Chapter - 1

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Jk pov
(Bell rings)

I took out books from my locker and was heading towards the class when Tae called my name. I turned back to wave at him but someone just ran into me

*(Loud thump)*

and all my books and assignment for the lesson fell from my hands.
"Ahh! What the-"
"-Oh my gosh! Sorry, I didn't mean to. Actually I was looking for my papers so I didn't see you coming"

Oh! Not again. It was Y/n. This girl, Everytime I see her, my mind just goes crazy. I just don't get why is she so annoying.
"Are you blind, can't see a 5'10" man. Seriously. Ugh! I am so sick of you. And yea, please try not to come to any of our parties even if my parents invite you, just don't"
Taehyung - "just don't what jungkook"

Okay! Finally, just take me away from this girl. I whined.

We started walking towards the class, I saw y/n while passing by her. She had tears in her eyes, but who cares ...

"You both again, I get it, you don't like her, you don't have to but please at least let her live in peace" Tae said to me.

-Okay, I was wrong. Someone cares. Teahyung cares, he saw her tears. He is really soft hearted man.

" Live in peace? She is the one who is ruining my life and taking my peace away", I said.

We sat on our seats.

*Teacher enters, students greeting*

And now comes y/n. Late. Now it's gonna be a scene worth watching.

Teacher - Oh! Look who's there. Welcome Miss y/n. I hope you are doing good. What important meeting took you so long huh!?

*Jk's girlfriend - yuna*

Yuna - I saw y/n gossiping and messing around

😂😂 Yea, that's my girl. It's just getting more interesting.
I winked at yuna and she pouted at me.
Ahh! She is so cute and I am sure she loves me truly.

I was looking at y/n and she looked back at me in the eyes giving death glares but ended up crying again, she is weak, indeed she is.

Y/n - *sobbing* Sorry. I actu-
She was cut off by the teacher saying "okay now please Don't even start on that. Just go and have your seat".

Y/n pov
Nice start of the day. I tried to hold my tears back and not breaking into a crying mess settled down beside Dara, Only person I can truly rely on.
My life has never been easier. NEVER. But I am not complaining, I just ask for a person to be along my side. That's all I need and I would face everything without a single tear, just happily.

But I have got Dara who helped me all these years with mental health and also my studies whenever I missed lectures to practice music. She used to sneak me out of the house so that I can learn and go for my passion.

I just want these classes to end. I was growing Impatient but then reminded myself that if I can survive all these years than this is just about 1 last semester now and then done. I am already preparing for auditions in a few companies in Seoul.

Soon I took all my classes and headed towards cafeteria.


Jk pov

Ahh Really! These classes are finally over, felt like eternity.

Taehyung went to cafeteria for lunch but I didn't. I wasn't that hungry.

I saw yuna walking out of the class. She is so pretty. I approached her and blocked her way. She was blushing red. I held her by her waist and pulled closer, I can smell her rosy scent. I wonder how y/n smells, eww no, what I am even thinking about right now.
And here I thought about the devil and the devil arrives.

I gave her the way while still keeping yuna in my arms. Yuna suddenly gripped tight on my arms and started chuckling out of nowhere, don't know why but it was cute I guess.
Y/n was not looking at us she was taking something from dara's bag.
I was looking at y/n tracing her movements and not realising that suddenly yuna crashed her lips on mine.
I wanted to see what she was taking but devouring the moment was better right now.
Y/n is not too tall not too short and got quite nice body and nice hair yet she never got a boy. Poor y/n.
Thinking about her I didn't realise that I wasn't kissing yuna back.
She pulled back and stared at me and
Shit! She ran out of the class. Seriously this y/n won't let me live in peace, not even in my thoughts.
I chased yuna to the cafeteria where she went away with her girls. Now I am alone.

I looked around the cafeteria. There were not many people but I was looking for tae.
Oh! There he is but with a girl. Oh! He never told me about his girl.
Well! Let's meet her.

I went closer and saw Dara sitting with that girl. But she only sits with y/n.
The other girl had a Loose cardigan on but y/n had a button up today.
Woah! It means he has a girl now.

( Jk mistook y/n as some different girl that tae might be dating as she wore a button up for today but as she was cold she put on a cardigan so jk didn't recognise her from back.)

I approached them and tapped tae's shoulder and without even looking at girl and started teasing him as she is her first girl. Yes ! He never dated before.

Something was wrong. He was all shocked and confused.

Tae :-

(He was aware that girl jk is talking about is actually y/n.)

- Who told you we are dating, we are just friends and you know that.

I turned towards the girl and it was y/n.
Don't know why but it kinda made me a little bit uncomfortable. I really thought tae would date y/n. This girl has some dual effect on me.

" God taehyung, save your kindness for people who deserve that" I said.

* In my head - It means she took that sweater *

Tae - either you can sit and have lunch with use quietly or leave her. I don't understand what's so bad about her that you act like that.

* In head - well, I kinda don't know myself tbh, but what's with tae, recently he's been acting a bit more softer towards y/n, I jerked my thoughts and just spoke whatever came out of my mouth*

" It's just, she is annoying and kinda has irritating vibes and I don't like the fact that people sometimes recognise me by connecting with her"

* Head - was that a little too much, Aish ! Why don't you ever think before you speak *

I stood there like I meant what I said, but now taehyung was just blankly looking at me with his death stares from those black eyeballs peeking from his round glasses.

A/n - it's kinda rare and hard to write it mostly from the idols' pov but I am just trying. It's just to make it feel like you are just sitting and reading your man's mind. Hope you feel like that and also this one is sad piece and watching it all happening while sitting in a corner like position sobbing alone or watching all that happening to yourself will make more effective....
Hope you are enjoying.
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( bunny smile please **)
Also story is really kinda sad and Interesting and you might cry like sad dramas. But I guarantee it has a happy ending.
So stay tuned 😉....

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