Chapter - 12

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" Tomorrow, come early to the college " you said to Nancy and left. She just nodded and left.

You went home and called everyone in your circle of friends to say that it was an event early morning in the college.
Your mom never interfered in your buisness but being your mom she did whenever she smelled something suspicious from your side.
It was late evening, usually the time when your mom prepares the dinner and a perfect time for you to ask for permissions. You went upto her and slowly crept up the kitchen counter and initiated the talk with her.

Y/n :- What's for the dinner today?
Mom :- You will see.
Y/n :- Oh! ( awkward laugh )
Mom :- How was your day though? How's studies going?
Y/n :- Fine. They are good.
Mom :- Then how come you never score good grades?
Y/n :- Mom, I am doing my best
(*  best by skipping classes and going for music *)
Mom :- Okay, keep doing your best.
You just sat there for another 20 sec staring at her.
Mom :- Do you want something?
Y/n :- no.
Then after a few seconds of silence you gasped dramatically.
Y/n :- * gasp * oh no! How can I?
Mom :- What?
Y/n :- You gotta wake me up early tomorrow. We have such a important event.
Mom :- What event?

* Your brain * :- you totally forgot to mention the same event to your friends.

Y/n :- umm, you know like, just some cultural things.
Mom :- That never happened before, Are you a part of it?
Y/n :- No. I mean yes. ( Your big doe eyes getting bigger )
Mom :- ( squinting her eyes )
Y/n :- I mean like I am the volunteer. Yes. Exactly.
OMG, and I gotta find more volunteers for that. Yes.

You stood up to call your friends quickly but your mom asked you to talk in front of you on speaker, giving you a attitude.
You confrence dialed everyone and started talking.

Y/n :- hello guys. Shut up.

( Your mom is now genuinely confused )

Y/n :- I mean listen up quietly. I told you about early college. It's because of event in the college right and I want you to volunteer with me. ( You spoke in a single breath ).

Everyone took the hint, but you know how there is always this one dumb friend you all have.

Friend :- What event y/n?

Your mom's eyes furrowed once again, but Dara covered for you.
Dara :- You were absent today idiot. Remember how y/n told us about this earlier too. We are discussing something important so better shut your mouth.
When she called him idiot, it was a nice chance for you to tell everyone that your mom was on call.
Y/n :- Daraaa, what are you doing, my mom is listening to you.

Everyone understood this including the friend and your mom agreed too.

—— Next day ——

You got up early and your mom made you breakfast thinking you will have an event, you felt bad that she actually woke up early and did this but eventually the plan was all worth it.
Then you went to the college and Dara and Nancy were there too. But Taehyung was late as he had to go to jungkook's house this morning to convince his mom for letting him go to college just for today.
But ' the event ' thing won't work there, his dad is the owner of the college. So taehyung somehow figured to charm his mom with his cuteness and innocence.

Now, you told Nancy to trick her into somehow confessing her own tricks and Dara will record it and tae and you will prevent Jackson to meet her today until the video confession is done.

The camera setup and everything was done. Nancy knew exactly how to do her work and you and tae were waiting for Jackson on the gate.
Yuna came to college and went to Nancy as always.

Yuna :- Early today.
Nancy :- like just a few minutes ago.
Yuna :- Did you not sleep. Look at your swollen eyes. Or your parents beat the hell out of you again.
Nancy became a little sad, as the last reason might be true. Yes, they did. She cried whole night. Nancy can really hide her abusive parents' bruises with her smile.
Nancy :- Well, let's talk about you. You look great.
Yuna :- I always do, anything new?
Nancy :- You tell me, someone new? I mean I think I saw you with someone. ( she was actually with Jackson )
Yuna :- Oh! It was Jackson. He is pretty useful. For now. I mean like even if jungkook comes back with his broken head and legs, I might not leave Jackson.
Nancy :- Oh! But have you heard about Charlie though.

Jungkook Jeon ff - I am your sinner. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora