14. King of My Heart

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Oberyn took the kids out on the boat. Lena loved the water. Faolan ran back and forth laughing out with delight as Lena chased him rocking the boat as she went. 

"They are so cute together." Elia remarked watching them. Robb and Jon were fishing with Oberyn but Lena was on Faolan duty. 

"Tire them both out." Ned remarked with a chuckle. Elia turned to him, kissing him gently. Oberyn pulled up a fish and let it flop around knocking things into the water. "This is why we can't have nice things Oberyn." Elia mused. 

"Just let me chop its head off." Oberyn remarked. 

"No! Gross!" Lena declared. Oberyn picked it up, it flapped around in his grasp.  "Thats huge!"

"Robb, you want to do the honors?" Oberyn questioned holding it up but Robb squirmed back bumping into Lena and sending her over the railing. 

"LENA!" Jon shouted moving to the edge. She popped up gasping for breath. 

"ROBB!" Lena shouted. 

"Get her up." Ned demanded moving from elia's side and offering her a hand up. "Lena, honey,-"

"I'm going to kill him!" Lena declared as Ned pulled her up. 

"Look what you made me do!" Robb laughed out as Lena was soaked, her dress clung to her skin. 

"ROBB!" Lena shouted.

"Where is that getaway carriage when you need one?" Robb mused as she chased him around the boat. 

"THere is no where to hide!" Lena declared. Faolan laughed out. Jon grabbed her keeping her from knocking Robb out. 

"It was an accident, blame Oberyn!"  RObb corrected. 

"Call it what you want Robb, you didnt end up in the fucking ocean!" Lena reminded him. 

"You are still gorgeous." Jon whispered in her ear and she settled back against him. Lena couldnt help but think that Jon was the king of her heart. While Elia thought that her and Ned were dancing with their hands tied. 

Lena wanted to marry Jon, loved him completely and she could have that one day. Elia knew it. They would be together forever and the story would be a fairytale ending for them. While Elia and Ned were playing pretend. While Ned had a wife and life not with her. 

But that didnt stop her from claiming him every time they were together. 

Ned got Lena a towel and some dry clothes and Faolan said she could stay on his bed at the base of the ship with him and they could have a sleep over. As much as Lena wanted to fall asleep curled up next to Jon, she knew her father wouldnt allow that. Yet that night Ned curled up in the captains quarters with Elia and was so very quiet as their lips found each other. Ned knew that no matter what life threw at them, Elia was his endgame. 


"I miss him already." Lena murmured to Robb as Bran trained. 

"I know you do but its been a few moons. You need to realize that this- whatever the hell this is between you two is probably like father and you know who." RObb offered as Bran missed again. He grumbled out. 

"No, no, we are to be wed. I know it." Lena corrected. "Not secrets like father and you know who."

"Who?" Bran questioned. 

"Nothing." Lena and Robb decided. 

"What are you two on about?" Bran questioned. 

"Nothing now go on, shoot the thing!" Lena declared. 

"Shoot the thing?" Robb laughed out. Lena gave him a shove. 

"Go on. Father's watching." Lena remarked before looking up to see both Ned and Catelyn staring down at them from the balcony. "And mother."

"Ready for it?" Robb questioned handing him another arrow. 

" Fine work, as always. Well done." Septa mordane declared happily at Sansa stitching.

"Thank you." Sansa agreed

"I love the detail that you've managed to get in this corners. ... Quite beautiful ... the stitching ..." Septa went on. Arya struggled with her needlework much more interested in the boys training outside. She snuck away, it wasnt hard, they were always doting on Sansa during needlepoint. She moved to the training yard. Bran missed the target again and Robb laughed out. Bran scowled back at him.

"And which one of you was a marksman at ten? Keep practicing, Bran. Go on." Ned declared nodding to him. Lena smiled up at him and Ned couldnt hide his smile. Lena was always his little princess. 

"Don't think too much, Bran." Lena offered.

" Relax your bow arm." Robb agreed. Bran pulled the arrow back. An arrow hits the bullseye. Bran, still with his arrow though was confused. Lena and Robb turned around in surprise to see Arya, who curtsied after her perfect shot. Bran ran after her while Robb and Lena laughed out.

"Quick, Bran, faster!" The twins called out as he leapt onto the table jumping off to get her. 

"Heavens." Ned chuckled. 

"Arya did something bad." Robb mused. 

"You can't blame her, she isnt a delicate little flower like sansa." Lena offered. Ned and Robb gave her a pointed look. "Dont blame me either. I am an angel!" 

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now