6) Arcade

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"I won again, You suck!" Sawyer shouted. The gun in his hand rattled as he struck a pose."I'm just so gifted!"

"You're just so annoying" You grumbled under your breath. "What's that!?" Sonder leaned in a hand placed beside his ear.

"I hear a sore loser!" Sawyer jumped back before you could reply.

The arcade music was nothing compared to his shouting. You sighed, "Let's find a different game" you placed the gun in its holder.

"I'll destroy you no matter what game we play" He threw the gun into the holder then running to catch up on you.

Your eyes examined all the games they all looked fun to play. Some more difficult than others.

Your eyes landed on a racing game. The bright colors flashed around the font reading Go! Go! Race!, you quickly approached it.

Seating yourself quickly and waiting for Sawyer who had the card. He took his seat beside you and leaned over to swipe the card.

You watched intensely, you really wanted to give Sawyer a taste of his own medicine.

"Choose your car!" A man shouted through the speakers of the game. You scrolled through the different options.

Each car had different special abilities. One could throw bombs, another could, etc.

Each could be used once throughout the race. You pondered what would be the best option.

'What would Sawyer choose?' You peeked over at his screen. He chose super speed.

You looked back at your screen. One option stuck out the most. Flying. You chose it.

"Flying? wouldn't that slow you down?" Sawyer leaned over staring at your screen. You glared at him ready to push him away.

Before you could he snapped back to his regular position once he heard the countdown.





You both speed off. Approaching an
obstacle the man shouted, "Sharp Turns Ahead! Watch out!". You took a small breath.

Trying your best to maneuver around the walls was too difficult to dodge. This slowed you down of course.

You watched as Saywers vehicle sped pass you once you hit a wall. You grumbled under your breath.

Backing up from the wall and speeding back onto the track you finally got back into the rhythm of the game. You were slowly catching up to him.

Sawyer took a glance at you. "You look so serious right now!" He laughed, "I wonder what face you'll make when you lose" He cooed.

This gave you even more determination to beat him. You both maneuvered through different obstacles.

Some more easier than others, these helping to slowly close the gap between you and Sonder.

Both of you were finally on your last lap. "Get Your Win!" The man shouted.

"If I win..." Sawyer paused "If I win you gotta listen to what I tell you to do"

You crashed into another wall.

"And if I win you have to listen to what I tell you to do" You repeated. He giggled "Doesn't look like you'll be winning"

He sped pass you once more. You grumbled getting back onto the track. Now a good distance behind him.

You took a glance at his screen watching him glide through the track and it's obstacles.

The distance between you starting to become vast as you began to lose focus.

'He'll probably make me repay him back for all the money he spent on me' You swerved through the obstacles. 'I don't have that kind of money' You sweat dropped.

"What the hell!" Sawyer slammed his fist onto the wheel. "I hate this one" He grumbled.

You smiled, Sawyer had finally made it to the one obstacle out of the whole race. Stab, the obstacle had randomized sharp points come out of the ground.

Since they were randomized you both struggled to get through it. This part of the race normally took whoever was in the lead and placed them farther behind. You grinned, an idea popping up.

As you watched his car flip back up once more you smashed your finger onto the power up button.

Your car rose as it flew past Saywers. In no time you were over the obstacle now ahead of Sonder.

You giggled when you peeked over at him. All his focus now on the screen. You noted the intimidating look he had on as you turned back to your screen.

The finish line wasn't too far. You watched as it got closer and closer. Your smile growing bigger and bigger. Now a few meters away you took a peek at Sawyer. He was smiling.

You snapped your head at the steering wheel in front of you noticing the sudden pressure of Sawyers hand clasped around your wrist.

Ripping it away from the steering wheel. You panicked as your vehicle crashed into a stand. His getting closer to the finish line.

Trying to get back onto the track with your other hand while trying to pull your wrist away from his hand caused you to panic, you watched hopelessly as he sped pass you and through the finish line.


The voice echoed through your head. You stared at the screen in front of you.


Eyes wide, your mouth slightly agape as you snapped your head up at Sawyer.

He chuckled, "I won"

"Why would you do that?! You cheated!" You glared at him.

"I didn't want you to win" He stood up, "Let's go play some basketball!" he reached a hand out to you.

You ignored it standing up. You were practically fuming inside. 'What the fuck'.

"Such a sore loser" Sawyer rolled his eyes. "You cheated!" you snapped back. He threw his hands up.

"I didn't want you to win I told you"
You scoffed, "That doesn't mean you should resort to cheating, You're the sore loser if anything"

Sawyer shrugged his shoulders, leaning over to pat your shoulder he flashed you a toothy grin "I still won"

"I don't care I'm not going through with the deal, cheater" You rolled your eyes. "It's alright" He turned walking towards the basketball game.

You followed behind him. You both stood at your own game.

Sawyer swiped the card for the both of you. The game started, you had 1 minute to try and score the most hoops you can.

You and Sawyer were scoring around the same amount of hoops.


Miss/make it.

wait for the ball.


cycle after cycle, you sighed.

Not wanting to wait for the ball to reach you, you quickly swiped one of Sawyers.

"Oi!" He tried to reach for it. You held it away as you shot it into your hoop. Making it right as the time ended. You cheered throwing your hands in the air.

"54!" You giggled. Sawyer was 1 point behind you. You smirked at him, He scoffed.

"Just giving you a taste of your own medicine" You grinned at him. "Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

"We have a couple more minutes left, let's go" He walked off. You quickly followed behind.


Another finished!

I'm low-key jus making up stuff along the way •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

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