11. Must Have Been The Wind

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It was harder than the thought finding middle ground. Midway point of winterfell and dorne was the riverrunn, and the Tullys wouldnt like Ned meeting a woman that wasnt his wife there. If they went the harbor route the Eyrie was about midway and that was Catelyn's sisters domain but she was at the capital. 

Elia suggested meeting at the dreadfort since Ned had made so many visits to sunspear for her. They sailed up the coast of the narrow sea, Faolan loved the water, loved the boat. Ran back and forth on the deck laughing. 

Elia didnt want to cross through Lannister territory, that was another reason why she didnt leave Dorne often. Their reach was vast and wide.

"Hunting, fishing, camping under the stars." Ned remarked. Ned had bought a small home said it was for their hunting trips but it was for Elia and Faolan and Jon. Oberyn docked the ship and Faolan ran out into the snow before shaking his head running right back to Elia. 

"Cold!" Faolan declared. 

"It's cold here, I told you that you needed a jacket!" Elia declared. 

"Cold! no jacket." Faolan corrected. 

"Yes jacket, I know we dont have to wear them too much at home." Elia agreed bundling him up. 

"Is Lena going to be there?" Jon questioned as he put his cloak on looking into the flurry of white. 

"I dont think Ned would be able to keep Lena from seeing you. I dont think an army could stop her." Elia agreed. Jon smiled grabbing Faolan's hand. 

"We get to celebrate your name with daddy." Elia remarked picking up Faolan once he looked like a marshmallow. 

"I three!" Faolan agreed. 

"Thats right!" Elia agreed. "Oberyn you coming with?" 

"No." Oberyn corrected. 

"Put some pants on and lets go." Elia corrected. 

"Elia, its fucking cold."

"Man up." Elia suggested. "Jon wait for me-" Elia begged. 

"I remember where the cabin is from the last time." Jon countered racing ahead. 

"Mum!" Lena grumbled. 

"This is bullshit!" Robb agreed. 

"Language." Catelyn scolded. 

"I want to go with, I'm 15. I'm old enough!" Lena demanded. "I went last year and a few moons back too! What's different now?" 

"Your attitude." Catelyn remarked. 

"Lies I have always had an attitude." Lena corrected. 

"And when you run off to go on these hunts with your father you have more of an attitude towards me when you return." Catelyn agreed. 

"I will be good." Lena begged. "Arya can come with, she can learn, she will keep me in line."

"Yes!" Arya agreed, jumping up. Arya had just had her 10th name day and she was so excited to be included in Lena and Robb's shenanigans.

"Please, please, please-" The girls begged. 

"You two are trouble together." Catelyn corrected. "Why can't you be more like Sansa?" Arya and Lena deadpanned and their heads turned to perfect little sansa, knitting away. Boring. 

"What fun is that?" Arya said as Lena echoed out. 

"I dont want to be her, I want to be me." Lena declared. 

"She's so boring, rules and knitting circles gah!" Arya went on. 

"Why should the boys get to have all the fun? Maybe I meet a man, a suitor and he falls in love with me because of my love of hunting and-" Lena went on. 

"I dont want a husband." Arya interjected. "I just want to go with."

"Ned, a little help?" Catelyn questioned. 

"Come on ladies, time to go." Ned agreed and Catelyn groaned out. 

"Thats' not what I meant!" Catelyn shouted. 

"Thats what I heard." Ned countered. "Come on then!" 

"Close the door its freezing outside!" Elia insisted. Jon closed the door taking a seat by the fire. "I can't believe that Oberyn is staying on the ship, floating to warmer weather while we are here." 

"He's picky." Jon reminded her. "He... is a dork." 

"That he is." Elia agreed as Faolan took a nap in her lap while they waited. Jon moved back to the window when he heard the wind whistling and hoped it was Lena but it was just the wind. He moved back to the fire and rubbed his hands together. Again he heard the whistling of the wind and ran back to the window. 

"Not her." Jon said disappointed. "It must have been the wind." 

"Now, you have to promise to keep a secret." Lena reminded Arya. 

"I can keep a secret." Arya agreed. 

"We are meeting our friends and mother doesnt like them so you can't tell her about them." Lena went on and Arya cocked her head. 

"Why doesnt mother like them?"  Arya questioned. 

"She just wouldnt understand." Ned cut in. 

"Understand what?" Arya pushed. 

"Princess Elia Martell." Robb informed her. 

"Oh!" Arya declared wide eyed. "Is she beautiful? I hear she is beautiful."

"She is stunning." Ned agreed before he could stop himself. Lena knew that she should have been rooting for her parents marriage but her mother was a tight ass and Elia was so much fun. Lena knew how much her father loved Elia and knew that the little boy, Faolan was her half brother. Ned never said it out loud, Elia either but she knew from the look in their eyes that it was true love because thats how she felt about Jon. 

"So you have to promise, you can't tell anyone Arya." Lena reminded her. 

"I promise." 

Arya's promise had Ned's legs weak and his brain flooding with memories. The day Jon was born, the day his sister died. She made him promise. Promise, promise... it echoed in his mind. 

"Dad?" Lena whispered grabbing his hand and pulling him from his memories. 

"I'm okay Lena." Ned assured shaking away the promises. "Look, we are almost there."

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant