ch 5: Howlers and Jam covered toast

Start from the beginning

          "Do you reckon we let them rest?" Theo asked, Harry and him were fully dressed and ready for the day.

          Harry smirked, "No, we wouldn't want them to be late, now would we? And what better way to kick off the school year with a little prank?" He asked, looking over at the other 12 year old innocently. Theo just chuckled, shaking his head.

          "What if we get in trouble though?" Theo then asked, he liked staying out of messes.

          "Blame it on me, I'll take the fall." Harry stated, confident as ever. Theo shook his head again, amazed how quickly Harry was to take the fall if it went wrong. "You don't have to, you can go to breakfast." He quickly assured, "Don't feel pressured."

          "Sorry Harry, I really just can't." Theo said, feeling a little bad, "But next time, I will, promise. I just don't want to get in trouble on the first day of classes." Harry patted his back and assured him it would be fine, then watched the brunette leave. Harry had work to do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slight time skip:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

           Harry was running, and running fast. He was laughing though. He was scrambling to the Great Hall, two soaked boys in pajamas behind him, shouting in anger. He ran into the Hall, breathing heavy, all eyes on him. "Pottah!!!!!!" He heard from just out the hall, and in that moment, he knew he was screwed. Draco only pronounced Harry's last name like that when he was quite pissed, which he found out when he did things that the blond disapproved of.

          Harry slid into a seat beside Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, two of his friends from first year, hoping Draco would go to the Slytherin table. He didn't. Harry wasn't that worried about Blaise, but Draco hated getting his hair wet, he always fussed that when it was wet he had a harder time styling it, yet spent twenty extra minute washing his hair everyday, which Harry didn't understand. "Harry. Potter." Draco stumbled behind him, out of breath.

          "Yes, my wonderful, amazing, blond friend?" Harry said innocently, hoping the flattery would work. Draco just glared, meaning it did, before sitting beside him, quite close, but they always sat close to each other. They finally had something to lose, a best friend, but they would never ever admit it to each other, that would be absurd. 

          As they started to eat, a red envelope flew through the air, before landing in front of Ron, who drained white. Harry was confused, what was it, Draco snickered, earning a swat on the arm from both Harry and Hermione. "What is it Ron?" Harry asked.

          "Yeah, what is it, Weasley?" Draco mocked Ron.

          Ron glared at the blond for a moment. "I-It's a howler....."

~~~~~~~~~~Ron's 1st person POV (I think he's a new pov...)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          I glared at Malfoy for a moment, forgetting my situation, I really hated him sometimes, just like how my dad hated his. They were annoying, and apparently, they stole friends, Harry barely spent time with us, all because Malfoy took up his time, it was like he was a needy pet. But Harry enjoyed him around, so I stayed friendly, no, not friendly, Hermione knew a better word for it, but I was blanking. I turned back to Harry. "I-It's a Howler..." I gulped.

         "And that is-" Harry asked but got cut off.

          "I ignored one from my Gran once" Butted in Neville "It was really bad, you shouldn't wait." I agreed, so I opened the letter, and it turned into a mouth and started to talk with my mother's voice. 

          It shrieked "Ronald Weasley! How DARE you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted. Your father's facing an inquiry at work, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." It blew a raspberry at my face then shredded itself to pieces, I looked around at all of the people staring at me. I couldn't tell if my face was paler than Nearly Headless Nick, or as red as my family's hair, but I could see the suppressed laughter on Malfoy's face. 

          'One day, I'll get back at you bloody git.' I thought bitterly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry's POV again~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Harry looked around, everyone was quiet, until a voice broke it. "As you were saying before this interruption Blaise?" Theo said while sipping his orange juice and looking up from his copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry was grateful and he hoped Ron was too, but Ron just turned from white to red. Chatter slowly started to pick up, but everyone was still on edge from the howler. What a brilliant first morning back.

Hello everyone, I am so sorry I've taken so long to update, there are two reasons for that, the first was me being in Washington DC and the second is that I get anxious when showing my writings to others, I get scared it isn't good enough or people won't enjoy it. It makes me nervous especially with how the Harry Potter fandom is so vast and wide. There are a lot pf people and it's like when you have to stand in front of the class to give a presentation and sometimes you freeze under pressure, a lot have people have read my book and I don't want to let anyone down, or miss anything and make the reading experience bad. I will try hard to update regularly and I am going to make a schedule, because I really like it when I can write and get comments and feed back.

On a more positive note, we got a little Theo time, which is nice bringing him into the story a bit more, also, since I want everyone's voice on this (Though I know many might not want to and that makes a lot of sense) what other ships you would be interested seeing. We all know that Drarry is going to bloom as I progress hence the title but I don't want it to be like BOOM! you like him, I want them to start as friends first. But please let me know what you want to see so far as ship wise and I'll try to add it in and if I don't add your ship I'm sorry in advance.

sorry for the ranting Q&A time:

Q: Favorite color

A: Lavender 

(Side question: Anyone watch The Owl House?)

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