19. Nothing Weird Going On Here

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"Okay so just line up and act like nothings weird." Ned pondered.

"The king is coming. A known Targaryen hater. I was married to one for quite a few years." Elia reminded him.

"I know. I know. I just- do you want me to hide you? I dont know what to do- stop laughing." Ned begged. Elia grabbed his hands.

"Jon is mine. Not rhaegars. Remember?" Elia remarked. "We have nothing to hide besides our dislike for one another." Elia reminded him. "I could have been an actress."

"I just dont want you and the boys to get hurt." Ned whispered leaning his forehead against hers.

"I love you Ned. I love our children. I love Jon. If playing nice with robert gets me to stay here longer with you then that is what I will do." Elia assured.

"Just be careful and let me know if anything is off. Maybe oberyn should near you if I cant be." Ned suggested.

"I dont need a baby sitter."

"A body guard." Ned corrected.

'I see them coming, the riders!' Bran announced. "At least a hundred of them!"

'How?' Catelyn questioned hands rooted on her hips, Bran looked up at her sheepishly. 'You were climbing, you promised you would not to climb anymore.' She reminded him.

'I wont do it again.' Bran lied looking to his feet. Catelyn brought a harsh grip to his chin.

'You know every time you look down I know you are lying.' Catelyn remarked. "Go on, line up.' She demanded shooing him off.

"Thats our cue. I want you beside us." Ned remarked.

"That wouldnt be right," elia corrected.

"You are a higher status than I." Ned reminded her. "You are a princess."

"I am nothing out of dorne. I dont mind. I would prefer to stay hidden a bit... at least for now."

"Alright." Ned whispered.

''Would you two stop?'' Catelyn barked and Lena sniggered a laugh as Robb continued to poke at her ribs.

''Lena.'' Ned warned

''It's not me! Its Robb!'' Lena declared leading into Neds side. ''Blame him.''

''Me? Pft!'' Robb declared. ''I'm an angel.''

''With a tilted halo.'' Lena countered and he reached for her again and she shrieked with laughter as Ned pulled her closer.

''Both of you.'' Ned mused shaking his head but a smile curved his face. ''Where is your sister?''

''Standing like a perfect little lady that she is.''' Lena offered nodding to Sansa.

''Arya.'' He clarified as Arya came running up

''Found her.'' Lena whispered as Ned kissed her forehead getting her back in line as he pulled the helmet from Aryas head. Lena smiled back at Jon and Faolan pulled from Elias grasp and ran to Lena. She picked him up holding him to her.

"Lena no." Catelyn scolded.

"Lena yes." Faolan corrected tipping his head into her.

"Sorry mum. Hes cuter than you." Lena decided as she held faolan close.

"Control your daughter." Catelyn hissed.

"Is that the king? He is going to break his horses back. Goodness he got fat." Lena remarked.

"JOLENE!" Catelyn hissed.

"Sorry mama, I'm honest. I can try and lie more but its just not in my Stark genes." LENA countered. Faolan giggled out in her arms.

"Robb." Catelyn begged.

"Why do I have to control her? Len is uncontrollable." Robb informed them.

"Your twin. Your problem." Theon remarked.

"Did you just call me a problem?" Lena sassed spinning around. "Jon. Kick his ass for me." Lena said with a wink as Robb spun her back around. Jon looked to Elia with a big smile. Jon had been begging for moons to see them but this pregnancy was filled with morning sickness and joint pain and the journey would have killed her. But she wanted it to be a surprise. She also wanted ned to be there for the birth this time.

They bowed as the king approached and Robb had to yank on Lenas arm to get her down. With a groan she got down.

"Faolan we are kneeling. While we wait for the big lug to get here we can draw pictures in the snow." Lena informed him. Faolan made a smiley face and held up his cold finger.

Ned knew many of the riders. There came Ser Jaime Lannister with hair as golden as the sun, and Sandor Clegane with his burned face. The tall boy beside him could only be the crown prince, Joffrey, and that stunted little man behind them was surely the Imp, the queens little brother, Tyrion Lannister but he was already veering off barely making his way into the gates.

Yet the huge man at the head of the column, flanked by two knights in the snow-white cloaks of the Kingsguard, seemed almost a stranger to Ned ... until he vaulted off the back of his warhorse with a familiar roar. Robert.

Ned Stark and his family bowed before him on their knees as Robert approached. Robert motion for Ned to stand, Ned rose as did the rest of his family. But Neds gaze stuck on Lena as she giggled out with Faolan. Robb nudged her and she pulled herself up. Faolan rose following her lead.

'Your Grace,' Ned said tipping his head to Robert, robet nodded for him to rise and gave him a bone-crunching hug.

"Ned! Ah, but it is good to see that frozen face of yours," Robet declared looked him over top to bottom, 'You got fat,' Robert noted but Ned looked down to Roberts stomach both men started laughing before they hugged joyously. Lena rolled her eyes.

"Father, fat?" Lena whispered. "I'm surprised he can see past his own sto-" Robb put a hand over Lenas mouth silencing her. She stuck her tongue out and he pulled back and gave her a be good look. Which she returned with a shrug.

Robert's queen, Cersei entered on foot with her younger children. The wheelhouse in which they had ridden, a huge carriage and gilded metal pulled by heavy draft horses. Ned knelt in the snow to kiss the queen's ring, while Robert embraced Catelyn like a long-lost sister.

'Cat' He said happily hugging her. He looked down the stark children he didnt notice the martells in the second row. Iveryn took offense to that.

'Nine years it has been nine long years, I have not seen you where have you been?' Robert asked. Catelyns face pinched. It wasnt that long. Ned took a jouney south not too many years back. Maybe robert forgot. Of maybe ned was lying to her.

'I've been here guarding the for north for you, your grace.' Ned said obediently. Jon Elia Oberyn and Theon stood like statues behind the starks. While Faolan warmed his cold fingers in Lenas dress skirts.

"Ah, jolene and Robb." Robert remarked. "So beautiful you are... just like your aunt. Your father must have known you would be a beauty like her." Jon felt a swell of jealousy not of robert. He knew lena didnt care for the king. Maybe it was more anger. Yes. Thats what he felt. He didnt like the king looking at Lena like a piece of meat.

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now