16- Summer Solstice

Start from the beginning

"Ghouls, ghoulettes, Y/N, and me. Ten total, no?" Copia asked.

"Nine," Swiss bit back.

"Oh, must've counted wrong."

"Yeah, since I never want to see his cheating ass again," Swiss quietly spat out.

Just as Swiss made his comment, Sodo opened the front door.

"Oh, darling, you look hotter than before. How are you?" Sodo went up to Swiss and tried to wrap his tail around Swiss' leg. Swiss took a step away from Sodo.

"Leave me alone, Dewdrop."

"You know I love you, sweetheart." Sodo's arm snaked over Swiss' chest going down. Swiss only shrugged it off and went back helping Copia.

You and Aether looked at each other before pulling Sodo your way. Aether quickly explained, and Sodo nodded. He decided to talk to Swiss and apologize when they could be alone. You and Aether gave him words of encouragement, and helped set up the meal.

. . .

"Can you pass the blueberries?"

"On the way!"

"Excuse me."

As Swiss got up to go to the bathroom, Sodo kicked your leg under the card table used as the dining table. He tilted his head in the direction of Swiss, indicating that he would talk to him. After a few minutes, he got up and went to find him.

You knew he found Swiss when you heard a screech from the bathroom.

The sound shocked Rain so much that he choked on his hamburger. Since he sat on your left, you gave him a few swift hits on his back before he coughed up the hamburger and was all right again.

After a few moments of silence from the bathroom and nervous glances exchanged from everyone eating at the card table, a loud, angry voice yelled out Aether's name.

"AETHER! IT WAS HIM! I'LL KILL HIM FOR SEDUCING MY HOT-ASS BOYFRIEND!" Swiss barged out of the bathroom, with Sodo hot on his trail. Swiss' claws gleamed as he put them up to Aether's throat. Aether squirmed away from Swiss, trying to escape. "Any last words or explanations?"

"It wasn't done to take him away from you, I swear!" Aether frantically told him.

With everyone in the room pleading with Swiss to stop, it was hard to hear Sodo's voice. "Stop! Don't touch him! We had to create an excuse for Chair to leave us alone!"

Swiss' once orange eyes were now black, and they bore a hole into Sodo's normal ones. His claws pressed a little more into Aether's neck, pinning him to his chair. "Why! What were you talking about!"

"Uhh..." Sodo looked at Mountain and then back at Swiss. Swiss gave a small, knowing gasp.

"My sincere apologies, Aether. I overreacted, and I understand if this means we can't be friends anymore. Just please forgive me." Swiss took his hands away from Aether as he told him how sorry he was. Sunshine was starting to cry, and Swiss noticed her.

"Oh, Sunny, I'm so sorry. Please don't cry, my dear. I am very sorry, everyone." Swiss gave her a hug, and an orange glow returned to his eyes.

"I accept the apology, and we can still be friends," Aether told him.

"Forget about it, we understand," Cumulus said.

. . .

After you all finished eating, you picked up the dishes and got ready to go outside since it was late enough to stargaze. It was originally Cirrus' idea, so she brought some blankets for everyone to lay down on in front of your apartment. Two people could lay on one blanket, and Mountain was next to you. He pointed out different constellations and told you how to find them in the night sky.

As you got comfortable being together, he asked if he could hold your hand or allow him to loosely wrap his tail around your leg. You said yes to both. His hands were calloused from years of garden work, and they were warm. The light pressure of his tail around your lower leg reminded you that he was not human. With your hands joined, you were close enough for his calming voice to whisper in your ear.

"I wish you could come to the greenhouse and stargaze with me sometime."

"I would love to. The only problem is that there isn't much room."

"I can make arrangements. Also, I think Copia fell asleep."

"Sounds like something he would do," you laughed.

When it got too late to stay any longer, Copia and the ghouls began to pack up. You helped them all outside, with Mountain being the last one to leave.

"Thank you for being an amazing friend I never knew I would have," he told you. Before you could react, he leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead, and ran off.

Hearts of the Lonely (Reader x Mountain Ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now