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There comes a moment in life when losing yourself becomes the best decision you can ever make. Perhaps when you no longer have an identity, it leads you to discover who you really are.

And maybe, that's exactly what we need.


"Aries has begun looking for a suitor," Trevor announced to Annabelle who lifted her coffee cup to her mouth. The sound of that name brought back memories of old, memories that Annabelle no longer wished to remember. Instead she focused on the crashing waves beyond her, the sight of the water retreating and then returning. 

"Our concern?" Annabelle asked, taking a sip of the coffee, her hands shaking as she set the cup back down on the stand beside her lounging chair. Annabelle looked up at Trevor's light brown eyes, the wrinkles that had now set in betrayed the power he still yielded. She noted the grey that sprinkled his sandy brown hair, her hair had begun to grey as well. They were much older now, however their beauty still shone through their features just not as it once did. A human might guess their ages to be around forty, yet, truth be told they were thousands of years old.

"We both know what she has planned for the humans," Trevor reminded her of Aries last words when they had departed. "If we have ever hoped to stop her, we must find suitors ourselves," Trevor had always discussed the matter of giving a human their power, Annabelle had always replied with a scowl of discern. 

"Who other than us, are capable of controlling our powers?" Annabelle stood slowly to her feet, Trevor took a step back. Her hands were clenched as she took another step towards him. "It is not by choice that we came here! Though forced, we were still the first, the strongest, the legends!" She advanced towards Trevor who stood his ground. She was inches from him, his breathing setting off the will to demonstrate her frustration. She shook off the thought, but continued to bore her gaze through him. 

"It's time to put aside your pride, old friend." Trevor was making a point Annabelle's heart fought to recognize. "It's time for people to remember the Masqueraders."

Annabelle shifted on her feet, thinking over his words, her heart accepting defeat before her mind had the chance to decide. "Have you spoken to Collin?" She asked hesitantly, her body turning back to the open doors that led out to the beach.

Trevor smiled humbly, walking to flank Annabelle's right. "Indeed, I have. He has agreed to meet us soon, and will be looking for a suitor just as well."

Annabelle nodded at his words, knowing that taking down Aries would take all of their powers combined. She looked to him by her side, her eyes softening. "Then the hunt begins."


"Oops, my bad." The preppy jock walking passed Verity shoved her against the locker, then continuing to walk on, his group of followers snickering.

"She's such a freak," one of the blond girls commented, looking Verity up and down in disgust. "No wonder she has no friends." The girls rolled their eyes, walking away from Verity as if the air around her might affect them.

She sighed, shuffling her stack of books in hand and walking to her locker. Verity fumbled with the lock, mumbling the numbers as she turned it. She opened the small door, neatly putting her books inside and closing the door shut.

"Just another day in the luckless life of Verity Grace," she sighed, staring at her locker which had an expected insult written in permanent marker. Verity glided her fingers through her hair and turned to leave.

High school sucks.

Verity made her way down the school steps, and walked towards her car at the far end of the parking lot. She knew the consequences of parking with the other students, and if her car was keyed or egged one more time she knew her aunt wouldn't stop until she found the people responsible.

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