18 - The Right Arm

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"Do you think this is really the Right Arm?" Minho questioned, climbing into the backseat with me, Rye, and Newt.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Newt groaned as he tried to fit himself in the small space.

"I don't trust them." Minho decided.

"Well, you don't trust anyone, so.." Newt chuckled but then grunted again.

"Newt, just sit down." Minho sighed and looked at the struggling boy.

"Do you see any space here?" Newt managed to say, almost crawling up in a ball.

"Sit on someone's lap," Minho ordered. "Not Jane's, though. We don't want her to suffocate."

"I think if I sit on literally anyone's lap, they'll all suffocate." Newt realized.

"Maybe we should let Jane sit on someone's lap then," Rye suggested out of a sudden, which caused the two boys to stare at him for a few seconds.
"I mean, she's smaller."

"I suppose I take that as a compliment?" I raised my eyebrows, then chuckled before furrowing them again. If I had to be the one to sit on someone's lap, that meant touch. Touch was fine with those boys, I hoped. They wouldn't hurt me anyways. But it would be weird to sit on Minho or Newt their laps, because.. just no. I didn't want to sit on my crush's lap.

"Alright." I sighed and got off my seat so Newt could sit there. Minho's mouth opened, but before he even got the chance to say something, Rye took my sign and pulled me onto his lap, his hands taking my waist.

I shivered but didn't stop him. I had to get used to it anyways, yet I scooted forward a little more, so I was more on Rye's knees than his lap.

Seeming offended, Newt and Minho stared at us. Especially Minho looked pissed.
"Hands don't involve with lap sitting," Minho commented at Rye.

"What?" We asked in unison, confused as Minho's eyes twitched at us.

"Just saying." He muttered and gave Rye a dirty glance before averting his head.

I turned my head to look at Rye. "Not suffocating?"

He laughed. "Nope. Just relax."

I snorted a bit nervous and embarrassed by my position but also felt comfortable around Rye.

"How long?" Minho questioned Harriet who sat in front of us.

"Five minutes." She replied.

"Five minutes of goddamn torture," Minho muttered under his breath, and to be honest, he was annoying me.

Newt pushed Minho with his elbow lightly as I turned my head and stared straight forward, a sudden feeling of the hands pressing down my body forming.

No, no, no... I begged in my head, hoping I wouldn't get anything like a flashback. It's just Rye.

Slowly my breathing sped up, chest tightening a bit. I tried to swallow the fear away, which of course, did not work.

"Rye, what are you doing with Jane?" Minho snapped when he saw my face get pale.

"Nothing." He said simply before leaning in. "You okay, Star?"

I nodded quickly. "Are we almost there?" I peeped. Still, I wasn't afraid of Rye, but I felt my body tense up.

"Just a little more," Newt assured, carefully taking my hand and giving it a squeeze in the hope to comfort me, what he kind of did.

I breathed in and out, my heartbeat starting to slow down. And the only thing I could think of was how embarrassing it was, especially in front of those boys. I couldn't even handle a small touch for more than a minute!

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ✭ TST Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now