8) Lucent

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You closed your front door behind you as you kicked off your shoes.

You made your way towards your room, throwing your stuff on your bed and opening the curtains.

As the sun enveloped your room you made your way towards your closet.

humming a catchy song you began to look through the options of clothes you had.

You settled on a comfy outfit. You turned and walked out of your room towards your bathroom.

You excitedly threw your clothes off and hopped into the tub. Turning the faucet you watched the water pour out.

You sat down enjoying the warmth of the water as you sat back.

'This is refreshing' You let out a sigh. 'Today really was exhausting'

Sawyer didn't act how you expected him to. He seemed to always have something up his sleeve and he always wanted to get what he wanted.

He reminded you of a little kid. You sunk lower into the tub remembering how much he tricked you today.

it's hard to tell when he's being genuine and when he isn't. You let out a small huff as you sat up. Not wanting to take too long in the bath you began to bathe yourself.


it was currently 6pm, you were bored  to say the least. You had done what you could to catch up on homework and chores were all finished.

You layed sprawled out on your bed. You noticed your phone out of the corner of your eye.

A certain someone had popped into mind.

You quickly sat up and reached for your phone. Opening your contacts and scrolling you stopped at a certain number.

You held your breath as you began to text it.

Hi it's the girl from the clothing shop.
I'm Y/N.

I remember you, I'm Lucent. I apologize for not introducing myself when we first met.

You're good dw
I was being rushed so I couldn't catch your name

You saved Lucents number.

Yeah, I was also a bit of a mess.

If you're comfortable with me asking
why were you crying?

Ah, my mother passed away today

You stared at your screen, shocked.

I'm very sorry for your loss

Thank you, I knew she would pass but It was unexpected. I had gotten the text message in the middle of clothes shopping. It must've been very weird to see me crying in the middle of a clothing store lol.

I'm sorry to hear that, if I were in your position I would've cried in the middle of the store as well. I hope you and your family are getting the rest and support they need.

Thank you, although my mother was my only family. I don't have anyone else to talk to. I had just moved here with her to get better help for her. Now that she's passed I feel alone, when you approached me at the shop I felt a bit relieved. I'm deeply grateful to have you listen to me vent.

You stared at the message shocked. You felt sorry for Lucent, he was going through a lot.

I'm glad to be some sort of relief to you, Im here if you need to vent about anything. If you ever feel alone I'm always open to chat

Thank you, Y/N

You clicked off your phone setting it next to you. 'Maybe I should ask Lucent to hang out soon', You thought.

You turned over closing your eyes.


This chapter is shorter then my regular ones but I did have no motivation to write ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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