4. Lord Figaro Newton

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Lena rode faster as they got closer to Dorne, sunspear. She pushed her horse harder as she raced with RObb and her father. She saw the shimmering golden gates as they approached and then Jon. He and Elia were waving back at them from the gates.

"They are here mother, they are here!" Jon declared the biggest smile on his face.

"I see them." elia agreed and she couldnt hide her smile as they got closer. A secret sealed their bond but Elia had grown to fall in love with Ned over the years. She loved writing to him. She loved their little codes, she loved that he was still so handsome.

"Auntie Elia!" Lena declared as she jumped down.

"Jolene, Jolene! Look at you, so grown up you are." Elia declared hugging her tight. "Robb, what a handsome young man you are, just like your daddy."

"Hello Princess." ned bowed before her but she pulled him into her for a hug and he savored her warmth.

"Hi Jon." Lena rasped suddenly very nervous.

"Hi Lena..." Jon answered before hugging her quickly and a blush covered his face. "Hey Robb."

"I see who the favorite is." RObb assured nudging Jon.

"I love your letters." Lena remarked unable to pull her gaze from Jons just as Ned was transfixed on Elia she was still gorgeous. Sun kissed beauty.

"I love your letters." Jon corrected. "I still have every single one."

"Me too!" Lena agreed. "I mean I have yours too."  Jon blushed twisting his feet in the sand.

"Come on, lets get inside, I'm sure you three are hungry." Elia suggested, she kept a hand around Ned's arm as she led them inside.

"Thank you for having us." Ned whispered.

"Thank you for making the trip." Elia countered kissing his cheek.

"Kiss and get it over with!" Robb declared and neds head snapped towards them.

"Keep your hands to yourself please!" Ned corrected. Lena giggled leaning into Jon.

"You keep your hands to yourself daddio!" Lena countered.

"I would hate it if he did." Elia corrected.

"Double standards dad!" Lena agreed when Ned wrapped an arm around Elias waist. Jon wrapped an arm around Lena and she giggled kissing his cheek.

"Hands to yourself!" Ned repeated. Lena gave him a pointed look before grabbing Jons hand and running ahead of them.

" take me to the water gardens I don't know where I'm going!" She exclaimed

"She has so much energy... And so much life and love..." Elia remarked. "Reminds me of Jolene."

"Yes she does". Ned watched his kids run off. "How's it been? I know it's been a while but I have enjoyed our... correspondence."

"Do you like my love letters?" Elia purred and Ned blushed.

"Good thing for our code or else..." His face got even redder. "Catelyn has seen a few of them Lord Elrond." Ned chuckled.

"Oberyn laughs out every time he sees Lord Figaro Newton." Elia agreed. "My figgy newton-" she giggled out.

"I panicked and then stuck with it." Ned agreed.

"If Oberyn only knew the code-" Elia remarked. "He would be going as red as you are."

"Your letters are... mine are not-"

"I know and I hate that. You need to spice it up." Elia agreed. "Give me something to hold onto Lena letters have more va va voom-"

"Shut up they do not." Ned countered.

"That little lady is smitten to the moon and back." Elia assured.

"Honestly and seriously though Elia how are you and Jon?" Ned questioned.

"We are good." Elia answered. "Jon is a bright young boy hair like his no one questions that he isnt mine.  Oberyn and Doran claimed Jon was my lover from pentos. When rhaegar left I went in another direction mad at him." Her voice softened. "If only the world knew how much I loved her too."

"Jolene loved you and Rhaegar. Spoke of you often. She was my big sister and my world. When she left I felt like my world was off its axis... getting you and Jon in my life it feels a bit more centered again." Ned informed her and Elias hand went to her heart.

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now