5. Hostage

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Catelyn tended to Bran and Arya, Sansa helped her, she was a mini Catelyn in the making, had her same hair as well. Arya had hair like her father and hated dresses, and bows of all sorts. Sansa loved all things that glittered.

Catelyn didnt mind being alone for a few moons, she was used to it when Ned went to fight in Robert's wars, his many wars.

Catelyn was still young, she hoped that when Ned got back they would start working on another child, she didnt remember the last time they lay together. Ned often slept in a separate chambers, Catelyn didnt know why. They had a wonderful relationship but sometimes Ned was rather distant. She supposed all men went through this phase, she wondered if he was whoring with Robert now... no surely he wouldnt. SHe had the kids with him. Catelyn paced biting at her finger nails. She loved her husband, trusted him not to bring back a bastard, and if he fathered one or two in the capital so be it, she would show him that she was his wife, she would be the only one to love him right when he got home.


"I couldnt eat another bite." Ned declared patting his stomach.

"I could, you got any dessert?" Lena questioned leaning on the table.

"Goodness you must have an extra stomach," Elia teased.

"Daddy says the same thing." Lena agreed. Robb let out a belch that could shake the silverware before laughing out, Jon high fived him. Elia and Lena rolled their eyes. 

"It's so nice to have another girl here, Lena." Elia remarked running a hand through her hair. 

"You could come back to winterfell with us." Lena suggested. "Right daddy, you would want that." 

"I would want that." Ned agreed. "But princess Elia has responsibilities here and I think it is JOn you want back at winterfell more than you want the princess."  Lena looked to Jon as he finished his glass of wine, 11 years old and already drinking like his uncle Oberyn. 

"I mean yes, Jon would need to come with." Lena agreed slowly. 

"It's a lovely thought Lena, unfortunately I don't think your mother would like it." Elia offered innocently. 

"Why?" Lena countered as dessert was plated she smiled as a piece of lemon cake was placed before her. She dipped her finger in the whipped cream. "You just said how its nice having another girl, you would have mum and Sansa and little arya and me, thats a lot of female energy." Lena remarked. 

"SHe has a point." RObb agreed. "Lena's really smart." Lena nodded along.

"I am." she agreed as she sucked the whipped cream from her finger. 

"What if you stayed?" Oberyn cut in. "We can keep you hostage if it helps." Lena giggled. 

"You dont need to keep me hostage, I will stay." Lena assured and Oberyn chuckled leaning back in his chair. 

"Even better!" Oberyn agreed as he filled up Jons glass. "More Lena?" 

"No thank you, I dont like the taste of wine." Lena corrected. 

"I will have more!" Robb corrected. Ned put his hand over Robb's glass blocking it. 

"You dont need more wine." Ned corrected. "I allow them one glass on special occasions." Ned informed Oberyn. "I dont want a drunk Robb roaming around." 

"Ah, what fun are you? Elia you bring me an unfun guest." Oberyn teased. 

"It's responsible, they are young." Elia corrected. "I tried to keep wine from Jon but Oberyn has not a speck of self control." Oberyn's jaw dropped bringing a hand to his chest. 

"You wound me, I have control," Oberyn declared. "I will prove it." 

"No wine while the starks are here." Doran cut in. 

"That's..." Oberyn's smile fell. "How long are you staying? Gone in the morning?" He mused. 

"I thought you said I could be a hostage here?" Lena countered pouting back at him. 

"So, no wine forever? I am only a mere man I can't... thats a rude thing to give up." Oberyn declared. 

"Lord Stark, can I escort you to your chambers?" Elia pondered. Her fingers trilled over his shoulders. "Or mine?" Elia purred.

"I'm stuffed to the brim," Ned chuckled out but he met her gaze and thew his napkin down. "What the hell am I saying?" Ned questioned standing up. "Yes."

"Good answer." Elia agreed hooking her arm with his. "Jon you will look after Lena and Robb right?"

"I will be a perfect gentleman mum." Jon assured.

"My good boy." Elia agreed. "Come on Ned."

"Hands to yourself!" Ned called back to Jon as Elia pulled him away.

"Don't worry I am in charge." Oberyn agreed. Elia turned back to them. 

"Lena, you are in charge of all of them." Elia corrected Lena pumped her fists in the air. 

"You heard her, break out the chocolate we are going to party all night!" Lena agreed. 

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now