27. Zaria

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"Alright lets have a baby."

"NED!" Oberyn demanded. "JON!" 

"You are scaring away the hunt." Robert grumbled. 

"Your pungent scent is doing that." Oberyn corrected bluntly. "Ned, Jon, Elia needs you." 

"It's happening." Ned remarked. 

"Mum!" Jon declared taking off at a sprint. Ned followed after him. 

"Where are you going?" Robert demanded. 

"You lost your hunting buddy." Oberyn smirked back at him, tracing a tear down his cheek with his middle finger. 

"Fuck off Martell." Robert grumbled. 

"Gladly." Oberyn agreed as he chased after Ned and Jon back to the castle of winterfell. 


"ELIA!" Ned ran through the halls. 

"What are you doing?" Catelyn demanded. 

"Elia is giving birth." Ned remarked pushing past her but Catelyn grabbed his arm. 

"She doesnt need you for that." Catelyn reminded him. 

"She is alone here. I am her friend it is the least I can do." Ned corrected pulling his arm from her grasp. 

"A mans place is not in the birthing bed." Catelyn corrected. 

"I am going to be there for Elia. Just because you wanted me nowhere near you while you were giving birth doesn't mean everyone wants me a moon away." Ned corrected. Catelyn gaped back at him as Ned knocked on the door, loud grunting and groans filled the room, then screams. 

"Elia!" Ned begged dropping beside Lena. 

"You came." Elia whispered. 

"You call I come." Ned agreed. 

"Thank you for being here for this." Elia whispered. 

"Another push!" 

She held tight to Lena's hand as she screamed out. WHen she loosened her grip Ned took her hand in his.  Lena shook out her hand feeling her circulation come back. 

Ned held onto Elia and Lena saw the love, saw the love she had not seen Ned show her mother and she understood why. 

Jon and Oberyn waited at the door until they heard cries. A baby was born. Jon peered in. 

"Mum?" Jon questioned hesitantly. 

"I'm alright honey." Elia agreed. 

"Can I come in?" Jon pondered through the crack in the door. 

"Yes, meet your baby sister." 

"Sister." Jon repeated closing the door behind Oberyn. 

"Good job kid." Oberyn remarked kissing his sisters sweats forehead. 

"I'm older than you." Elia reminded him. 

"What are you going to name her?" Jon questioned smiling down at the little bundle in Lena's arms. 

"Lena did you have any suggestions?" Elia pondered. Lena shrugged. "Come on I know you do." Elia coed. Lena sat beside her and Elia reached out touching her daughters little toes before tucking them back in the blanket. 

"Zaria." Lena said touching her little nose. "It means princess in an old tongue... see I do go to lessons." Lena remarked. 

"Zaria." Elia repeated. "Zaria Rose." Lena beamed back at her. Elia leaned over pressing a kiss to Lena's cheek. "Perfect, thank you sweetie." 

"You really like it?" Lena questioned. 

"Perfect." Elia repeated. 

"I will find Faolan, I know he will want to meet his new sister." Lena offered passing Zaria off. Elia cradled her close. 

"I will help." Jon agreed holding Lena's hand as they walked. "Thats gonna be us one day." Jon whispered. 

"Are we engaged?" Lena countered. 

"Lena Rose Stark," Jon dropped down to his knees, he reached up holding her hand. "Will you make the happiest man in the world and-"

"YES!" Lena shrilled out. 

"Marry me." Jon finished as she collided with him knocking him back as her lips assaulted him. 

"I thought you would never ask!" Lena informed him before kisses. 

"Sorry it took me so long." Jon agreed holding her to him in the middle of the floor. "Your father is intimidating." 

"You got his blessing." Lena realized. 

"I would have been asking him forever if he said no." He did say no but he was joking and nearly killed Jon at the thought he not having Lena be his forever. Lena kissed him again. 

"This is the best day ever." Lena decided. 


''Time for breakfast. Bread. And two of those little fish. And a mug of dark beer to wash it down. And bacon, burned black.' Tyrion remarked looking over the food.

'Little brother.' Jaime remarked

'Beloved siblings.' Tyrion said smirking back at them. "Did you hear-"

"A new screaming baby in the night, hard not to." Cersei agreed. 

"Well yes. Zaria Martell they named her." Tyrion informed them. "Not that you care." He realized. "But Ned Stark rejected the proposal for Hand." 

"He did?" Jaime questioned. 

"Yes. But Sansa and JOffrey are still to be wed, so..." Tyrion shrugged. He looked to Myrcella and Tommen. "Thats the end of her happiness." Tyrion offered. Cersei rolled her eyes. "The charms of the north seem entirely lost on you.' Tyrion remarked.

'I still can't believe you're going to the wall. It's ridiculous even for you.' Cersei told him.

'Where's your sense of wonder? The greatest structure ever built, the intrepid men of the Night's Watch, the wintry abode of the White Walkers.' Tyrion mused.

'Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black.' Jaime teased and Tyrion scoffed.

'And go celibate? The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. I just want to stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.' Tyrion assured them.

'The children don't need to hear your filth. Come.' Cersei said leading her children away from the breakfast table, Tyrion's eyes followed them as he brought his cup to his lips.

"Maybe I stay north for a while." Tyrion mused. "I certainly won't be missed in the south." Jaime stared back at him. "Go on ahead, prove me wrong." 

"I would miss you... eventually.' Jaime offered. 

"You see the stark siblings and how much they love each other?" Tyrion pondered. "I wonder what it would be like to be close with my siblings and think... no, no, I dont want to be close like them." Jaime's smile dropped. 

"I'm suddenly not hungry." Jaime offered getting up. 

"I'm starving." Tyrion countered taking a bite of bacon. 


"I know how to keep a secret. Have for this long haven't I?"

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now