Chapter - 15

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" Can you please hurry up, I'll be late for the hospital " y/n's dad shouted with his towel in one hand and toothbrush in other. Y/n was taking her relaxing warm bath for last 2 hrs and her dad was waiting for her to come out.

" Okay, fine!!!! " Y/n's dad's face light up when he heard y/n finally coming out.

Y/n came out of the shower relaxed, refreshed and happy and literally hopped her way to her room and got ready for college.
Putting on a nice comfy outfit she did her breakfast and left to college with her driver.


On the other side Taehyung was having a nice day too. He even cancelled today's appointments in the salon and asked the owner for a leave.
Tae has seriously started liking y/n and is excited to get ready and go to college. He also left for college soon.


" I.... I am not hungry. I'll just have something from cafeteria later. Bye mom " Jk waved at his mom and dad who were still on the dining table having their breakfast.

Jk was still weak after the accident, so he didn't drive but came with his new hired driver. All the way his mind was foggy and full of questions and doubts. He didn't get any message from the stranger after that last bunch of pictures but Jk was still terrified, accurately, he was scared for Tae and y/n.

Although he is still unsure about the relationship between them but also pushing his brain to not believe on that stranger and is clearly in discomfort if that becomes true but on the top of everything he wants to protect them both. Protect Tae and y/n.
So he finally decides to first find out the person behind the pictures.

- In college -

After few classes, it was time for lunch and most of the students were in the cafeteria.
Y/n, Tae and Dara also went to cafeteria, jk followed them in tiny. Everything was almost so fine still there was a strange silence.
There was a change in everyone's behaviour except for y/n and Tae. Which made them extremely tensed for others.

Even Dara was quite and didn't talk to
y/n as she used to. Jk was quite too.

To ease the environment Tae and y/n decided to do something. They ordered the food and started eating.

" Wow, tasty right " Tae said to y/n making everybody else listen to it while humming over the taste of the food.

" Yea,.... Exactly ....mmm... " Y/n agreed and extended her arm towards Dara with a bite of food in her hand.

But Dara flicked y/n's hand off and left the table in a disgusted look.
Y/n furrowed her brows in disbelief and followed Dara only to get more insulted.

" WTF y/n. Don't disgust me. Can you act like your age for once? " Dara yelled, her voice echoing across the cafeteria cutting through the irritating silence there.

Taehyung also stared at her leaving the room in total disbelief.
Y/n looked back at the table where Jungkook and Tae were sitting.

Y/n came back towards the table. As she was about to speak it off jungkook got a call and left the table too without saying a word.

Tae and y/n just stared at the empty for a moment before tears rolled down y/n's eyes and she left the table too.

They had one last combined class at last. But Jungkook already left the college saying he had some important work.
And as y/n tried to approach Dara once again, Dara got a strange call and also left saying that she had some important work and asked y/n to not contact her when she is out. And that she is not a kid.
Jk was fine for once but now Dara with the same behaviour, killed y/n from inside.
Y/n took the class and left for home to. She didn't even talk to Tae anymore. It was hard for her to process that was going on.

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