30. Freedom

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Freedom never tasted so good.

Catelyn and Sansa were headed south with the royal party. Benjen hugged Lena goodbye again before heading off and promising to come back for the wedding. Lena was going to hold him to that.

Ned assumed Tywin lannister would be the next hand. He didnt care, no one came this far north anyways. They got to live without Roberts reign and rule for the most part, the capital life didnt affect them.

Lena was never so happy to be free of her mother. Elia moved into Ned Chambers which ned thoroughly loved. He put the crib in for Zaria and she slept beside them, she was already growing fast.

Tanned beautiful skin, dark hair, she looked like a mini Elia. But her eyes were Neds. Lena was the best big sister ever. Faolan doted on her. Oberyn started training arya- she was thrilled she wasnt being told no. But instead train harder until your muscles are sore and your bones ache! Oberyn was a good teacher. Arya thought he was the best.

Oberyn still hated the snow but agreed to stay a while longer until the wedding before warmer weather called out his name.

"My betrothed." Jon declared kissing Lenas cheek and wrapping his arms around her.

"Hello husband to be!" Lena agreed leaning into him.

"Braf!" Robb declared sticking a finger in his mouth feigning a gag.

"Go away! YOu are ruining my happiness." Lena demanded.

"I still cant believe you are going to be wed. We need to have a Jons last night of freedom." Robb decided.

"Marriage to me is not a prison." Lena corrected. Robb tipped his head back and forth debating that.

"I would marry Lena right now." Jon assured. "I have wanted to marry her for as long as I can remember."

"You two are so in love its disgusting." Robb decided.

Another happily in love couple had a baby girl in their lap sleeping happily. Zaria sighed little baby noises escaped her as she dreamed in Neds lap. One hand draped around her tiny form the other around elias shoulders.

Elia shifted her position, putting her shoulder closer to Ned. That's all the cue he needed. He began rubbing her shoulder, tracing small circles over the edges. It's not a lot, but it's enough to send his heart beating out of his chest. He didn't know how long they sat like that with him rubbing her shoulder, but the attraction between them built more and more with each second. At least for him it did, it always did with her. He found the edge of her dress and slipped his fingers under the fabric, tracing over the side of her collarbone. Her skin was warm against his touch, burning the tips of his fingers with each brush of his hand. They play the game all over again, him drawing a circle pattern over her shoulder, but this time under her dress sleeves.

Elia smiled over at him. Kissing his cheek he closed his eyes pulling her closer.

"Do you regret it?" Elia whispered.

"I have never been happier." Ned corrected. "Saying no to robert was the best decision of my life."

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now