14) Sawyers background' pt 2

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Sawyer covered his chest shying away. "Don't stare you pervert!" he turned around, "You're the one walking around without a shirt" you retorted, looking away as well.

"I like to sleep without one" He huffed in response. "This isn't your house to be walking around without one" You threw one of your sweaters at Sawyer. He caught it and laughed.

"Im your guest, treat me with some respect!" he shouted. "Not if you're not gonna treat me with respect, and don't yell there's neighbors!" You got off your bed.

"You're yelling at me right now!" Sawyer shouted putting your sweater on. "That's because you started it" You replied a bit more quiet.

Sawyer huffed in response, He opened his mouth before you cut him off. "Didn't you say you were tired? Go to bed."

Sawyer shook his head,"Nope, I lied".

You rolled your eyes at that. Getting off your bed you began shoving Sawyer out of your room.

He threw his head back, sticking both hands onto both sides of the door frame.

You groaned at that, he was as stiff as a rock. "Sawyer c'mon go to bed" He shook his head.

"Why don't you wanna go to sleep?" You gave up on trying to push him. "I wanna spend more time with Y/N" Sonder said looking over his shoulder.

"Tomorrow" You replied. "Can we watch a movie?" Sawyer whined, "Then I'll go to bed".

You thought for a moment before sighing, "Fine, but only one movie".

Sawyer jumped at that, "What movie should we watch!?", He turned to face you.

You hummed in response, "Dunno, you can choose". Sawyer pouted, "I want to watch what Y/N wants to watch". You walked past him towards the living room.

"I'm fine with anything", you began to pull up Netflix on the T.V. Scrolling through the options of different shows and movies.

"Let's choose a random one", you turned to look at Sawyer. He was currently on his phone. His brows were furrowed and a scowl rested on his face.

He must've noticed your staring as he looked up and smiled at you. "Sure", You turned back around clicking a random movie.

It began to play as you made your way to the light switch. Turning off all the lights in the house you settled on the opposite side of the couch away from Sonder.

You grabbed the pillow next to you, placing it on your lap, and curling up around it.

Soon you began to get immersed into the movie. Ignoring the tense atmosphere Sawyer had swirling around him.

He gripped the pillow next to him, paying no mind to the movie Infront of him. Although he tried to, but the constant buzz snapping his attention away from the movie and onto his phone kept it from happening.

"Are you alright?", your voice snapped Sawyer out of his thoughts. He thought for a moment. A small grin forming onto his face, "I'm just so stressed, I can't focus". He sighed into his hands.

"Is that why your phone keeps buzzing?", You tilted your head at Sawyer. "Yeah", He began inching closer to you. Ignoring the concerned look on your face.


"Can you hold me?", Sawyer was now face to face with you. The light from the T.V illuminating his face, his eyes stared into yours. "Please,Y/N" His voice breathy. "That's all I ask of you right now". He cupped your cheek, a small pout forming.

You looked away, "I..." You took a deep breath. "Okay", your eyes met his.

Sawyer smiled ear to ear, his heart couldn't help but flutter a bit. "You're so kind Y/N", Sawyer whispered. You readjusted yourself. Sawyer wrapped his arms around you, placing his head onto your chest.

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