15 - People Help The People

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A/N: Just a quick thank you for
and all your help with my writing and giving ideas/support ❤️❤️


"The hell Newt!" I woke up by Frypan's yells and immediately noticed I wasn't in the Brit's arms anymore. "There's no need to break your bottle of water! It's a waste, we barely have any."

I heard Newt grunt before I got up myself and walked over to the Gladers. "Morning."

Newt rushed over to me. "You okay?"

I smiled lightly. "Fine." Then I looked past his shoulder, some bottles lying on the ground and water leaking out of them.

"Uh.." Newt scratched the back of his head and didn't explain why he threw those things. "Let's just start walking."
And so we did.

At some point, I decided to walk over to Jorge and ask him where exactly we were going, so again, I did. 

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked once I walked next to the darker-skinned man.

He scratched his grey beard. "Looking for a man. His name is Marcus. Brenda knows where to go, so if they're still alive, they went to Marcus."

"And where is this Marcus?" I added.

"In the city, town, whatever you want to call it," Jorge explained.

"There are still cities left?" I gasped. Those Flares seemed to have ruined everything, I thought, at least.

"A few." Jorge sighed. "But barely."

"Alright." I nodded and stayed silent for the rest of the walk, though I never left Jorge's side.

"Take a break, you guys," Jorge ordered after about an hour. Everyone sat down and grabbed their backpacks. Just then I noticed I ran out of food, so just looked around boringly.

"Where's your food?" Rye asked.

"Ran out." I shrugged.

He grabbed a plastic bag filled with a sandwich and handed it to me. "Here."

I tried to stop it, but my cheeks got red anyway. "Thank you." Gladly I started eating. I hadn't noticed how hungry I was until then.

Minho stared at me and then Rye, face and eyes blank, though his eyebrows furrowed. He sighed and muttered something under his breath.

"Which way do we go, Jorge?" Teresa questioned before taking a sip of her own water.

"Sixty-nine degrees North." He replied.

The food almost fell out of my food and I gave Minho a glance, whose grin started to appear, and soon did mine. Later we burst out laughing, Newt and everyone giving us weird stares.

"What the hell is that about?" Newt frowned deeply.

I laughed even louder as my face turned bright red.
"Nothing," Minho assured.

With some last giggles I finished most of my food and put the plastic bag in my pocket, getting up from the ground.

"Jane, you got a little.." Rye motioned at my mouth.

Embarrassed I tried to wipe whatever was on it away, but it didn't seem to work, since Rye took some steps toward me. Carefully he wiped it away with his thumb, luckily not eating it after like Minho did.

"Thanks." I blushed.

He gave me a nod and together we followed Jorge, ignoring Minho's glances.

"You doing alright, Star?" Rye questioned. "With Newt yesterday.."

"I told him." I met Rye's blue eyes. "Everything."

His eyes started to twinkle. "Really? That's really good of you, Jane."

I smiled and looked down. "Thanks, Rye."

"I'm serious. It's very hard to just talk about that, so I'm proud you told me and Newt." Rye added sweetly.

I laughed and kept on walking, thinking about the relationship Rye and I had, and before I knew it, I blurted it out. "Hey, Rye.. what are we?"

"Tiny humans on a Scorched world." He said without even thinking for a second. "Oh, never mind."

I chuckled, but then raised my eyebrows.
"Friends, right?" He lowered his voice.

I nodded in full confidence. "Of course. I was just making sure."

He smiled. "I'm glad we met, though. I don't know if I would've survived with only Cyra and if we would ever find this Right Arm."

"Lots of confidence you have." I chuckled. "But we gotta get Thomas and Brenda first, so don't get yourself too excited. I don't know if we'll find the Right Arm either."

Rye was about to reply, but Jorge interrupted.

"We arrived in the town! Try to fit in, so don't do anything weird." He ordered. I hadn't even noticed we got at the destination, but then looked around.

The ground was rock hard from dried sand, buildings were fallen apart, tents were set up, people sat in front of a fire, baked food, and so much more things that broke my heart. The world had turned so awful.

"Come on." Rye motioned for me to walk further.

As I walked, I stared at the shocking town. So many little kids were there. Some of them ran around, others sat on the ground or walked hand in hand with an adult.

Jorge walked in front of us and we followed, but it was hard for me to walk past the thin kids. It looked like they hadn't eaten anything in days, with dirt all over their faces, and body so tiny.

Eventually, eye caught a girl who was maybe five years old sitting in a corner, an older, grey-haired woman next to her. It looked so sad, that I got in action.

"Jane, what are you doing?" Rye asked when I walked over to them, putting my backpack out.

"Hey." I ignored Rye and talked quietly, trying not to scare them. "Would you like this?"
I looked the girl in her big, brown eyes as I held half of the sandwich Rye gave me in front of the two.

She nodded shyly and took the food out of my hands. When she gave the woman a part of it, my heart broke even worse, but it also made me happy.

"Thank you." The woman said with a raspy voice, like she hadn't talked in days.

I smiled brightly. "Here." I gave them my water bottle too. The little girl's eyes opened wide in desire for the water as the woman gladly took it from me too.

The woman looked at the little girl, whose eyes were twinkling by now.
"Come on, honey. Say thank you."

"Thank you." She whispered.

I smiled even bigger but had to get up before my emotions took over. I was literally about to cry. I wished I could take them with me, give them a better place and more food, but I couldn't. I knew that. No one would approve of it, and it would be more work for us, though I didn't really mind that.

"Take care." I nodded before I walked back to Rye and Newt, who were patiently waiting for me with a smile planted on their faces.

I sniffed and blinked the tears away. "Let's go."

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