16. Snow Angels

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"As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you: You worry too much. It's starting to show." Jaime remarked.

"And you never worry about anything. When we were seven, you jumped off the cliffs as Casterly Rock. One hundred foot drop into the water. And you were never afraid." Cersei countered.

"There was nothing to be afraid of until you told father. We're Lannisters. Lannisters don't act like fools." Jaime mocked.

"What if Jon Arryn told someone?" Cersei murmured.

"But who would he tell?" Jaime questioned.

" My husband."

" If he told the king, both our heads would be skewered on the city gates by now. Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him. And Robert will choose a new Hand of the king, someone to do his job while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores. Or is it the other way around? And life will go on." Jaime assured.

" You should be the Hand of the king." Cersei remarked bringing a hand to his cheek

"That's an honor I can do without. Their days are too long, their lives are too short."


"What did you name the pups?" Ned questioned.

"Avalon and ghost."

"Ghost for a certain... Jon?" Ned pondered. Lena blushed.

"ANd Faolan, he deserves a direwolf too." Lena assured. "They are going to be huge by the next time we see them." she realized.

"It hasnt been that long." Ned offered.

"7 moons and a fortnight." Lena corrected. "It feels like forever! What did you do?"

"What did I do?" Ned questioned.

"Clearly you did something and they dont want to see us!" Lena agreed as she flicked her wrist the wolves sat before her. she tossed them a bit of meat as a treat.

I fucked Elia into oblivion while you and Faolan had a sleepover, Ned thought, that wasnt bad. That was great, Elia agreed.

"I dont know, I will write her again." Ned offered.

"Please do. I miss Jon terribly."

"I miss them too." Ned agreed. "Have you been to your training your lessons at all this week?" Ned pondered.

"Um... define been to lessons?" Lena mused.

"Lena,' Ned tsked.

"I was doing more important things." Lena assured.


"Training Faolans future wolf." Lena answered without missing a beat. Ned looked to Ghost and Avalon again.

"Avalon is a pretty girl and I dont think ghost is the runt,"

"Of course theon was wrong." Lena teased lightheartedly. "Ghost is going to be bigger than the lot of them," lena informed him.

"Dont let your mother find out." Ned instructed. "That you are missing lessons like arya."

"I tried bribing the septa once. It didnt work." Lena informed him honestly.

"Did you?" Ned tried to keep a straight face but he laughed out. "What did you do instead?"

"Told her robb was training me and I didnt like her attitude."  Lena decided.

"Didnt like the septas attitude?" Ned continued to laugh.

"She scowled. You know the one-" lenas face skewed up. "And shouted. Then I did the wounded puppy look and threatened to tell you and bam. Off the hook," ned brought a hand to her shoulder.

Hands To Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia MartellUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum