29. I Love You, But I Don't

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"I am going to miss you." Catelyn remarked as she hugged her children goodbye. Lena didnt know if she believed her or not. "Arya, be good for your father." Arya nodded hugging her. "Brandon, no climbing." Catelyn instructed. Bran smiled innocently back at her. "Robb my boy, take care of your father, keep him in line." Catelyn instructed. Robb glanced at Lena confused but nodded as he hugged her.  "Lena..." Lena waited as Catelyn hugged her gently. "Dont marry that Jon boy." 

Lena huffed a breath. 

"No climbing for Bran, listen to your father, keep father in line. You are going to be gone for moons to years, forever maybe and these are the last words you speak to your children?" Lena hissed. "And I will marry Jon because I love him. He is mine and I am his and we shall wed and you are not invited." Lena decided. 


"You should go. I love you mother but I also don't." Lena admitted. 

Sansa looked between them missing the fight, she was ignorant. She hugged Bran and Robb goodbye, stared back at Arya before looking to Lena. 

"Be good, take care of mother and don't think you have to marry that shit head prince." Lena informed her giving her a quick hug. Sansa stared back at her. 

"He is the future king and I am to be his queen." Sansa corrected, clearly upset and extremely flustered. 

"Then good luck to the both of you. Enjoy the south." Lena agreed. "Come on Bran, we have trees to climb." Lena declared. 

"Lena!" Catelyn demanded. Bran waved goodbye before running to the tree. Lena dropped before lady and rubbed her head. 

"You feel free to bite Joffrey and the stupid king whenever you want." Lena whispered kissing her long snout. But Lady was a sweet wolf she wouldnt hurt anyone. 

''Ned control your daughter." Catelyn demanded. Ned glanced back at Lena sure she was showing the wolf more attention than she did Catelyn or sansa. "She is a menace." 

"Have a safe trip." Ned offered hugging Sansa. "Write me all the time." He knew sansa wouldnt. Sansa and him never saw eye to eye, her and catelyn were anti Ned and anti fun it seemed. 

"Goodbye father. Next time you see me might be my wedding," Sansa realized. 

"Dont grow up too much." Ned instructed. Sansa smiled running to the carriage. "Catelyn... be careful." Ned offered. 

"Dont let the children push you around and I want those Martells gone." Catelyn demanded. 

"And off you get before they leave without you." ned instructed turning her around. 

"And Lena needs a handle on her. I dont like Jon, I won't allow her to marry him."

"I already gave my blessing to Jon. Bye Catelyn." Ned corrected. 

"You what?" Catelyn demanded. 

"Have fun at the capital. Write me when you get there. Let me know who robert picked for hand." Ned offered waving her off. Catelyn huffed a breath getting into the carriage. Ned heard her complaining to sansa before they even got out the gates. 

Lena smirked. 

"Not yet... three... two... one." Ned corrected as the gates closed, the royal family and sansa and Catelyn, gone. 

"Freedom!" Lena declared happily. 

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now