for me."

"Don't worry, i won't lose.  I plan on beating him no matter what."

"Good! Now go out there and win." I kissed his cheek and his cheeks turned red. "If you win maybe I'll give you a real kiss." I giggled and his whole face turned red. "T-Then i will win for sure." He said shyly. How cute. "O-Or m-maybe if I had the kiss now i-its would give me the confidence to uh win.." Now it was my turn to blush.

"Uh.. What?? I— are you serious? Because i want to give you all the confidence I can." Before he could answer I kissed him and he seemed shocked at first but pressed his lips back to mine. "Now go win." I giggled  pushing him out towards the dueling arena. He just nods. I want Yugi to win, if he does it will knock my father off his pedestal and be the father i once knew. I hope it works.


"Go yugi!" I cheered with Joey and Teá. Yugi just put my father in his place by knocking his life points down to 600.

When my father entered the shadow realm I felt dizzy, "Via! Are you okay?" Joey asked then i passed out.


*Yami's pov*

"Don't worry Yugi! We all believe in you!"

That's Via's voice. That means maybe her soul is still trapped in the dmg card and after this it will be free. So i must win, to not temporarily free her soul but to permanently free her soul!

I made the final attack and beat Pegasus and I could feel Via's soul leave My deck meaning it worked. Pegasus must have used his eye to temporarily free her soul from Bakura. But he could have lost her soul for ever by playing a shadow game, but luckily she is safe now. I cant believe a father would do that to his own daughter, risk losing her soul forever just to beat me. For what? 

*Yugi's pov*

"Yugi!" Via yelled while standing next to Bakura. I waved.

"Via you're okay!" Teá yells back with a smile.

"What happened to her?" I asked confused.

"What the shadows appeared Via seemed to not fell that well and she passed out. But now that the shadows are gone she seems to be okay. Thats good." joey said and i just look at her smile and it made me smile. I'm glad she's okay. And I'm happy everyone here believed in me and supported me through my battles. Without them i don't think I couldn't have done it.


"I've never been out in the city. This is so cool! Kaiba land seems like fun too. But it sucks that Rebecca brought us here because of that card." Via sighed and links are arms together. I blushed slightly. Then i seen her eyes light up.

"Mokuba!" she yelled gaining his attention.

"Oh hi Via. What brings you here?" He asked her. They seem close now that i think about it. But it would make sense as Kaiba and Pegasus used to be business partners in the past. So it would make sense, on why they'd be close but i thought she said she had no friends.

"Is it possible to use a dueling arena today?" She aksed him and he just blinked a few times and looked at all of us.

"I suppose we do owe you." he begins and then agrees.

Once we get to the arena Rebecca and I begin out duel. Hopefully she will listen to me after this.

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